Questions for the Women

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AmytheTemperamental said:
Triple Bogey said:
ladyforsaken said:
Triple Bogey said:
I have heard many women say that if a guy has never had a girlfriend then they must be something wrong with him. They wouldn't want to get to know him. In my small part of the world, that is the attitude of some women.

Just saying.

I really can't make sense of such an opinion. A little shallow and unreasonable of such women, me thinks.

Well it is, I agree but I have heard it over and over again.
My mother always mentions it. And her friends. Stuff like 'he's never been married, there's something wrong with him'

To me, this kind of falls into that old fashioned attitude. I hear all the time that I shouldn't want to be single because I have children, and that there's something wrong with me when I turn down potential dates. All falls in the same pot for me. I would love to move away from those attitudes.

Yes I agree
Wooing someone isn't about the mode of transportation, though. If it is, that should tell you a lot about her character and what you can expect in the future.

If the girl likes you for YOU, she'll understand. Bikes and cabs, buses or even HER car will be more than sufficient.
Shiloh253 said:
Good points, it just seems like it'll be difficult trying to actually go on dates with someone if I can't drive. Call it an outdated social norm, misogynistic, whatever, but in a lot of places it's still expected that the guy picks up the girl, takes her out, drives her back home, etc etc. And truthfully, I have the feeling it'll be difficult to woo somebody when you have to tell her "Oh yeah, just let me hop on my bike and I'll meet you there. Wait, you want to go somewhere after? Errr, guess I'll have to call a cab then..."

The last 2 women I have gone on dates with - they have picked in up in their cars !

I think as long as somebody as a car it isn't a problem.
Shiloh253 said:
Good points, it just seems like it'll be difficult trying to actually go on dates with someone if I can't drive. Call it an outdated social norm, misogynistic, whatever, but in a lot of places it's still expected that the guy picks up the girl, takes her out, drives her back home, etc etc. And truthfully, I have the feeling it'll be difficult to woo somebody when you have to tell her "Oh yeah, just let me hop on my bike and I'll meet you there. Wait, you want to go somewhere after? Errr, guess I'll have to call a cab then..."

It is outdated. What's wrong with a bike? Or a cab? Or a bus? Sure, it might be a bit more restrictive if neither person has a car if you're not in a city, but that just means you get to be more creative with your plans. I was about to say material possessions wouldn't matter to anyone if they truly want to be with you in my first post. But I saw your second post about the other forum. I will amend that to material possessions wouldn't matter to anyone who is worth being with. Shallow and lazy aren't a good combo, and if they're petty enough to be snide about their partner not chauffeuring them around, they're both of those things. Vision problems or no, using a bicycle as a mode of travel is absolutely fine.
^Besides all those modes of transport, I would even like walking. (Just not for unreasonably long distance of course and weather conditions to be considered.)
Then again if a flash car parks outside my work, you will find all the women will want to know who gets out. If a guy drives up in some crappy car, they won't be bothered.
That goes the same for both sexes. And sorry if a flashy car pulls up most guys will check out the car, might not care who gets out unless it's a woman, still though you're still interested to see who owns such a vehicle. So your logic there is kind of flawed.
I only check out cars when I am seeing who is getting in them to leave the parking lot at work :club: no cars in the parking lot, means no one in the way of me cleaning :D
Triple Bogey said:
Then again if a flash car parks outside my work, you will find all the women will want to know who gets out. If a guy drives up in some crappy car, they won't be bothered.

I can guarantee you that I'd be more interested in an old beat-to-honeysuckle Chevy pickup than I ever would be in a Porsche or Ferrari or anything. This is one woman that can't be won over with flashy get-ups, and I know there are many females like myself out there.
^ The lack of an ego/control over his ego? Honesty? Communication skills? Being genuinely kind?
Interesting question. I have a feeling the answer to this is the sort of characteristic that can be said to be wanting in both sexes.
I know this is the "Questions for the Women" thread, but I just wanted to comment on the issue of men and cars.

I would say that I have a fairly nice car (though it's important to note that I am NOT rich). However, as some of you are already aware, I have never had so much as a date, let alone a girlfriend. Before anyone asks, no, I did not get the car for that reason (and I really should have been more conservative when getting a car anyway, but that's beside the point). I just like that kind of car.

I just wanted to say that it's not the car you drive that is holding you back, and it probably isn't even holding you back to not drive (although it might in areas where driving is considered important culturally). The important thing is to be as interesting and attractive as you can be.
Xpendable said:
What's the most attractive trait on a male but a the same time the most rare?

Pure honesty. Non-judgemental. And what the ladies above said, ego control.
ladyforsaken said:
Xpendable said:
What's the most attractive trait on a male but a the same time the most rare?

Pure honesty. Non-judgemental. And what the ladies above said, ego control.
If that were the case I'd probably be considered attractive... and that makes me skeptical
Skid Row 89 said:
ladyforsaken said:
Xpendable said:
What's the most attractive trait on a male but a the same time the most rare?

Pure honesty. Non-judgemental. And what the ladies above said, ego control.
If that were the case I'd probably be considered attractive... and that makes me skeptical

I'm sure you are considered attractive to many people. Attraction is subjective and different for everyone. Don't count yourself out, just keep trying and meeting new people.
Skid Row 89 said:
ladyforsaken said:
Xpendable said:
What's the most attractive trait on a male but a the same time the most rare?

Pure honesty. Non-judgemental. And what the ladies above said, ego control.
If that were the case I'd probably be considered attractive... and that makes me skeptical

What Callie said. ^
TheRealCallie said:
I have to go with honesty, as well. Also, communication.


No, I don't need to know where you are at all times. No you don't have to tell me every little feeling and emotion you have. Just keep me in the loop! Don't blindside me with things when you should have been telling me all along!

Rant over.
TheRealCallie said:
Skid Row 89 said:
ladyforsaken said:
Xpendable said:
What's the most attractive trait on a male but a the same time the most rare?

Pure honesty. Non-judgemental. And what the ladies above said, ego control.
If that were the case I'd probably be considered attractive... and that makes me skeptical

I'm sure you are considered attractive to many people. Attraction is subjective and different for everyone. Don't count yourself out, just keep trying and meeting new people.
Back to false hope it is then

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