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Well-known member
Mar 22, 2010
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Somewhere No One Knows Me
So I have a roommate, so before I start venting and ranting. I figure this will be a good thread for anyone who has a roommate to vent and talk about how to handle roommates.

----- The Rant -----
So I live with one other male roommate. He has been a friend of mine for a while so I helped him get a job in my office and became his roommate. I have figured out my main problem with this guy. He has boundary issues, I mean SERIOUSLY. Just now he was in my room watching TV with me and he farted on my bed. I do not mind him doing that on the couch or the chairs but on my bed. Seriously what the fresia. What am I his girlfriend?

I think that is the problem. He told me a while ago that if he was 25 and not married, he would be kind of upset... he is 26 now. I mean say he treats me like a girlfriend, I mean his ******* LIFE revolves around me. Every day he asks me what my plans are, and if I don't really say anything he gives a look like what the fresia? Even worse if I am in my room sleeping or just being alone he comes in to check on me. What kind of guy does that? Seriously the only reason I leave my door cracked so my cats won't destroy the carpet around it. Yet he comes waltzing in, without a knock more often than not, to check on me. I mean come on. Then he takes things to extremes.

If I say I just want to hang out alone, he ******* leaves the apartment. I am not complaining but holy ******* honeysuckle. I said I would just close my door and stay in my room. I have video games and a computer in there for a reason. But he just ups and leaves, then gets all pouty.

I don't know, I figure I can take one more year of being his roommate before I have to get my own place again. I guess I have just been spoiled by roommates in the past. The only other two roommates I had kept to themselves.
I apologize, but your post made me giggle :p

Are you sure he doesn't think of you as more than just a friend? Lol I'm being serious sounds like he fancies you a bit.

Tell the guy to get a girl or something. Or leave you the fresia alone. Come on man, you're a dude. Tell him straight up what's buggin ya and get that honeysuckle worked out.
Yeah, serious boundary issues there. Tell him how messed he is being and to stop, or alternatively get the hell out of that place. Don't let him grow even more attached. If he does I doubt it will end well.
@Brian: Since his failure rate with the ladies is as high as mine, I would not be surprised.

@Badjedidude': I try not to remind him of how much he fails with the ladies. He fails as much as I... so yeah. I am trying to get that honeysuckle worked out though. It is just hard, because when I say anything he runs to his parents. It is kind of weird.

@mintymint' : Ha ha I always fear a day will come when I will find him spooning with me.... that will be the day it ends.... I do not know how much more attached he could possibly get.
Well he certainly sounds like a nester. You know....the type of guy that can't leave mommy and daddy and won't balls up and do anything even mildly uncomfortable. Sounds like he's officially made you his surrogate mommy and daddy.. you're just going to have to use some discipline. Next time he sits on your bed, sock him on the arm. Hard. He'll learn pretty quickly not to do that.

Seriously. Some guys just hafta learn that way. *shrug* And if he is such a momma's boy, then he could use a few decent punches anyway.
Badjedidude said:
Well he certainly sounds like a nester. You know....the type of guy that can't leave mommy and daddy and won't balls up and do anything even mildly uncomfortable. Sounds like he's officially made you his surrogate mommy and daddy.. you're just going to have to use some discipline. Next time he sits on your bed, sock him on the arm. Hard. He'll learn pretty quickly not to do that.

Seriously. Some guys just hafta learn that way. *shrug* And if he is such a momma's boy, then he could use a few decent punches anyway.
Ha ha yeah, he has been telling me recently how he wants to move back home because his mom will basically buy his car off him. I do intend to get more stern with him.

It is funny he tries to butter me up by cleaning the kitchen... even though that was our original agreement.
Well one day I might... but not today... I need him for picking up my car in a week.... not that I am that mean... kind of... ok I am...

Am I the only one who has a roommate on this forum?
I know Lurker has a roomie, but I don't think that many of the rest who post frequently on here do.
I dunno man. Have you tried embracing the Bromance? :p He sounds pretty loyal/faithful.

All joking aside, I can completely relate with being driven batty by a roommate. I'm a resident firefighter with a rural department and there's one other guy here with me. We live in station quarters for free in exchange for being on-call and doing necessary basically we're paid in room and board.

Anyway, he's in his 50s and was either: A. Mind-wiped by the CIA after a very interesting career and put here for retirement, or B. He's a couple guys short of an engine company. I'm leaning toward option B.

