I am sure you have heard this story

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Aug 27, 2010
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Hey. Im new.

So my story is that I started college in a new state. I felt really lonely and I kinda just started dating a guy who liked me a week into school. I never was allowed to date in high school so I was really excited about it. However my parents would never approve cause he was a different race than me. So we dated for 4 years (until he got this bachelor's degree). We don't really see each other over summers because my parents never knew. Anyway, I knew it wasn't working out for awhile (not only about the race thing but because i didn't love him) but I didn't really admit it to myself until recently. I broke up with him this summer (summer after he graduated).

Now I am back at school (im in a program with the same kids for 6 yrs). I feel so alone. I never developed the friendships I should have. I spent all my time with the same guy when I was at school (24/7). Now I am all alone and depressed. I don't know what to do. Its too late to build new friendships since everyone knows each other already.
Welcome, sunstillsleeps! I can't say that I know what you are feeling right now, as I have never personally experienced it, but I know others who have had the same experience. I definitely know what it's like to be in a group where everyone knows each other except for you. Hang in there; this is a great community if you need an understanding ear.

Welcome. :) Being around people who all know each already can be really tough. I've been there before. But it still is possible to form friendships, as that eventually happened to me in school. Don't give up.
futurecatlady said:
Welcome, sunstillsleeps! I can't say that I know what you are feeling right now, as I have never personally experienced it, but I know others who have had the same experience. I definitely know what it's like to be in a group where everyone knows each other except for you. Hang in there; this is a great community if you need an understanding ear.


I agree with this post, but would also like to add some good advice that my boyfriend told me (that I am horrible at following.)

Don't wait for people to like you or approach you to make friends. Insert yourself into situations and force yourself onto people. Honestly, that's how I met my best friend. She harassed me quite a bit until I was friends with her. That's also how my boyfriend met most of his friends. A lot of his friends said that they hated him when they first met him, but he says not to care about it.

It can be hard though when they are too busy to spend time with you. I run into that a lot, but knowing my boyfriend, he'd find a way to argue with them and make them spend time with him anyway. XD Wish I could do that!