I may have a date

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Well-known member
Oct 14, 2009
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Hey you guys. I really need adavice. I ask this girl I kinda like to a dance but she turned me down because she said it was too formal but that she would like to go on a date with me another time. I am trying to think of something semi-romatic to do. Any advice for a first timer? What can I do for this?

Thanks a bunch
No advice because i am a moron at it, but congratulations, it sounds great.:)
Please tell me she didn't use the words "another time"... if she did, she's not interested but being polite as to make you think you have a chance thereby prolonging your inevitable pain and personal anguish when you get the hint. (Sorry, it's personal)

Anyway, if she is interested and gave a specific time... dinner, a walk in the park, star gazing... when you're looking at the stars give her a couple interesting facts about outer space, relate it to the meaning of life... then seal the deal.
go to teh movies... good simple way to start... won't have to talk during the movie... and you'll have things to talk about after... thas my best advice.... first date i was ever on was to teh movies i think so... good luck...
she said something along the lines of she was sorry she couldn;t go but she would love to go to something less formal. she never said another time. I am about 85% sure she likes me. that is good in my standards.
I think I may end up trying the movies.
we'll see what happens:)


p.s. any other ideas are appreciated
hmmm... Jesse went to the mall for a quick bite and then a little walk around the shops.. that sounded good.. plenty of stuff to look at and chat...

restaurant and movies were second for him.. and seems to be going well.. maybe follow that script loosely?
Movies... aren't exactly Formal haha a dance is kinda well... Its pressure you know because maybe you can't dance? or.. you gotta look really nice.

The Movies, Cliche but it works.
A movie, in my opinion, is probably the best for a 1st date. After the movie you can talk about parts you guys liked or hated, maybe even grab lunch or dinner after.

If your looking for something romantic, maybe try going to a theme park like Six Flags. It may not seem very romantic at first, but when your riding scary ass rides you kinda let loose and it gets easier to know each other. Hehe, at least that's what I would think.
I have never been on a date, myself. That said, I wouldn't want to go to a movie for a first date. You can't talk during it. Sure, that takes off some of the pressure, but it prevents you from getting to know each other better.
My first date ever was a double date to the movies... needless to say we barely uttered two sentences to eachother.

I suggest you build comfort first, then see a movie... light conversation about the good and bad parts of a movie does not really create the feeling that you know eachother. Maybe you have already felt eachother out, in which case disregard my advice.