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Jul 11, 2017
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I am so lonely. It is becoming unbearable. All I ever wanted was a girlfriend. I love the feeling of holding hands, kissing, cuddling, and laying next to each other. It is the best feeling ever and it's all gone. I'm so alone, I kust want a girlfriend for one day, to hold hands, kiss, and just be with each other.
What's stopping me is my weight. I am overweight and I am just working on slimming down, not only because my doctor says so, but to also look more attractive.
You and I are in the same boat marques, I do know how you feel.
I too am currently trying to lose weight for the same reasons, I'm down 25 lbs. so far, nowhere near where I want to be, but I definitely feel a bit thinner.
Welcome to the forum, by the way, feel free to PM me.
marques34 said:
What's stopping me is my weight. I am overweight and I am just working on slimming down, not only because my doctor says so, but to also look more attractive.

I don't know how much you weigh, but that shouldn't stop you from at least meeting new people.
marques34 said:
What's stopping me is my weight. I am overweight and I am just working on slimming down, not only because my doctor says so, but to also look more attractive.

It's fantastic that you're putting in steps to lose weight, great for your health, great for your self-esteem. However, you can always meet people regardless of weight, and you can always find someone special regardless of how under or overweight you are.
And remember that having a girlfriend isn't everything, I'm currently single after a stream of relationships and it's always a case of "The Grass always looks greener on the other side".
When you're single, you want that companionship, the romance, that significant other to hold, kiss, experience life with. When you're in a relationship you miss all the free time you used to have, being able to do whatever you want; whenever you want (like hanging out with friends whenever you feel like it for example), your money is all yours to spend on what YOU want. You are completely independent, you can pursue whatever you want in life without needing to consult anyone because you need to build a life together.

This is the first time being single where I've appreciated what being on my own means. In the past, I've always pined for a relationship, thought that being in a relationship was the right thing to do and it was THE goal. It's not until now where I've been single and realised "****, I could have been enjoying myself SO MUCH MORE being single in the past. I wasted so much time being lonely and wishing I was in a relationship instead of enjoying all the benefits of being single"... Because there are DEFINITELY perks to being Single.

Focus on your goal of losing weight, ask yourself if you're 110% ready for a relationship right now and if the answer is no, then work towards accepting yourself and being happy with yourself. If you're not happy with yourself, how can you expect someone else to be happy with you?

You can do it man, you've put steps in place to achieving your goals. Put in the hard work, and you'll be rewarded.
I weight 330 lbs, I have manboobs, and I have to wear sports bras. Wearing sports bras are hard to hide. I've also bore the brunt of cruel jokes. I'd just rather lose weight before I meet new people.
marques34 said:
I weight 330 lbs, I have manboobs, and I have to wear sports bras. Wearing sports bras are hard to hide. I've also bore the brunt of cruel jokes. I'd just rather lose weight before I meet new people.

I recommend keto and intermittent fasting. Also get a kettlebell. 

I started at around your weight at my maximum a bit over a year ago. I dont remember having to wear a sports bra though o_O

So far ive lost a little over 120 pounds and have about 30 to go before im at my goal. It is pretty easy and doesn't take much work after a while. I dont actually feel like it takes any effort really at this point. I just keep being a few pounds lighter whenever i step on the scale. Like... i dont feel like i am struggling to lose weight. 

Anyways, good luck.
kamya said:
marques34 said:
I weight 330 lbs, I have manboobs, and I have to wear sports bras. Wearing sports bras are hard to hide. I've also bore the brunt of cruel jokes. I'd just rather lose weight before I meet new people.

I recommend keto and intermittent fasting. Also get a kettlebell. 

I started at around your weight at my maximum a bit over a year ago. I dont remember having to wear a sports bra though o_O

So far ive lost a little over 120 pounds and have about 30 to go before im at my goal. It is pretty easy and doesn't take much work after a while. I dont actually feel like it takes any effort really at this point. I just keep being a few pounds lighter whenever i step on the scale. Like... i dont feel like i am struggling to lose weight. 

Anyways, good luck.

Thxs I appreciate it. I will definitely look into it.
marques34 said:
What's stopping me is my weight. I am overweight and I am just working on slimming down, not only because my doctor says so, but to also look more attractive.
 It shouldn't stop you , personally, If a guy has a good personality and I like him, weight or appearances are not a problem. I'm not telling you to not loose weight, do it for your health for your own comfort in the first place, but the right person will love you the way you are, it's hard to find that person nowadays but it's not impossible, who knows 😊
kamya said:
marques34 said:
I weight 330 lbs, I have manboobs, and I have to wear sports bras. Wearing sports bras are hard to hide. I've also bore the brunt of cruel jokes. I'd just rather lose weight before I meet new people.

I recommend keto and intermittent fasting. Also get a kettlebell. 

I started at around your weight at my maximum a bit over a year ago. I dont remember having to wear a sports bra though o_O

So far ive lost a little over 120 pounds...

That's quite an accomplishment, k, nice job. :)
SofiasMami said:
kamya said:
marques34 said:
I weight 330 lbs, I have manboobs, and I have to wear sports bras. Wearing sports bras are hard to hide. I've also bore the brunt of cruel jokes. I'd just rather lose weight before I meet new people.

I recommend keto and intermittent fasting. Also get a kettlebell. 

I started at around your weight at my maximum a bit over a year ago. I dont remember having to wear a sports bra though o_O

So far ive lost a little over 120 pounds...

That's quite an accomplishment, k, nice job. :)
As a former fat bloke, I too would like to congratulate Kamya on his weight loss. That's one hell of an achievement.

Marques, I wish you luck on your journey. Don't let the cruel comments get you down - use them to motivate you. Good luck.
kamya said:
So far ive lost a little over 120 pounds and have about 30 to go before im at my goal. It is pretty easy and doesn't take much work after a while. I dont actually feel like it takes any effort really at this point. I just keep being a few pounds lighter whenever i step on the scale. Like... i dont feel like i am struggling to lose weight. 

Anyways, good luck.

Wow... congrats. 

I am also dieting. I have about 40 lbs to lose but I have a slow metabolism so I have to take it slow.

I would point out one thing though, a couple years ago I lost about 60 lbs and got very thin. To my disappointment I didn't find that much changed... except, perhaps this is a woman thing... I got hit on by unsuitable people a zillion percent more. I actually had a vacation ruined by a guy going after me on a boat -- I had a nice couple offer to sit with me so he wouldn't follow me.  

There is no doubt  that fat can be a deterrent but it doesn't necessarily mean everything.
EmilyFoxSeaton said:
I would point out one thing though, a couple years ago I lost about 60 lbs and got very thin. To my disappointment I didn't find that much changed...

I can attest to this too.

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