Lonely doesn't necessarily mean depressed

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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I mentioned to an acquaintance today that I come on this forum, and to my astonishment and frustration, he responded that it sounded like a place for "a bunch of depressed people."

This got me to thinking... a lot of us have varying degrees of loneliness, and as such, have very different sorts of feelings. I suppose there are plenty on the forum who are depressed, but not everyone is. Some of us get depressed from time to time, as is completely normal; however, just because we're on the forum, it doesn't necessitate that we are always in a depressed state. In fact, I personally benefit from going into the chat. I see familiar faces (okay, screennames, but whatever), and have forged relationships with some of the folks on there. I have a lot of things going on in my life that I could be depressed about, but, I'm not going to succumb to a prolonged state of being depressed; there's just too much to do.

I value this forum for all that it offers to everyone... depressed or otherwise.
I'm far..far from being lonely and depressed today.
There's plenty of people I've met here and in real life.
I know..inspite of everything...I know there's people that loves me and care about me.

I went through a very, very tough time in my life.
It kind of sent me into a downward spiral.
I simply isolated myself and wished to be alone for a while.
I also knew before hand...whatever it was that I had to experince...that I come out of it.
I didn't know exaclty when or espacific how. Whatever my mental , emotional and spiritaul bottom would be.
When I got to that piont...I simply started reaching out for help...becuase I wanted to get well.
I'm not a pill poper nor i intake any mind altering or mood changing substacnce in to my body today.
I had a pill for every fucken ill in my life at one piont...
I was happily zooming out the time feeling everything was okay...when it wasn't okay.

I chose to experince my grieving process clean and sober.....this time

What I experienced is about as natural or normal as can be...given the conditions or situations of my life.
There's plenty of article, books, blogs...written by millions of people that went through what i went through.
I wasn't shooting from the hips or miss-informed about suck matters.
Nor was I contemp prior to investigations.

An average grieving process for a love one is 1 year..... more for some, less for others.
The same in a long term relationship break up...1 + year.

I actaully experinced what others wrote or shared ...as if I did it by the book.

I'm here is becuase I'm doing what many, many people had done that had experinced what i went through.
They had cleared a path for me....
I'm here..becuase i don't ever want to forget where I came from.
I'm here to help myself and maybe just be there for people...As many people that were there for me when I
wanted to get well. It's basic recovery principle 101.
There's times I'm not lonely or depressed, and times that I'm both. I'm not lonely when I'm at work usually because I have a job to do. I'm not lonely when I do go out and am around my friends, and I'm not feeling depressed if I can manage to occupy myself with some little project.

The feelings of depression come and go, but the loneliness is a bit more persistent.
generally if i feel lonely i am depressed. I can be alone and feel fine. I prefer to be alone a lot of times, but if i start to feel lonely, then i start to feel depressed.
Loneliness is the feeling that is very solemn and melancholy, it's similar to depression but not quite. Being Alone is the act of being isolated and/or secluded whether or not by choice. At least that's the way I see it.
I had the same thing happen to me. I told one of my online friends about this site and how I used to spend a lot of time here. Her reaction was... OMG!! that sounds like a place for depressed loonies, why are you even over there! Pissed me off, because I never thought about it like that. I always looked at this site as a place to help people and a safe refuge for anybody that's ever felt out of place. Not everybody in here is depressed or lonely. Some are here because they enjoy it just like any other social website and have made friends, and like offering support to those that need it. For me it's been like therapy, without the huge effin bill! I get down and feel lonely from time to time just like anybody else, but I deal with it differently now. Being here has been a good experience for me and I appreciate all those that offered a shoulder in my time of need.

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