Is it abnormal to never feel safe?

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There has been studies, many deep rooted emotional problems come from early childhood or even in the mothers womb. Beeing nine months inside a person who is insecure or abused can affect you for life. If you have been left crying as a baby you may develop insecurity issues. Ususaly feeling unsafe for no apparent reason would be related to not beeing properly cared for as a baby. This can be healed to a point, just knowing that this is the cause is already a big step, because you understand now.

I'd like to add that this does not mean you had bad parents, but maybe they didnt always react the way they should have, they only do what they know.

Maybe this can help a bit. I had a irrational fear of cars, until my mom explained to me that as a baby my dad used to get drunk and drive like a maniac in the city, making everyone in the car scream and cry. He even tryed to run over a cyclist when i was about three, my mom said i was crying cause i didnt want my dad to kill that boy. I didnt remember those things thats why i though my fear was unfounded.
To an extent, I feel this way. I guess it hasn't been as profound in the past as it is now because I have no vices to numb myself with.
Well I tend to dislike walking around alone at night, though I've had enough potentially explosive situations and robbery attempts. So I must say it's rational in my case.
Sci-Fi said:
That's the only benefit to technology, having sites like this one. But the answer to that question greatly depends on my mood, which right now isn't the best. So to answer it I'd have to say no. Even though I do chat with people from here in different countries it has done nothing to reduce my loneliness. It just helps to give someone to talk to that understands it. I'm a very shy introverted person, yet I like to have someone sitting next to me I can physically talk to. Talking over the phone or IM's/PM's doesn't help as much. I'm a more visual person, I like to see peoples expression, see their reactions, see them laugh and smile or see them cry if that what it be. Talking via other means still puts up that wall, you don't know how that person is really reacting. Whether they are being genuine or just rolling their eyes at you.

omg you are so right! That is exactly how I feel too!

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