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Well-known member
Jul 3, 2011
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I phoned my ISP yesterday after having many months of my computer slowing down as the month went on and then returning to speed at the start of the next month. They said that it was because I switch my modem off several times a day (ie when I go offline) and that it should be kept switched on all the time. They are now sorting out the problem at their end and my modem is on all the time. The plug is warm though, which concerns me. It didn't worry me when I used to switch it off as it cooled down then, but now it has no chance to cool down. It isn't painfully hot, just warm, but am I right to be concerned?
I'm going to presume that you live in the UK for 2 reasons.

1. The warm plug. The plugs for the routers provided by some ISPs in the UK (BT for example) contain part of the power supply rather than having it inside the router itself. If this is the case, it is nothing to worry about.

2. The UK telephone network uses IP profiles and automatically adjusted target SNR margins. If you keep turning your router on and off, then they will think you are being constantly disconnected. They will then raise your target SNR margin which will in turn reduce your connection speed. They will then give you a new IP profile based on this connection speed and it can take a few weeks for the profile to be readjusted.

Routers were intended to be switched on 24/7/365, so unless there is a reason to reboot it, I would leave it turned on to avoid issues.
usually you keep the router on at all times, if you make sure that your plug is not malfunctioning it should be ok - I was also a bit paranoid about the heated plug so I put both router and plug on this Ikea thingie
only that mine had only two little straight shelves and maybe it was not ikea (connected to an extra cable to connect the router plug to the plug hole in the wall).
The "thingie", that technically is a soap holder for the shower made of metal, was hanging from a nail in the wall not far from the floor, and later it was hanging from the bottom part of a metal table.
Maybe you can find some similar solution so that the plug is in a good fireproof place…
There is nothing to be gained turning your router on/off throughout the day. I suggest you demand your ISP supply you with a better, more efficient router. Keep it turned on as it will show your internet status at a glance. The plug that comes supplied with your new router will be matched to its output voltage, so no worries if it continues to feel warm. A warm plug is fairly normal, so I agree what user 130057 said.
Thank you all for your replies.
My connection is as yet no better, though in the email I had from my ISP it will take ten days to sort out the matter.
Yes, I am in the UK. I have noticed that although the plug is warm, it isn't getting warmer but stays at the same degree of warmth, so this relaxes me a lot. I might ask for a new router as this one is almost 7 years old now and it is old fashioned compared to the later ones.

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