I got flirted with today....

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Montreal Skye

I found a lost dog on the highway this morning and brought it to the local police station because the nearest dog shelter here is a ninety minute drive away (not enough gas $$ until next pay day). I was hoping the police could call the shelter and ask them to come pick it up. They did, so phewf. Poor doggie.

Anyway, the police officer who helped me was totally flirting with me. He was a young hottie and I wasn't expecting that at all. At first I panicked. I didn't know what to say in response, so I smiled shyly and made a few comments. Then something weird happened...I acted turned-off, yet inside I was elated. I decided I wanted to get down to the business at hand and asked him to help me with the dog. So he came outside with me and we both got the rather enormous dog out of my car and into their animal cages. He stopped flirting and was all business too. And I got all sad and disappointed...but it was my own doing wasn't it? What's up with that? Defense mechanism?

To be honest, this was my first experience with flirtation in many MANY years, but I was very surprised by my response because it's really what I'm craving, that attention from men and a potentially meaningful connection.

I know he probably flirts with every woman who walks in the door, so maybe that's why? I thought maybe it wasn't genuine? But it felt kind of special, although I didn't show it to him. :(

It's really difficult to tell why you didn't encourage him. It could be that it just caught you off guard. I'm usually totally oblivious to being flirted with unless it's really obvious.

But for now, I think you shouldn't over analyze it too much and just take pleasure in knowing that he was flirting with you. It does feel nice as a woman for men to take interest in you, and I'm sure it won't be the last time. :p
Montreal Skye said:
Defense mechanism?

This seems about right. You communicated that you were shy, so it's likely that you were anxious and pushed him away to reduce that anxiety.
Well its nice that you felt attractive and wanted. It's a good confidence booster for when you meet someone you really like
Thanks...I'm a little down about how I reacted. Barbaloot and Maybelazy you're right. Though I'm disappointed, I am on a little "still got it" high. Thanks Alan, you're right, I did want to reduce the anxiety. I pledge to face it head on next time (so I say now)!

You know, I was about to type "maybe I'm not ready for a relationship anyway"...but then realized, what the heck am I thinking? I am ASS-uming that this guy was looking for a wife or something. I have to slow down my mind a little with regards to meeting people! Baby steps!
He may very well do it to lot's of different woman. Maybe you did think he could be a bit of a player or something? Only you can really know that! :D

Whatever the reason though it certainly sounds like it took you by surprise, you snapped into defensive mode and got your hand ready for a ***** slap. ;) Hehe jk
ShybutHi said:
He may very well do it to lot's of different woman. Maybe you did think he could be a bit of a player or something? Only you can really know that! :D

Whatever the reason though it certainly sounds like it took you by surprise, you snapped into defensive mode and got your hand ready for a ***** slap. ;) Hehe jk

OMG lol...***** slap. Yeah, he came off as a player to me you're right. I think I was so surprised because I've had such low self-esteem for so long that I never thought it would be realistic for a guy to be attracted to me at all, even just to flirt with. I'm going to just look at the positive I think and let that boost my confidence!
Must...refrain...from making...generalizations!

Ok, maybe in your head you were doubting his sincerity so it made you uncomfortable. I don't get complimented very much so I would probably be wierded out in the back of my mind wondering what this person wants with me.
Wow, thats always nice, until it gets unconfortable. And thats what happened...dont be so dissapointed at your reaction, you enjoyed the flirting, realised he was probably saying the same thing to all the girls, so you went on with the purpose of the visit. After all, you couldnt stay there and flirt for hours lol, it had to end somewhere, or the dog would have made a mess in your car. lol

I just love those charmers, they make women feel great !! And if by any chance he was sincere...youll probably hear from him, with an update of the dog or something :)
I did have that feeling of being weirded out a little to be honest, like what's the catch here? But that's a reflection of my own self image I think.

Lol Whispers...I thought about that, an update about the dog. I think I may have blown that chance though! Another lesson learned I guess, but yeah, I'm still feeling warm and fuzzy about it. ;)
Congrats, I wouldn't know flirting if a girl stuck her hand down my pants and she wasn't drunk ;)
I dare you to go back to the Police station and say "hi, you flirted with me the other day and I panicked so I was wondering if you still interested do you won't to go out tonight?"
Drew88 said:
Congrats, I wouldn't know flirting if a girl stuck her hand down my pants and she wasn't drunk ;)

Thank you Drew! I think once the hand is down the pants though, it's a done deal! ;)

Parabolani said:
I dare you to go back to the Police station and say "hi, you flirted with me the other day and I panicked so I was wondering if you still interested do you won't to go out tonight?"

I PROMISE to do that Parabolani, when donkeys fly on a cold day in hell! :D But honestly, this area is really rural, I know I'll see him again, maybe I'll give him a wink. ;)
The best part of being a female, you get to be approached. Even if I were to approach a female she would not flirt with me.

Anyway, now you know what you did wrong now you can correct it. Unlike me who cannot correct whatever I do wrong since it is part of my physical being.
Don't feel bad! I'm sure there are plenty more awkward situations to come. You'll look back one day, laugh and mutter "I'm a sucker for a man in uniform, heh heh heh.."
AFrozenSoul said:
The best part of being a female, you get to be approached. Even if I were to approach a female she would not flirt with me.

Anyway, now you know what you did wrong now you can correct it. Unlike me who cannot correct whatever I do wrong since it is part of my physical being.

Oh, your reply makes me sad. I wish you weren't so hard on yourself, but I guess I can't understand since I'm not walking in your shoes. But I can say that I had little hope the last 18 years being alone, and now I at least see a glimmer.

Gutted said:
Don't feel bad! I'm sure there are plenty more awkward situations to come. You'll look back one day, laugh and mutter "I'm a sucker for a man in uniform, heh heh heh.."

Thanks so much Gutted, I look forward to all the future awkwardness, lol! :)
Whenever a man flirts, regardless of reason, it is such a stroke to the girly ego. Yay, you!

And, if you're interested, there no rule that says you can't show up in a day or so with a little 'thank you' basket of cookies - for 'all' who helped..... ;)
MissGuided said:
Whenever a man flirts, regardless of reason, it is such a stroke to the girly ego.

I can not speak for women, but I am guessing that is not always the case if they thing the guy is unattractive
Drew88 said:
MissGuided said:
Whenever a man flirts, regardless of reason, it is such a stroke to the girly ego.

I can not speak for women, but I am guessing that is not always the case if they thing the guy is unattractive

Allow me to rephrase....., 'Whenever a man flirts with me, regardless of reason, it is such a stroke to the girly ego.'

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