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Well-known member
May 31, 2009
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..looked at someone else's life, wanted it so bad, but realized that you were born under difference circumstances and you could never have what that person has?

I'm not even sure what my point is. I'm not unhappy with my life, nor am I always comparing my life to someone else's. This is just what I do at times.
Well, there comes a line which when crossed you get in to the realm of the 'high born' types. But not everything is limited by your birth.

At least materially, we have more freedom than we'd like to think. I look at these guys with big marine sailboats, nice houses and free time and, yeah, I wish I had that. But if I seriously wanted to, I could work toward it. I could learn to build the boat myself: Make one for me and then get a loan to try and hire people to build them for other people to sell. Or I could go for the gusto with education and eventually have a higher paying job. It'd be really hard, but if I applied myself and had the desire, I could do it. There's any number of options. But you have to have the gumption to go for it, be a go getter, and realize that you'll have to demonstrate you're better than someone else in the field to be hired to the job or to sell your product (in this case, a boat) over another.

I don't want that, though. I eventually do want a sail boat, preferably marine-capable, and I would kind of like to build it myself. But I've chosen a career that is more important to me than money or wealth...though I still accept many of the competitive things; wanna-be firemen and EMTs are a dime a dozen. There's a thousand others who want my job, and even once hired there can be another thousand potentials lined up with the snap of a finger if I fresia up too badly. But I hold true in my heart that I am better than them; that I am a better candidate and will work harder and more passionately. I have the drive. I have the endurance to outlast and outwait them. I'll work the honeysuckle jobs till then.

Physically I think we're a little more limited in our choice. Genetics are something we can't yet change and should probably never try to change. Sadly, some of us are born with deformities or disabilities that could be a challenge to us in one way or another. Some of us are born with traits generally considered more attractive than others; somewhere along the line, I inherited a messed up smile and a pretty skinny frame. Not anorexically skinny, but not bulky. That's my lot in life; I have to make the best of it.

But, it's been shown that it IS possible, within the limitations of the human biological make-up, to surpass these challenges with charisma and attitude. It's a matter of learning how, which is why a lot of us are here. And even still, there's cosmetic procedures for a lot of things. It's a matter of whether or not the service is worth the money to you, either in payments or a lump sum. My future employment pending, I may soon opt for braces on a payment plan.

So to answer your question, yes, I do look at people and say "Man, I wish I had this and that." But I also acknowledge that a lot of it is within the control of the choices I make and the effort I put forth, and where I choose to put it.
Well...I don't think bleach is going to turn my skin white. :(.lol

I want Bill Gate's money...but i sure as hell don't want his dorkness..lmao

LoL...if i was to have fantacies..I rather have fantacies of me doing whatever the heck
it is that i think is sweet, happy. To see myself doing it.

It's also said that if I have enough of those fantacies and really feel it, beliving in it and accept it.
Eventually it will manifest itself in my life.

All things on the outside...started off as a thought or imagination. (planting seeds)
If I nurish my dreams. Read about it, write about it. re afrirm it...(watering)
The more I practice or allow myself to do this...it gets clearer and clearer.
My vision gets clearer
The mind is powerful....

Take actions or be open to opportunity that will present itself in my life
and allow myself to follow my hopes and dreams...that's how dreams come true.

Our brain is design to resolves problems or created resalutions..
Our body is just the mechanic to complete required task..
Keep it simple like that.

Example...being a billionair is not imposible.
Having a beautiful loving partner is not imposible.

Dream big...big..big

Surfing on the sun...that's sort of imposible.

All men bleeds just like me...no more or nor less.

Bill Gates was a dreamer too...it started out from a garage.
Actually, I have had those thoughts before. Sometimes, I wonder what it would be like to be living someone else's life. Having money (not rich, just enough to have everyday things), Having a house, having a spouse that truly cares. I think what if I had only made a different choice in my past or if I had never been born.
I get that way when I get really down and notice that things just aren't changing in my life for the better. Sure, there are small accomplishments, but I always get depressed again when I think of all the other small ones that I achieved, then lost again. It's sort of like someone giving you a piece of candy for a few minutes and then taking it away again, for a long time.
Lately, I try to focus on the things ahead. The goals I've set. I'm getting down, because they just aren't happening on the timeline that I have set. I'm getting bored with the schedule and the exercise and depriving myself of the foods I love to eat. It's a struggle when you have no support system. I myself have no friends here. I rely on me. I have family, but can't rely on them for support or anything. So, I keep my eyes and ears open.
I can only say, that I think for some of us, these feelings are normal. We get bored with our own. Daydream and fantasize about what it might be like to be someone else or have the things that others have. Just so long as we know where the line between reality and fantasy is drawn.
Now i can type something here. I realy want to experience what they did http://alonelylife.com/i-kissed-a-girl-and-i-liked-it-t-6306.html but i don't want to switch places, this is my lifeshit and i don't want to change anything because thats me, thats how i become myself.
I thought that the world would lose nothing if i would never born, well maybe. I did help few people, though if i didn't exist someone else could help them. But i did and thats my excusion on this life, thats why i think i can live and change nothing. But i still want to experience what those guys did :p
wanting someone elses life or to be someone else i think is pretty normal and these thoughts are pretty common.. i too have had them at some stage in my life..

somewhere else on this forum i did read someone talking about this and there was a really good response to it (cant remember by who??) but the jist was that from the outside it looks as though someone 'other' has it all when in reality they have their own set of unique 'negatives' they have to deal with..

i have heard too many stories of so called happy people with wonderful lives filled with friends and holidays and money and 'sexy making'... whatever it is we perceive as the ingredients necessary for happiness... and then on closer inspection or out of nowhere the 'dark' side is revealed reminding me that the illusion of perfection was just that.. an illusion

Yea sometimes.. but then recently.... this girl i know who I was like woooow what a perfect life I'd do anything for a day as her.. we got to be a bit closer and stuff, so we were talkng and she was telling me about how her parents arent really getting a long and all this other stuff going on.. it was like wow things dont really seems like what they are on the outside.
Well, speaking from experience the grass is not greener on the other side. Everyone has problems no matter how much money they have or how happy they appear to be. I used to think that life would be better if....it was always IF! Now I know that I really appreciate and do not take for granted the good things in my life. It takes away all those thoughts to know that this is my life and I am making lemonade!
I think when it comes down to it, I seem to always be at the right place at the wrong time or vice versa. I think it hurts more knowing I could've had the life I've always wanted if it weren't for incredibly bad timing than if, for example, it's something that you have NO chance of having to begin with.

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