living with parents sux!

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Well-known member
Apr 24, 2013
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The longer it takes me to get a job, the longer I have to live at home..the longer I live at home, the more annoyed I get...the more annoyed I get, the more depressed I'm becoming. And now I'm back to how I felt pre-graduation. I'm just feeling really hopeless and stuck in a situation that I don't see a way out of. I really love and appreciate my family but I need to be on my own and allowed to do my own thing. Everything I do here is monitored. I can't listen to a song or watch a movie without someone commenting on it (even if i'm in my own room). I can't leave the house without being asked where I'm going and with who. Mind you, I'm 23 yrs old! 24 in november! The issue I think stems from my sisters being sooo much younger then me and also my parents being naturally annoying people. The youngest sister is 8 yrs old. So, I really don't fit-in in my family. There's things I can't do, listen to, or watch because I constantly have to be mindful of them. Which is inconvenient for a 23yr old who doesn't want to watch spongebob all day, or who may want the option of going out at night and not getting back in until 3 or 4 am (would it happen in reality? probably not. But still, I should have the option!). And forget about socializing, we live south of dallas, in a sleepy suburb. Most people my age reside 30-40 mins from me. Until I get a job, save the money and get out on my own, I'm stuck in my room. There's not even a point in trying to come out.
I'm in a similar situation as you. I'm 22, gonna be 23 by the end of this month and I live w/ my parents. My dad is controlling, won't let me stay out late. He threatens to confiscate my car if I'm not home by 11 PM. It depresses me. I am not close w/ him at all; I usually try my best to avoid him. He's the person in this world whom I feel most uncomfortable being around. In this sense, I'm literally scared of him. I absolutely can't stand being controlled like that. It literally makes me break down. It messes w/ my sanity. What both of us needs to do is become motivated to work hard towards our goals.

Good luck !
I am 30, and moved back home at 28 to save on money issues and to help take care of my dying Grandma. Before that, I lived on my own for 5 years, not including the time I spent in the dorms.

It's not the end of the world, but I can't wait until I get another job, so I can get out of this place. I need my own pad again.
I remember when I first moved out of home. I moved in with this psycho-*****, ah it was a painful 4/5months and ended up returning to my mum and dad's with my tail between my legs. Having that freedom for a few months made it so difficult moving back home, I don't think I lasted 6months before I moved out into my own house. Me and my dad just didn't get on living together because as I was getting older, I began to understand he was an idiot and I think deep down he knew this and he didn't like it.

but now as I sit here is my little rented house, I look back with fond memories arguing with my dad over stupid things and my mum ironing my shirts and making Sunday dinners absolute BLISS!

Life is a pickle sometimes.

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