New World Order

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2010
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I'm courious as to how ppl feel about this situation? Myself I don't like it nor approve of it. Eventually it may come down to one world currency and one world leader. Scarey, very scarey. The young ppl of the world had it right to object all along, but not w/ the use of violence. These kids had it figured out way before others. Now it's pretty clear what the future may hold. :( Just my opinion...
I for one welcome our new leader.

edit: I would like to remind you that I can be helpful in finding and rounding up people to work in the sugar caves, Sean.
There will be one glabal government, one currency, and one "leader".
I for one am NOT looking forward to that
suckaG said:
are you talking about globalization/world trade?


Yes, sucka I am. True it's not here now but. Consider the Euro and how they tried to push that through. Why would you give up you standard of currency. Ever watch Gov Jessie Ventura-just type that in on utube, he'll explain it. It may not happend for several generations but the movement is coming. Would you like the Chinese government to be your leader? Inform yourselvers. This is not "scare tatics" Or Goggle it. That is what the G-20 is, they just got done meeting, the world leaders. Didn't you see it on the news? I am not an alarmist by any stretch of the imagination. Just wanted to hear how others felt about-especially the younger ppl on here. Sorry if I upset anyone-not my intention.
I will be the first to admit that I do NOT understand economics beyond my own personal finances. But I do know that the worlds economies, especially those of the more economicaly robust nations are connected to each other. The current economic "crisis" is a worldwide one. With the U.S. economy having an effect on the rest of the world as well as other larger economies effecting the U.S. If I understand correctly, the G20 summit is an economic summit of the 20 largest economies of the world which just ended in Seoul, South Korea.
Until the formation of the European Union, who would have imagined that the European nations would form something like of that nature. As I understand it, the European Union has its own legislature, Court system, and can make treaties with foreign countries. There is no passport requirement for travel within the Union, and there is limited power for military defense or the European Union. I do admit that the European members of this Forum are far more able to comment on this than I am.
There is talk of a "regional currency" similar to the Euro, for North and South America but a unified economy would have to come first, and following that would there be a "Pan American Union"?
What does this mean? In my opinion, the world is moving towards that one single economy and by necessity, a single government. It would mean the effective end of national soverignty.
Whether you believe this is a good thing or a bad thing, and I think its bad, I believe that we will see at least the beginnings of it in our lifetime, if not the actual thing itself.

Shouldn't this thread be in the debate section?

Humanity is far too divisive for anyone to ever effectively gain control of the globe if we're all stuck here at the same time. We'll be in space on other planets before full planet-wide domination (by any nation, on any planet) becomes possible.

...that's the way I see it, anyway.
Tex Is Lost said:
I will be the first to admit that I do NOT understand economics beyond my own personal finances. But I do know that the worlds economies, especially those of the more economicaly robust nations are connected to each other. The current economic "crisis" is a worldwide one. With the U.S. economy having an effect on the rest of the world as well as other larger economies effecting the U.S. If I understand correctly, the G20 summit is an economic summit of the 20 largest economies of the world which just ended in Seoul, South Korea.
Until the formation of the European Union, who would have imagined that the European nations would form something like of that nature. As I understand it, the European Union has its own legislature, Court system, and can make treaties with foreign countries. There is no passport requirement for travel within the Union, and there is limited power for military defense or the European Union. I do admit that the European members of this Forum are far more able to comment on this than I am.
There is talk of a "regional currency" similar to the Euro, for North and South America but a unified economy would have to come first, and following that would there be a "Pan American Union"?
What does this mean? In my opinion, the world is moving towards that one single economy and by necessity, a single government. It would mean the effective end of national soverignty.
Whether you believe this is a good thing or a bad thing, and I think its bad, I believe that we will see at least the beginnings of it in our lifetime, if not the actual thing itself.
You are very informed and that's a good thing. The big dogs on the porch are the G-20 leaders. Apparently Obama came away dissapointed because w/ Japan he tried to get them to increase our imports (cars). We accepted thousands of their cars in imports and it dumped our car market (for yrs and yrs) and manufactoring thus causing them to go out of business. But Japan said no. Same w/ Japanese steel imports imported to our markets. And this has been proven to be inferior steel by 13 % and at a much lower price causing out steel mills and some car manufactories to close. Another point about these cheap market imports is that they keep their ppl in poverty w/ low wages to flood markets. I'll get off my soap box. But I glad ppl are talking about this and interested as they should be and your right is it a very bad thing.
Agree with Jicky and Tex; that's definitely the train we're on. The mainstream media has trained people to roll their eyes and make comments about "tinfoil hats" ...most people follow like sheep there's that resistance to seeing things as they are.

