A message for another forum member

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I'm sorry I hurt you.. I'm a horrible person.
(For everyone interested.. it's over, so stop asking)
Wayfarer said:
I'm sorry I hurt you.. I'm a horrible person.
(For everyone interested.. it's over, so stop asking)

I don't know much else, but I know that you are NOT a horrible person.
Thank you for showing me that there is one other person on this Earth who thinks like me. I really wish you could clone yourself. There are far too few people who see things clearly like we do.
i'm serious when i say that you really do see the good in me, and I appreciate it more than you can imagine.
You have seen me through the worst moments of the last two years. You have done it with such care and compassion, those times were made so much easier with you 'there'. Thank you I will never forget it and will always be eternally grateful. I hope that if the time comes and you need me I can be just as amazing for you.
People are outraged and terrified, and that makes you laugh? Well aren't you a wonderful *******.
Tuathaniel said:
People are outraged and terrified, and that makes you laugh? Well aren't you a wonderful *******.

Wasn't this thread only meant for positive messages?
Paraiyar said:
Tuathaniel said:
People are outraged and terrified, and that makes you laugh? Well aren't you a wonderful *******.

Wasn't this thread only meant for positive messages?


And I'm not sure who Tuathaniel is referring to but we don't allow name calling here like that either. 

Serenia said:
I can see the Mods doing a facepalm now lol.

So the idea of this thread is to say something anonymously, or reach out to another member who maybe you can't pm etc etc.

This thread is ONLY for messages of GOODWILL. :club:

My message:

Big hugs at this time.  I am thinking of you and your family, I am here for you.
I'm so sorry to hear that you're going through a tough time, and I sincerely hope that things get better for you. I also hope that you're not mad at me.

You were such a rare find on this forum. You're my only ally here, the only person who cares about me. If you leave, I'll be alone :(
I keep checking my inbox, but my last message to you remains unread. I wonder how you are doing. I know we both struggled with doubt and motivation and I wonder if you've managed to push past it. It was nice corresponding with you, I enjoyed your cheerfulness and your words of encouragement. I miss you.
Paraiyar said:
Tuathaniel said:
People are outraged and terrified, and that makes you laugh? Well aren't you a wonderful *******.

Wasn't this thread only meant for positive messages?

I'm so, so sorry. That's what I get for not reading the original post but only the title. I would edit the thing, but I'm not only too dense to read original posts, but apparently also too dumb to find the Edit button (I've been told it exists somewhere). Only positive messages from me in the future, promise.

(Edit: Actually, I have found the Edit button. It just isn't there on my previous post. Weird.)

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