Within a given night, his topics of discussion with me could be any of the following:

-His time as an investigator in Portland/Vancouver (he cant go 5 minutes without saying something about that's like everything in the world happens there or is there)
-The time he was chased by a horde of gay people because he was trying to save them (he is heavily christian)
-'Walking and Praying'/Throwing 'Jesus Bombs' in to the windows of a gay bar; see above
-The time he fended off a black person
-His theory that when the dinosaurs died in the Great Flood, the heat from their decomposition is what turned the earth's core molten (it was solid before, he thinks)
-His time exploring with some archaeologist and they found the Ark
-His experiences with witchcraft and voodoo and wizard school
-The time he and his sister summoned a demon
-His neighbors who were werewolves, and someone he knew who was a vampire, but turned to Christ and isn't one now but still has urges
-Stories about being a secret agent or military operative or whatever the fresia he was
-Local gossip/who's ******* who
-Thousands of stories pertaining to one of his 4 wives he's been through (they all divorced him)
-How hard the Chief works him, when really he doesn't have to do much
-People he's known who are rich, or who he thinks are rich; how he used to have a lot of money
-Wild speculation on all things political, religious, economic, and various social issues
-He will reiterate forty times a day on what the other volunteer firefighters did that day to irritate him, or about how messy they are. Forty times.

This is seriously only scratching the surface of what I've heard from him. And he TALKS A LOT. A WHOLE LOT. OH fresia.

Sometimes I'll turn on Coast to Coast AM, just to see what he'll say about some of the topics; though I enjoy the show on my own too.

He's a good guy, but he drives me nuts sometimes. Also he snores.

So I kind of feel your pain, pal.
Reading the first post of AFrozenSoul, thought you are a girl, seriously lmfao xD. I was about to post "Well atleast you got a dude running behind, caring for you", until I saw Steve callng you 'dude' hahahaha. Now it all sounds so creepy. I think its something with roomies who were our friends before. I prefer to stay alone even if its bloody costly and make everything marginal, just because of this. I really hate to share. I wont even give my phone or pc or even headphones to anybody (not even for some minutes, it will just make me uncomfortable). I think its just the way i was brought up (all alone n stuff without siblings) or maybe its my OCD. Idk well lol..

Brian, dude, your roommate is every writer's dream LOL seriously. I would just make him talk all day and night and make stories out of everything he said. Well... gah I hate to write. so meh lol
Sanal said:
Reading the first post of AFrozenSoul, thought you are a girl, seriously lmfao xD. I was about to post "Well atleast you got a dude running behind, caring for you", until I saw Steve callng you 'dude' hahahaha. Now it all sounds so creepy. I think its something with roomies who were our friends before. I prefer to stay alone even if its bloody costly and make everything marginal, just because of this. I really hate to share. I wont even give my phone or pc or even headphones to anybody (not even for some minutes, it will just make me uncomfortable). I think its just the way i was brought up (all alone n stuff without siblings) or maybe its my OCD. Idk well lol..
Yeah normally guys do not have these kinds of feelings. So I am not surprised you thought I was a female. Living alone does have more benefits than living with someone else that is for sure.
Naww, you can live with a guy fairly easily....but you have to aggressively set boundaries and make sure the entire household is overfilled with testosterone, lest the weakest of the males begin to assume that he is the female.

I jest, but sadly, there's some truth to this.

Seriously, start punching him on shoulder. :p
AFrozenSoul said:
Yeah normally guys do not have these kinds of feelings. So I am not surprised you thought I was a female. Living alone does have more benefits than living with someone else that is for sure.

Guys have feelings, but most of us are so focused on being hard, tough, and strong that we don't want to show them or rely on others. It is often beneath us to show weakness. This turns out to be a curse though, when women break our hearts and think nothing of it...

Living alone: well it depends on your roommate. If their someone who will stay out of your things, doesn't bother you, and pays their half of the bills then its great. Living alone is incredibly lonely. I'm an only child and am accustomed to being alone, yet the prospect of living alone is disconcerting to me.
Don't hit him dude unless you intend on knocking him the fresia out. If this guy wants your ass a little love tap on the arm will just give him the green light to start a kinky wrestling match or pillow fight or something haha
Lol no it wouldn't, not if he's the sort of momma's boy wimp that AFrozenSoul's been describing him as. *shrug* A nice, swift punch has always worked for me when one of my guy friends is buggin' the crap out of me. Barbaric? Sure. Effective? You bet.
@Badjedidude: Hmmm... yeah I see.... that is probably why things are the way they are. Then again... I am a fairly passive person though. it is best to get along and live without conflict.

@Phaedron: Yeah... I have feelings... in my pants... but the other kinds of feelings don't really exist in males. At least I need to believe that kind of stuff right now.

@Only Illusion: HOLY CRAP... I never thought about that kind of thing. I sometimes wonder about him.... best to play it on the safe side.
LOL@pillowfight hahahahahaa. There's a possibility for that really hahaha. But I think its the other way for most part like he is too pampered or something and momma's boy needs a parent to take care of him so he is seeing that parent in you maybe lol.

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