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A Lonely Life Supporting Member
Supporting Member
Nov 28, 2007
Reaction score
Evans, GA
Hello everyone! My name is Matthew and I am a 20 year old male that lives in Aiken, South Carolina and I work as a stock clerk at Publix, usually working from 2:00 AM to about 11:00 AM or later. I don't have any friends besides my best friend I've had since 7th grade and my brother. I am interested in everything, and love discussing almost anything there is to discuss. My main focus though is philosophy, math/physics, and when it comes to music, I worship Pink Floyd. I am a Pink Floyd fanatic and I think that they are the greatest band of all time. I am an extremely intelligent atheist, who is unwaivering in his views. I am willing to hear other's views with an open mind, but do not expect me to change my mind, or to keep my opinion to myself. I am bored with people and want to meet someone stimulating, intelligent, and different, someone special. I am physically, emotionally, and intellectually alone. Even when I am at work, and surrounded by people, I feel completely alien and separate from everyone else. All I want is someone new to connect with on a profound level. I've only done that with my brother and my best friend, and while I cherish them and would die for them at the drop of a hat, I can't spend as much time as I'd like with them because they lead their own lives now with school and work. I tried dating for a while, but that just made me lose even more faith in humanity, and made me feel even more alone. I would try to bond with my partner, but they would just treat me like I was weird because I wanted a relationship that was deeper than what was considered "normal." You see, I'm one of those rare people that doesn't lie, and has no problems telling a complete stranger everything about himself. In my experiences, I've found most people I've met to be rather shallow, insincere compulsive liars who are unwilling to trust others and so rely on playing mind games. I guess I am naive, and put too much faith into people. After typing all of this, it would seem that the cause of my loneliness runs deeper than just not having any friends. I need human discussion and contact on more than a superficial level.
I know how you feel, thats the biggest part of my lonliness is not being able to talk about things that matter. I feel like my life holds no real depth to it. I don't have any friends either....just my boyfriend, and he works a lot. I don't talk to people. I have minimal human contact and its maddening. I usually sit at home with my cat all day til my boyfriend gets home, and don't get me wrong Charlie (cat) is great company but not too talkative.
You sound very interesting, perhaps we can have some dicussions and debates. I look forward to your posts, and if you ever want to pm me feel free =)
Hey Atomic Rabbit, I appreciate your interest. It's nice to know that there are other people that can empathize with my situation. I live with my parents and my cat, and it's like you said, he's good company, but can't do much conversation wise sadly. I basically work, come home, sleep, go to work, come home, sleep, etc. I feel like I'm going to waste. I want to go to college at Clemson with my brother, but I'm in a rut right now in my life that I can't seem to get out of because of some stupid mistakes I made in the past. I look forward to talking to you and everyone else here on the forums and having many discussions and debates. Thank you for the PM invitation, feel free to PM me as well. If anyone is interested, my AIM screen name is "BrodieSWR". I'm usually on if I'm not working or sleeping.
Brodie said:
Hello everyone! My name is Matthew and I am a 20 year old male that lives in Aiken, South Carolina and I work as a stock clerk at Publix, usually working from 2:00 AM to about 11:00 AM or later. I don't have any friends besides my best friend I've had since 7th grade and my brother. I am interested in everything, and love discussing almost anything there is to discuss. My main focus though is philosophy, math/physics, and when it comes to music, I worship Pink Floyd. I am a Pink Floyd fanatic and I think that they are the greatest band of all time. I am an extremely intelligent atheist, who is unwaivering in his views. I am willing to hear other's views with an open mind, but do not expect me to change my mind, or to keep my opinion to myself. I am bored with people and want to meet someone stimulating, intelligent, and different, someone special. I am physically, emotionally, and intellectually alone. Even when I am at work, and surrounded by people, I feel completely alien and separate from everyone else. All I want is someone new to connect with on a profound level. I've only done that with my brother and my best friend, and while I cherish them and would die for them at the drop of a hat, I can't spend as much time as I'd like with them because they lead their own lives now with school and work. I tried dating for a while, but that just made me lose even more faith in humanity, and made me feel even more alone. I would try to bond with my partner, but they would just treat me like I was weird because I wanted a relationship that was deeper than what was considered "normal." You see, I'm one of those rare people that doesn't lie, and has no problems telling a complete stranger everything about himself. In my experiences, I've found most people I've met to be rather shallow, insincere compulsive liars who are unwilling to trust others and so rely on playing mind games. I guess I am naive, and put too much faith into people. After typing all of this, it would seem that the cause of my loneliness runs deeper than just not having any friends. I need human discussion and contact on more than a superficial level.

