You're crazy...

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Well-known member
Jun 28, 2011
Reaction score
Georgia, US
You're crazy.
You're insane.
You're nuts.
You're too sensitive.
You're overreacting.
You're too emotional.
You take things too seriously.
You’re defensive.
You're unbalanced.
Calm down.
Chill out.
You’re so dramatic.
Just get over it already!

Sound familiar?

Do you ever hear any of these from your spouse, significant other, boss, friends, or relatives after you have expressed frustration, sadness, or anger about something they have done or said?

This is the sort of emotional manipulation that defines people as crazy, irrational, overly sensitive, unhinged, etc.

Those who engage in this kind of behavior create a reaction—whether it’s anger, frustration, sadness—in the person they are dealing with. Then, when that person reacts, the instigator makes them feel uncomfortable and insecure by behaving as if their feelings aren’t rational or normal.

No wonder some people are unconsciously passive aggressive when expressing anger, sadness, or frustration. They have been subjected to this behavior so often that they can no longer express themselves in a way that feels authentic to them.

Just because you don't understand what someone is feeling or why they're feeling a certain way, doesn't make them crazy, unstable, etc.
Just because you don't understand why they express their feelings and emotions the way they do, doesn't mean they are overreacting or are being too sensitive.
Everyone has a way of expressing themselves.

Here's a quote I like:

“The first problem for all of us, men and women, is not to learn, but to unlearn.”

Anyway...just some random thoughts I had today and I thought I'd type them out. Maybe someone will get a little something out of reading this.

EveWasFramed said:
You're crazy.
You're insane.
You're nuts.
You're too sensitive.
You're overreacting.
You're too emotional.
You take things too seriously.
You’re defensive.
You're unbalanced.
Calm down.
Chill out.
You’re so dramatic.
Just get over it already!

Sound familiar?


Yeah, I hear most of those lines a lot too myself. Then it makes me wonder if I really am overreacting or too emotional etc etc. Which most of the time I end up thinking so and then I'd back off.
Apparently, being a human being, you know the one with (gasp) emotions, or being an individual with your own worries and questions about the world around you means you're crazy nowadays....
And they say I don't understand people...
EveWasFramed said:
You're crazy.
You're insane.
You're nuts.
You're too sensitive.
You're overreacting.
You're too emotional.
You take things too seriously.
You’re defensive.
You're unbalanced.
Calm down.
Chill out.
You’re so dramatic.
Just get over it already!

Sound familiar?
Always hear all that stuff in bold but i don't give a Sh*t... :D (eventhough it kills my heart)
I've heard every single one of them. (and more, actually) Once upon a time, most of them were probably true.
Now, they aren't (even though I still hear some of them), but quite honestly, I don't care what people say about me. Just because they say something, doesn't make it true.
Yes, but I doubt that all of us are actually "crazy."
I think that some people don't understand the way others express their emotions and rather than trying to understand, they label people as crazy, unbalanced, etc.
Because they are incapable of experiencing emotions on the same level doesn't make the other person insane. Does it?
It's a common enough invalidation tactic, but there's also a taboo against showing sadness, frustration or disappointment, inasmuch as it's seen as weakness.
I rarely if ever do this with friends for fear of making them uncomfortable. I think you sort of know that it's better to keep it to yourself, or share these thoughts and feelings with a trusted family member only. Sad
ardour said:
It's a common enough invalidation tactic, but there's also a taboo against showing sadness, frustration or disappointment, inasmuch as it's seen as weakness.
I rarely if ever do this with friends for fear of making them uncomfortable. I think you sort of know that it's better to keep it to yourself, or share these thoughts and feelings with a trusted family member only. Sad

I agree with you.
But what if it's family or a partner that does it?
I guess when a partner does it, on a constant basis, it's somewhat akin to gaslighting if it's bad enough. (Whether intentional or not.)
EveWasFramed said:
You're crazy.
You're insane.
You're nuts.
You're too sensitive.
You're overreacting.
You're too emotional.
You take things too seriously.
You’re defensive.
You're unbalanced.
Calm down.
Chill out.
You’re so dramatic.
Just get over it already!

Sound familiar?

LOL! YES! not recently, actually, and mostly from family

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