
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Sci-Fi said:
Go read over your posts you've made just today. With the remarks and comments you've been making. It certainly has made me not want to go into threads or reply but being a moderator I have to. There aren't a lot of people on, you can't expect a slew of replies to posts you make right away.

Read the edit on my last post. Block me. Goodbye. This forum has no patience with lonely people. Loneliness can drive you insane. if you don't understand that, then I don't want to talk here.
Such a bitchy attitude to want people to always understand you. heck most people cant even understand themselves. Let alone understand what someone is thinking, feeling. We can guess, make assumptions but those will always be base on how we interpret things, unless the person really communicate with you and well enough for you to know what they are feeling. also, fact of life, everyone is or gets lonely at some point of thier lives and no matter how people understand you, most of it will always be a battle you must overcome. I dont know what kind of forum you are looking for or what crowd you are looking for.. but what about you do the understanding instead. Not merely of people but of circumstances and situations.
davey said:
Sci-Fi said:
With the way you've acted coming back here today and prior that's probably a good thing. Food for thought too, there might be something to that.

How have I acted? Explain, please. I'm lonely. This is lonely life forum. Here's what I want: ban me from here. I cant understand this hostility, it's baffling. Ban me so I cant access this forum, please. Baffled!

Curious, I'm not seeing any hostility per se, would you care to enlighten me? Could it be possible that you're misinterpreting? It's easy to do when text carries no tone!
I haven't seen any hostility, but I've noticed a lot of impatient posts today. Here are a few examples:

davey said:
There are no people here, are there? Thought so.

no lonely people. I've posted several posts and if there were any genuine lonely people, I'd have had some responses
davey said:
Last post at 7.14pm.


davey said:
I logged in just to say this: Goodbye useless forum, goodbye.

This is not a big community, davey, and it is slower during some parts of the day than others. You need to be patient. Also, when so many of your posts come off as you demanding that someone speak to you, its a little off-putting and rude. We are people, just like you. We have jobs, families, responsibilities...no one can be here all the time. You weren't online last night when I was looking for someone to talk to.

If you stay, I hope you can just relax and be a part of the community. If you want your account deleted, PM a mod and politely ask. I'm sure they'll help, they're great people.
I agree with Locke's post, and I would also like to say that I didn't particularly appreciate this post of yours earlier:

davey said:
There aren't any lonely people here, except me. You have no IDEA about loneliness.

Who are you to tell any of us that we have no idea about loneliness? I'm truly sorry you're in so much pain, but you put people off when you say things like that. Perhaps you could try being a little gentler, maybe contribute more to the conversations around the forum instead of demanding that someone pays attention to you.
Locke said:
This is not a big community, davey, and it is slower during some parts of the day than others. You need to be patient. Also, when so many of your posts come off as you demanding that someone speak to you, its a little off-putting and rude. We are people, just like you. We have jobs, families, responsibilities...no one can be here all the time. You weren't online last night when I was looking for someone to talk to.

If you stay, I hope you can just relax and be a part of the community. If you want your account deleted, PM a mod and politely ask. I'm sure they'll help, they're great people.

This. My thoughts exactly, davey. I have also tried communicating with you before somewhere in the forum, by the way. It just happens so that there are people at different locations with different timezones and come on the forum at different times as you do.
davey said:
There aren't any lonely people here, except me. You have no IDEA about loneliness.

That's quite a claim to make.

You might do better here if you stopped with the whole "ME VS. THE WORLD" attitude. Nothing sets your loneliness apart from the loneliness of others here on this site. We've all experienced the same thing, in many different ways and at varying levels. That's why we're all here.

Take a breath, calm the fresia down, and give it some time.

The people here are friendly and quite welcoming.
ForGrantedWife said:
My best advice is to say, "Ok, we're going to have to agree to disagree. I don't feel like arguing and if you continue I'm leaving. Thank you."

Back it up with action if need be. If you won't engage, and they can't make you it's over :)

I agree. And if clarifying, reasoning, & not talking to the offender doesn't help, poke him in the eyes & then kick him in the nuts as hard as you can. Then walk away. If you do it right, he won't follow. Take my word for it. :)

Also, I might add that people whose default mode is to demand attention for themselves usually
  • do not pay much attention to others' concerns, desires, or needs, &
  • don't usually have interesting things to say; if that were not the case, then they wouldn't have any problems with other people paying attention to them.

The point is, if you want others to pay attention to you, demands won't cut the mustard. Give us something to work with here. Your thoughts on current events in China or Grab Butt, Idaho? What do you like to read? Fave TV shows & why you like them? Or you could respond sympathetically to others' angst when they post about their own troubles. Whenever I do that, the recipient is almost always grateful. Good vibes abound after that.

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