Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity (Update)

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David Koresh
Barbaloot said:

David Koresh
Koresh's knowledge of the bible impressed me. He had his followers believing he was Christ. I just can't see the son of God needing corrective eye wear. lol
One of the reasons that Hannibal Lecter is such a scary character is his chivalry, culture, and etiquette. He's the most well-mannered, high-class individual you could ever imagine running into. And then away from.

these sort of shooting news reports don't really phase me.

Human beings are violent. Why should this be surprising?
yes, things are escalating

we are heading toward a time where having your head in the sand will no longer be safe

enjoy it while you can i would say
Just thought I'd resurrect this for anyone who hasn't read it, or if original posters have any new opinions on the subject.
you might as well ask what we would do if running a magnet through a coiled wire didn't make electricity. The internet is actually a hell of a lot simpler than we think. If it went we would probably have a replacement within 2 years that runs better than the last as it wouldnt have to be built with legacy protocols and standards. Might even finally get to actually use OSI as more than a theoretical base instead of slow assed TCP IP.
Hi Everyone.:)

To be completely honest. I had no idea that this crime(huge understatement)even took place since I don't visit shock sites anymore. My brother told me about it.

I won't lie to you all. After hearing the horrendous details, I admit that my curiosity got the best of me, and I searched for the video. I couldn't find it. They were all removed or in stasis from sites I remember from way back.

I understand that this story is a little out of date. But I wanted to post this article as an example of just how messed up some of us are in this world. It makes me so sick. It's just a prime example of just how evil humans can be when unrestrained by God.


EDIT: I felt that since there are no videos or images shown, it was safe to post this without getting in trouble. I'm not posting it to gross anyone out. It's just that this article of people supporting his actions is unthinkable to me. When the Hell are we going to stop doing this to each other? I'm just wondering if I can somehow find a way to shut down any sites online that post this honeysuckle. I know all too well how bad they are. I just don't know how to go about having any sites which show this kind of thing without any consideration for the damage they do on the human psyche, eliminated. Any advice as to how I would go about starting the process of taking out sites like those?
Hi Everyone. I hope this thread finds you all well.:)
There are many things in this world that I find impressive. I'll list the 10 that impress me the most. What about you?

1. Athletes of the caliber of Michael Jordan, Wayne Gretzky, Tony Hawk, etc.
2. The Internet
3. The Great Wall Of China
4. Video Games
5. Chess Grandmasters
6. Disney World
7. The raw power of natural disasters
8. People who succeed in quitting things like cigs or drugs Cold Turkey (My old man did. 8 years ago. No relapse.)
9. Origami
10. The brute power of animals such as bears, pit bulls, lions, etc.

God Bless.
- Nature

- People who are kind.. and truly kind, not "kind" so they look good to others

that is all I can think of for now
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