Lets Be Drunk

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You should be like that. ^

Enjoy the hangover :(.

Edit: I'm jealous . . . .
Am I the only one that thinks that AFrozenSoul isn't really drinking as much as he says?
Whenever I drink I have to eat candy bars. I take insulin and alcohol drops your blood sugar.

Needless to say I don't drink much anymore.

but have fun ! I love being around drunk people. They laugh at everything you say...

Badjedidude said:
Am I the only one that thinks that AFrozenSoul isn't really drinking as much as he says?

I had to take a breathalizer once. I thought I was really drunk and it was like .09 ...EDIT: But it was taken at least an hour or so (maybe more) after I quit drinking
When I used to get drunk and get on MSN it went something like...

" Irealy love eric ido donn tel hgim k"
Uhhh god yay for hangovers. To answer the question, I found an app for my phone that does BAC calcuations based on how much you drink. Let me say when you go through 9 5.2% alcohol by volume beers in a little under god... I guess 4 hours you get pretty wasted.
9 beers made you that drunk ? Dude, I've polished off 15 or more and was still awake (barely)

One time a drank a "fifth with 30% more" of SoCo and was still standing. I decided then I better go make myself throw up so I don't die. I don't remeber much after that :( My hangover was so bad it actually lasted 2 whole days.

AFrozenSoul said:
Uhhh god yay for hangovers. To answer the question, I found an app for my phone that does BAC calcuations based on how much you drink. Let me say when you go through 9 5.2% alcohol by volume beers in a little under god... I guess 4 hours you get pretty wasted.
I havnt had a drop cross my lips in ohhh lets say 8 years. At this point probably 4 beers would have me floored hahaha. I do smoke a lot of herb though, all day long. I have to start after I eat breakfast just to keep my food down lol.
Actually this app lets me set up the amount I drink along with the alcohol content. So it is only 2 clicks on the app.

I do not drink very often so my body has a low tolerance for booze.
I saw your post on another thread and thought you might be drunk, or else a terrible typist. One of my superpowers is the ability to type coherently and with normal spelling and punctuation even while drunk (or otherwise under the influence). It does make me more social online though.
I wouldn't mind a drink but I can't/won't for two reasons:

1. I am all out of bourbon;

2. I am the sole custodial parent tonight, and I just wouldn't feel right being drunk off my ass when my daughter needed me to be coherent and of unimpaired judgment.