Night Terrors

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Silent Hill
Nov 2, 2021
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Rather not say.
Anyone else here suffer those as an adult? Oh its been such a joy for me getting those aged 13. In the end I was up to 5 attacks a night while also sleep walking, or should I say sleep running. Shrinks think its PTSD although i'll be messed if I know why or how or what the hell happened to me. Oh and dissociative disorder. They think my brain somehow shut out some trauma when I was little and it messed me up. Mostly I used to just run and scream, until when I was 28 I found some medication (anti depressants a weird combination of 2 different kinds of them that do fresia all for my depression, but help with that) and now I can sleep somewhat normal. That is stare at the ceiling till 5 am or when the sun comes about up, then having these weird ass tremors like my left hand specially shaking and just going up randomly like weird, painful shocks till I finally fall asleep. Shoulders too. So thats nice.

Some highlights of my terrors (but man theres so much):

- Getting one after an operation even before I woke up.
- In that same hospital traumatizing other patients, and having to sleep in another room. (I warned them tons of times before hand mind you, that hospital. "yeah its not possible during narcosis" hah- proved them wrong)
- Completely traumatizing an entire hotel during the holidays, staff banging at my door thinking someone was getting murdered.
- Problems with a previous neighbor years ago, who decided to then stalk and harass me, to get me gone. (Can't even blame her really, but she made the night terrors even worse.)
Fun btw getting the cops at the door while you're technically asleep. And then trying to explain to some cops what night terrors are.
- Having a one night stand, then forgetting to warn the girl about my episodes, accidentally falling asleep. Then waking up to her standing at the door, her nose bleeding, yelling that I'm a psychopath. Turns out I had bit her nose really hard during an episode. Needless to say I never heard from her again, never got the chance to explain. (AMAZED she never called the cops or had someone beat me up after, I was full on expecting it.)
- Dropping out of school and being cypherblind up to this day, and just unemployable because I can't focus on anything, I'm always tired. Even without the night terrors.
You give me even the easiest math problem and i'll fresia it up. Don't know my multiplication tables, also because before the terrors I was already a very heavy sleepwalker.

Oh and to clarify: Usually kids get them but grow out of it during puberty, if you grow IN to it in puberty you're pretty much messed and will suffer them forever. Hence why I can never stop taking those meds. Those meds are ******* up my liver.
Yeap, definitely can relate to this.

huge demons swimming down from the ceiling, inky black, snarling with vampire sharp teeth. All the while, sinking deeper and deeper into a bed until the darkness drowns me.

and that is just on a good day!
Yeap, definitely can relate to this.

huge demons swimming down from the ceiling, inky black, snarling with vampire sharp teeth. All the while, sinking deeper and deeper into a bed until the darkness drowns me.

and that is just on a good day!
that sounds very recognizable. also hard for people to wake you up and such?
Yes, at times. Similarly, there are often moments when I am not certain whether I am awake or asleep. It's like the terror is over, I think I am awake, and go and do my daily stuff. But suddenly, the demons are flowing from other places around the house.
Yes, at times. Similarly, there are often moments when I am not certain whether I am awake or asleep. It's like the terror is over, I think I am awake, and go and do my daily stuff. But suddenly, the demons are flowing from other places around the house.
You ever had when you sort of came out of it yet where still busy with whatever your subconscious thought was going on? I've had that, where you're I dunno still searching for that huge spider until you realize it was all another night terror. I've gotten angry quite a few times with that happening.
Yes, although it's never simple spiders, I see these demons, they are like black manta rays, swimming down from the ceiling. Or sometimes, though less often, they swim up from beneath the bed. The more stressed I am, the worse they appear.
I'm kind of scared to read this thread incase i'm giving myself new ammo to dream about at night lol If I get any new terrors, I will hold ya responsible lol.

I get awful night terrors, I barely sleep, maybe 2 hours, if that a night, I miss sleeping.

Do you guys still sleep well? Do you get the whole sleep paralysis thing, when you wake up but cant move ?
Sleep issues for me, come in phases, related to what's going on in my life. Stress being the most fundamental factor. The past week, sleep has not been an issue, with 6-7 hours occurring regularly.

This is not always the norn. There were prolonged phases of extremely little sleep, maybe 2 hours per day, often not in one whole section. After 4 days of this, reality becomes very blurred. But at the same time, the tiredness is different to typical exhaustion, as the body pumps out more adrenalin. Day 4 is like being on drugs. The crash, when it comes, will wipe out the following 2 days. Essentially sleep, eat, sleep.

A good routine is paramount. Light and smell affects us tremendously. Although, what might work for me, won't for you. Likewise, I do not subscribe to the notion of avoiding caffeine. Yes, it is stimulant. But, as with any stimulants, if your body craves it, you'll not rest until you get it.

What works for me is ensuring a good walk during the day. During the evening whilst in bed, a single candle, typically Jasmine. Any devices such as my tablet, has the screen light turned down low. And, I try not to engage in anything that will set my mind racing. A cool room also helps.

My most rewarding sleep is usually an afternoon nap. Yes, I'm of that age. Nonetheless, a South facing house, filled with sunshine, will have me away with the fairies. I can expect 20 - 90 minutes of quality sleep, under these circumstances. 40 minutes being optimal.

AMSR can help, and there is a wide variety on YouTube. Soft spoken, low light, obscure sounds, or meditation through to facials, etc. White noise angers me deeply, and makes me want to kill the creator using a wet lettuce and my imagination.

Oh, and finally, who doesn't live fresh bedding.
I too blame stress for my dreams. I've reached a new previously unheard of level of dreaming where i dream in my dream, i'm aware it's a dream within a dream, and try to wake myself in my dream by screaming. It gets so vivid it's almost real. Also in colors. it gets worse as my environmental stress increases. I have a whore neighbor who doesn't want to be normal and intentionally brings clients and and makes noise at night. I don't get much sleep. I'm looking forward to sleeping in my car soon. Some place very quiet.

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