Dehydra said:
Agree with Jicky and Tex; that's definitely the train we're on. The mainstream media has trained people to roll their eyes and make comments about "tinfoil hats" ...most people follow like sheep there's that resistance to seeing things as they are.


Thank you for your input Dehydra and Tex's. I was begining to think I was the only one concerned about this issue. I feel of course that our gov't created this situation (steel and cars imports) a long time ago. And w/ Out sourcing of American jobs to overseas (NAFTA) the gov't had to see long range what that would do to the American job market and financies in this country causing a downward spiral-out of control. We are billions of dollars in debt to China. They said the other day if China decides to call in those loans-oh my what would happen what w/ our dollar so devallued. You bet I'm worried about the New Worlld Order, not for me as I am a senior but for all you young ppl and your futures.
Jicky, when they passed the first TARP I pretty much gave up on the future of my country. And now they're working on a bill retroactively legalizing the robo-signatures for foreclosures.
Nothing remains of integrity; the legislators know who butters their bread.

And of course it's worldwide, not just here.
At least the people in some countries like Iceland, Greece and France had enough sense to try taking to the streets about it (it's all the same issue everywhere: ordinary people must tighten their belts so that bankers can continue living in the style to which they are accustomed, and so that endless wars can be financed).
But the Rx medicated, fluoridated Americans just change the channel.

Sorry to be negative but at this point it would be idiotic to pretend otherwise.

I don't know, and am unqualified to speculate, but I know that this whole One World thing will come to pass. But I will say this, there is a basic element of the American psyche that wants to hold on to our "uniqueness". I do not think that anything in the sense of a "formal" one world government will happen until the United States is not in a position to oppose it. I'm sorry if this seems like American arrogance to any or you who are not here in the States, but it is what I believe.
You both are right of course. But I think ppl are busy in their every day lives to pay a lot of attention to world affairs. What w/ losing their homes, pensions, jobs and scense of security. Those w/ the money have the power and I don't see that changing soon. Those in congress receive free medical for life for themselves and their families w/ taxpayers footing the bill-just not right. There are more homeless ppl and children. Food banks keep running out of food. The only thing changing is that the situation is getting worse daily. A kinda desperteness has taken over and this puts crime sky high. Ppl are not going to see their children go hungry. I try to remain optomistic but it's really very difficult.
Sorry to say, but this "New World Order"-bullshit will NEVER happen. You do realize that the biggest threat the earth faces today isn't global warming or some ridiculous NWO, its the fact that China is getting bigger and better, and the US won't accept it. If they don't come to an agreement, honeysuckle will hit the fan hard.

How do you think this NWO-stuff will ever happen? We have nuclear weapons on this earth, and the countries feeling threatened with whatever will blow honeysuckle up.

Obviously the financial crisis has taken its toll on USA, and I think its a delicate issue. My prediction is that because of the way humans work, the poorer will just keep getting poorer, and the richer will just keep getting richer. That is what capitalism does, and when the people of USA are so afraid of the state owning things, it will never change.
I can appreciate your reply trZ, however, the US has no choice but to accept Chinas power and wealth, that ball has been rolling downhill for some time now. As far as nuclear weapons-that can only happen once-and then it's all over but the shouting. That's understood about the rich and poorer but it was the middle class I was speaking of, I'm sorry I didn't make that clearer. I'm not or don't mean to imply I'm right and anyone else is wrong or vice versa. I was only speaking of what I know about, just as you did...
That's certainly true about the arrogance; I'm pretty sure that that is what is often described by the term "American exceptionalism". Few people here want to admit that we can easily become no different than a third world country and a police state; even less do they want to see that it's already happening.

You wrote "But I think ppl are busy in their every day lives to pay a lot of attention to world affairs. What w/ losing their homes, pensions, jobs and scense of security."

I think you're being very charitable there (probably because you're a nice person) but the fact is that most Americans didn't pay a whole lot of attention to what was going on BEFORE things began to look so grim financially. They had time enough to watch American Idol and text in their choices, but they could rarely be bothered to send even an email to their legislators. At least the people I know.
the people in those other countries were beset by grave threats to their homes, pensions, jobs and sense of security too ...but still found the juice to make some noise. So I'm afraid the deal is that Americans have been lulled into rolling over for just about anything, like that old analogy of the frog in the heated water.


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