why is the world so cruel

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Jun 2, 2013
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So for me, people are just mean to me, but what confuses me too is that people just will NOT come to my house or give me anything posiitve. Do others have this same problem? I live in a pretty nice house by myself...living alone I YEARN for company but the strange thing is if people know this, instead of coming over and being positive and having fun, they decide they either won't come over, or won't stay or if they do come they'll be negative and weird. People also seem to use this to control my emotions and even make fun of me or my place-- which makes no sense. I want to have guests over, cook etc but it won't happen coupled with the fact that I have no friends makes it harder. I have pets and they yearn to have people over too but people seem to just want me to be ALONE. This is upsetting and confusing. My place is also a super fun place...i have a pool table etc too and still people just will NOT come over. The only jerks that come over are males from the internet who are hoping to get laid...that's it and it's a nightmare. Even one guy...he would drop me off...but purposely NOT go into my place--he knew..that I wanted someone over and made it a mission not to even step inside-- it was so weird sick and rude. He made it seem like it was b/c of my cats, but he'd go to his other friend's place who had cats. I don't get why people treat me like a leper or something and only try to use or abuse me nothing else or "get something from me", use me keep things from me. People treat me very cruelly that's it. like they'll do fun things with each other but if i suggest to do it they'll purposely not do it then harp on how badly i want it but if they are with each other they'll do all types of things...and people come over ot my house and find ways to INSULT me or it...rather than be positive kind...just INSULTING me all the time....why??

Also my sister has like 1000 friends, but for some odd reason i can't manage to make even ONE friend. I haven't had a female friend in so many years i dont even know how to interact with women b/c they all hate me to such extremes theres nothing i can do about it. Male friends well- men hang out hoping to get 'laid' apparently that's it. Then when they realize they won't, they bail. this is a REALLY hard and disturbing social life. Worse, any SOCIAL environment im in that involves "people" i get ignored or mistreated or treated oddly. So even if i TRY to meet people it won't happen either. My job is a nightmare and EVERYONE ignores me but hates me b/c i won't talk to them but i hate them b/c they won't talk to me but no one will budge and break the ice so im thinking f*k them. However, THEYRE the ones who give me all the attention so i don't get why they can't break the ice....and chat with me but they jsut won't. But this job has been one of the worst where ive been there almost a year and NO ONE talks to me...but they ALL stare at me, treat me oddly..talk crap about me...but will NEVER talk to me-- it seems people get off on dominating me, oppressing me, taking away my personal power, my voice. If i attempt to talk to them they treat me as if im speaking a foreign language..lean their stupid heads in and say "WHAT??? WHAT DID U SAY"??? rudely...treating me as if im stupid...this is my interaction with "MOST" people. normal people don't treat me this way but sick weird and jealous people do. At my job it's the worst--its just being bullied by creeps who are inferior to you. Everyone just has "ISSUES" with me for some reason...my presence though I look like a kind sweet angel and am a kind sweet angel---people just hate me with a passion and seem to want to torment me or pick on me. They take away every aspect of my personal power and it's really messed up. just basic interactions with ANY human are a nightmare...but i don't wnt to avoid people b/c im SO alone but people avoid me.

I'm a very caring and loving person. I'm genuine too and i genuinely care about people, however, all I find are people who are extremely cruel to me, jealous of me or really mean to me and abusive. It's like a bizarre irony taht everyone else out there has friends...shallow people mean people but a very caring nice sweet person can't make any friends? i also meet the biggest creeps psychos and losers who have plenty of frineds...it's like a parallel universe or something...if you are evil or have no soul you'll make friends easily, but if you are a genuine good person you can't meet anyone and people stay away from you. Also I'm accepting of ANYONE but oddly NO ONE is accepting of me..i find this irony strange--when I go out with people or any internet jerk IM the one doing the entertaining...the jerk is treating me badly, or quiet or rude to me. Why do people feel they can be this way to others?? im nice asking questions being friendly..and people even insult or put me down. There is nothing I can do to make friends...as I'm one of the nicest people I think around...so in the end...im just alone.

i find it IMPOSSIBLE to make frneds...though i am outgoing and i can be friends with ANYONE i find it odd how no one wants to be friends with me, but if it's my sister wow....she has friends all over the world. If it involves my sister people will get MAD at her if she comes into town and doesn't msg them. How strange??? for me...i live in the same town as these people and they've never even talked to me or cared and if i go to their house with my sister for some reason they never talk to me? people OUTCAST me and the worst part is...their outcasting has succeeded in leaving me totally alone and DESTROYING me. it's weird...how OTHERS can control your life it seems?? I used to think...oh gosh...these girls didnt include me in their group and as a result im totally alone and its true??? why are people so CRUEL to me when im a great and awesome person??? My brothers ex wife lived in the same town as me and NEVER visited or talked to me..how RUDE??? but if my sister or mother were in town she'd hang out with them. Also my brothers ex wife never called me but only called my mother/sister. my sister got married secretly last year in this weird thing and my whole family knew about it except me? no one calls me or texts me...i have NO ONE in life. I go on these weird chat lines b/c i freak out and need advice b/c my life is being misteated by random people and i have to attempt to get advice from creepy shallow males on chatlines...what kind of horrid life is that???

Its hard to be in your 30's and sociable and not have ANYONE to call. it's scary..my life is just frightening. ive tried finding a BF and its impossible too--- just meet weirdos and freaks off the internet who are low lifes liars and jerks. careerwise nothing great...i have great potential but can't seem to do anything due to "OTHER PEOPLE." anything that involves OTHER people is a problem for me because of how people treat me. People seem to HATE my presence or my presence just causes controversy...all types of things happen once im somewhere...but it's like i unintentionally take center stage adn everything revolves around me being there--mostly negativity. People get off on outcasting me but ironically i would NEVER outcast anyone. im the kind of person who if i had friends i'd include EVERYONE. im all abouit positivity and love and kindness...however ironically...EVERYONE seeks to ISOLATE and outcast ME. i find this to be so strangely ironic....if i had a group of friends i'd grab every OUTCASTED person and include them but for some odd IRONIC reason i have NO friends and EVERYONE outcasts me and seems to get off on it or get pleasure from it. People are also EXTREMELY cruel to me and feel as if they have the RIGHT to abuse me which makes no sense...im kind pretty and sweet and smart...why abuse a kind sweet person? i don't get it but this is how people treat me-- as if you're the geek in school being bullied by the world...ie the world is my bully.....

i have been alone for 15 years....i managed to make ONE friend who was using me to get men in clubs and that's it and when she moved she cruelly cut ties by leading me on making me think she was coming to visit me but just lying to me for no reason? people are just MEAN and i don't know why? for me i love positivity and i seek to enjoy life and be positive but only find liars and psychos everywhere....then i met a man who tortured me for 5 years in the cruellest ways i cant get into the hell story. all ive wanted ALL my life is a boyfriend and i cant find ONE man to date on this planet??? it's crazy and im beautiful and nice....i feel like my life is controlled by malicious forces that seek to make sure i am always alone...and no matter how hard i try to make friends it just won't happen
jenn9922 said:
im beautiful and nice....i feel like my life is controlled by malicious forces that seek to make sure i am always alone...and no matter how hard i try to make friends it just won't happen

I'm sorry to hear about all this honeysuckle that's happening in your life... as I've read in this thread and the other threads you made.

One can be nice and beautiful inside out, but behaviour-wise? You sound very very worked up, does this come out when you interact with people? You can still be nice but so worked up that you pretty much rant out the things you wrote here to people.. it can drive people away.

I dunno.. just wondering.
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