AL_23 Saved A Life

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Staff member
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada
If some haven't noticed in the shout box AL_23 did an amazing thing this week. Something that needs it's own special attention and congratulations. Here's what happened, copied from the shout box.

<AL_23> today, I saved a mans life
<AL_23> The man was going to jump off an overpass and I was the 1st to intercept
<AL_23> I was the only person to notice and waited until he llifted his leg at which point I asked what he was doing and told him not to jump.
<AL_23> he said he wanted water and I said come to the shop with me and I buy. He didnt want to come but insisted on water so.....
<AL_23> I asked some1 to stand by him while I got his water. On the way back he climbed up again but the person I stopped had a hold of him and others came
<AL_23> definately. I could not have held him on my own I'm a small guy

Small guy or not you did a very admirable thing that day. If this doesn't warm you heart and prove that there are good people out there I don't know what will. AL_23 is living proof.

Now I really feel bad for accidentally banning you when you signed up on the site. :D LOL
it makes me smile, humans can be other peoples angels !!
So many people walk around with their nose in the air, not wanting to notice, but you noticed, that makes you very special.
Wooo! Nice work! Save lives one at a time and hope that they do good with them :D
I hate to rain on you guys's parade, but the man's problems which led him to suicide most undoubtedly haven't gone anywhere.

If anything, he'll probably just choose a less crowded, less active time of day and jump off the same bridge.

It was still nice of AL-23 to do what he did, though.
Badjedidude said:
I hate to rain on you guys's parade, but the man's problems which led him to suicide most undoubtedly haven't gone anywhere.

If anything, he'll probably just choose a less crowded, less active time of day and jump off the same bridge.

It was still nice of AL-23 to do what he did, though.

This is what I said initially BJD, but then i edited myself.

It might have made an effect on the man though in the sense that he could have felt as though no one cared, and then people stopped him so it showed him otherwise.
SophiaGrace said:
This is what I said initially BJD, but then i edited myself.

It might have made an effect on the man though in the sense that he could have felt as though no one cared, and then people stopped him so it showed him otherwise.

Maybe. Maybe not.

The point is, he's gonna require more serious help to actually correct the problems in his life.

Hopefully the police became involved in this at some point and referred him to some professional help.

If it even happened.
No need to come in and be so negative. This was posted in the Positivity section.

Or realistic?

I did mention, if you recall, that it was nice of AL_23 to do what he did.
This thread was made to show how people are still capable of doing selfless acts of random kindness. Is it too hard to just say something nice and not add something negative to a good deed? It's like being told you did a good job with a but added to make the whole thing meaningless.
OMG how have I just noticed this thread :p
Here I was sitting at my computer after a pretty miserable day feeling sorry for myself and now I have a smile on my face. Good leads to good.
Its really easy to get absorbed in personal issues and forget to just live. That man still has a chance to live now. Maybe one day when his mind clears for just a moment he might think back to that moment and remember me and be thankful inside and appreciate the opportunity to live.
I would like to say to all of you that I am very thankful for your kind comments and it certainly helps to remind me that i'm not all bad ;)
AL_23 said:
OMG how have I just noticed this thread :p
Here I was sitting at my computer after a pretty miserable day feeling sorry for myself and now I have a smile on my face. Good leads to good.
Its really easy to get absorbed in personal issues and forget to just live. That man still has a chance to live now. Maybe one day when his mind clears for just a moment he might think back to that moment and remember me and be thankful inside and appreciate the opportunity to live.
I would like to say to all of you that I am very thankful for your kind comments and it certainly helps to remind me that i'm not all bad ;)

Very noble thing to do :)

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