Feel as if something is wrong with me

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Well-known member
Nov 21, 2011
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South Africa
Well so earlier in the year my girlfriend dumped me for various reasons.

1. I didn't earn more than she did, I'm an artist, she a chemical engineer...and she felt that a relationship like that will never work. I never asked her for money, as a matter of a fact I contributed as much as I financially could. Buying food, paying a share of the fuel cost if went out and my share of dinners etc.

2. I don't have children and she has a 2 year old daughter and she also told me that a man can never love another child as much as he would love his own children fearing that I would treat her daughter badly

3. She couldn't handle my sense of humor, always taking everything I say as being serious.

4. If I gave her compliments she would always shot it down as not true.

So 4 months after the breakup I decided to get out there and try meeting someone new. I've been talking with the girl once in a while that work at the printing shop next door when ever I had some stuff that I needed to have printed and asked her if she is seeing someone and if I could take her out for coffee some time.

We began seeing one another more often and ended up dating, not long into the relationship I met her parents and sister one Sunday afternoon when I picked her up for a dinner date. Afterwards I spent some time with the parents that evening, everything was going well.

3 days later at 6:30 in the morning I got a call from her sister, yelling at me and saying that I have F@#!ed up their family and they thought that her sister that was dating me was was so innocent but she was whoring around and cheating on her boyfriend with me and if I ever come near their house she will personally kill me.

An hour later a guy phone me and tell me that he is my girlfriends boyfriend for the last two years and if anybody ever mentions my name again he will personally come and find me and beat me up.

Now I call my girlfriend and she told me that she was single when we started dating and that her ex asked for a second chance and that we aren't together anymore, basically saying... sorry I had to dump you.

Things started to become more clearer later that week when I saw her walking over the street hugging an kissing a guy. He is driving the exact same car, number plates and all that she was driving one Sunday when I went to visit her at work a week after we began dating when her car were at the shop for repairs. I'm almost 100% sure she was lying to me from day one, why I have no idea and I'm not even going to bother trying to get an answer from her anymore.

Why me, why do I get handed the wrong end of the stick my entire life when it comes to relationships? I'm so tired of this and already picturing myself as this grumpy, lonely forgotten old guy one day.
Sorry to read about what happened, Blue.
That has to be one of the crappiest things one human can do to another.

Hey mate, from what I read here, it's obvious you didn't do anything wrong in either of these situations. Your first girlfriend sounds like she put too many expectations on you. The second girl you dated should have been honest with you as well. I can only go by what you write, but you shouldn't be taking any of this as a personal attack or thinking, "hey why do I attract all the flakes" or "I'm a bad luck magnet."

If people would get into relationships and just start off by telling each other the truth, and then accepting each other unconditionally and without a list of stipulations, people in this world would get along a whole lot better.

My advice: Forget both these girls. Find someone who accepts you as is, and someone who is willing to be candid about what they want, where they've been, and where they want to go.

Good luck mate :)
Thank you Eve, 2012 was a horrible year for me, I almost wished that the crazy end of the world predictions would come true just to end all the misery. So here I sit, spending my entire December holiday by myself, and a month long holiday can become excruciating when you do it alone, and it doesn't help much if I all of a sudden miss my previous ex all the more with whom I had planned a nice beach holiday over this period.
Sounds like the first girlfriend will be single for the rest of her life if she truly wants to use the excuse that no man can love another child as much as his own children.
Hey BlueArtist,

Ugh, what a horrible thing to happen! *hugs*

Hope things are much better next year, and you meet someone special. And if you're lonely on NYE, maybe you can try the forum, I'm sure some of us will be lurking about :)

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