Recent content by meekthoughts

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. meekthoughts

    Entertaining yourself

    Watch shows/movies, play games, listen to music and read. If I'm desperate, I might make up a story starring myself and play it out in my head. :P
  2. meekthoughts

    Does anyone prefer being alone?

    I do enjoy having time for myself (which is how I get by without having any real social interaction for weeks) as I am an introvert, but I also appreciate and want to have a social aspect of my life as well. I don't need a lot of friends. One friend, one person who I feel a real connection...
  3. meekthoughts

    Happy Birthday Purpledays!!

    Happy Birthday! :3
  4. meekthoughts

    Do Any Of You Talk And See Each Other Via A "Web Cam"?

    I've cammed a couple of times with one person from this forum. xP Even then, I'm mostly hidden behind my pillow.
  5. meekthoughts

    Good luck on your finals doods!

    Thanks kamya! I hope things went well for you too. :) I've finished 3 out of 5 of my exams so far, with the next one being tomorrow. Good luck to the rest of you with finals to do!
  6. meekthoughts

    Bored? Entertainment Mega Thread

    Girls: Emily/Elli, Rebecca, Amy, Rainie Boys: William... I can't think of another one right now.
  7. meekthoughts

    What food(s) do you overindulge in when you're depressed?

    Potato dishes, ice cream...and for some reason sushi.
  8. meekthoughts

    What are you thinking right now?

    I realize now that I am very self destructive... meh. Time to sleep.
  9. meekthoughts

    Television Shows That You Used To Love Watching, But Not Any More?

    1. CSI Las Vegas 2. The Simpsons 3. Detective Conan (english subbed... I should start watching it again) 4. Big Bang Theory 5. Mythbusters :( Why did I ever stop?!
  10. meekthoughts

    If You Were An Animal, What Would You Be?

    A koala maybe? Laze around and eat eucalyptus leaves all day. :cool: And so darn cute. Or... an amoeba. What a simple life. I'd be happy being alone because I can reproduce asexually by binary fission. :P
  11. meekthoughts

    Happy Birthday CAS!

    Happy happy birthday! :)
  12. meekthoughts

    Does Anyone Keep a Diary, Blog or Personal Journal?

    I do have a personal journal (or diary.. I don't know the difference) that I've kept since grade 7. The contents of it mostly address issues with loneliness, school, and hopeless infatuations.
  13. meekthoughts

    What Are Your Biggest Fears In Life?

    I think my biggest fear is being the person that kills my loved ones... I don't have killing tendencies or anything, but if I were to accidentally or inadvertently cause the death of someone I love, I wouldn't be able to take it. I'd rather have been alone than hurt them. In this case, I don't...
  14. meekthoughts

    Guess what guys???

    Congrats! (hug) I hope things turn out well for you.