So what's the weather like there?

How was your day?

Sorry, I just couldn't help myself! I hate small talk too, but I've become pretty good at faking it.

Welcome to the forum...I appreciate honesty above all else, just don't be too harsh. :)
Oh! Why the weather is just absolutely fabulous! It was brisk and cool this morning, which helped pep me up for the long day that was ahead me! Aside from lifting gallon sized jugs of water and heavy boxes of canned vegetables and soups for hours, my day was just splendid! Thanks for asking, by the way! How is the weather where you are from? Was your day as wonderful as mine? Gee golly wiz, I sure hope it was!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist it. :p
OK..I'll break the chain of small talk..'re cute! Now..don't take that as some superficial flirty talk..that's just a truthful observation..:)
Haha! Thank you Arianna, I get that a lot, although my looks don't seem to get me anywhere. I can't even buy things with them! :p It seems that being able to play a guitar, being in a mediocre, unoriginal band and having tattoos and blue eyes will get you farther than anything else, or else that's what I've learned from the girls I've dated... What is the deal with guitars? So a guy can wail on a phallic symbol and strum out the same boring, unoffensive repetitive chords over and over, while jumping up and down like a retard with his emo hair cut flapping in front of his sweaty face making you wonder how he can even see the guitar, let alone play it.

This video of Henry Rollins I think pretty much sums up everything I've got to say on the subject. Wow I get side tracked easily... :p
Brodie said:
Haha! Thank you Arianna, I get that a lot, although my looks don't seem to get me anywhere. I can't even buy things with them! :p It seems that being able to play a guitar, being in a mediocre, unoriginal band and having tattoos and blue eyes will get you farther than anything else, or else that's what I've learned from the girls I've dated... What is the deal with guitars? So a guy can wail on a phallic symbol and strum out the same boring, unoffensive repetitive chords over and over, while jumping up and down like a retard with his emo hair cut flapping in front of his sweaty face making you wonder how he can even see the guitar, let alone play it.

This video of Henry Rollins I think pretty much sums up everything I've got to say on the subject. Wow I get side tracked easily... :p

I listen to country! Does that count? Oh and I don't have blue eye either.:( Guess no girl will fall in love with me then:(
Chris 2 said:
Brodie said:
Haha! Thank you Arianna, I get that a lot, although my looks don't seem to get me anywhere. I can't even buy things with them! :p It seems that being able to play a guitar, being in a mediocre, unoriginal band and having tattoos and blue eyes will get you farther than anything else, or else that's what I've learned from the girls I've dated... What is the deal with guitars? So a guy can wail on a phallic symbol and strum out the same boring, unoffensive repetitive chords over and over, while jumping up and down like a retard with his emo hair cut flapping in front of his sweaty face making you wonder how he can even see the guitar, let alone play it.

This video of Henry Rollins I think pretty much sums up everything I've got to say on the subject. Wow I get side tracked easily... :p

I listen to country! Does that count? Oh and I don't have blue eye either.:( Guess no girl will fall in love with me then:(

Oh I don't know Chris..I think love has little to do with the type of music you listen to..or the color of your eyes. It's more about the soul..and the heart. And I think you have enough of both to find love.
Brodie said:
Oh! Why the weather is just absolutely fabulous! It was brisk and cool this morning, which helped pep me up for the long day that was ahead me! Aside from lifting gallon sized jugs of water and heavy boxes of canned vegetables and soups for hours, my day was just splendid! Thanks for asking, by the way! How is the weather where you are from? Was your day as wonderful as mine? Gee golly wiz, I sure hope it was!

Sorry, I just couldn't resist it. :p

I set you up to give me the "fine thanks" routine but you didn't bite! It is obvious to me that you are not fluent in small talk....and you've just nominated sarcasm as your first language.
Yes small talk gets very old after a while that's true, but I am very good at it

I hear it's supposed to snow this weekend, I wish it would how bout you? Man that final in calculus was hard i'm glad that's over how bout you? etc. etc. etc. etc.

Welcome to the forum too by the way:D
Brodie said:
Well of course looks have nothing to do with love, but they sure do help in the beginning :p.

No..not really... 'cause as soon as a person opens his/her mouth and trash comes out..good looks count for nothin' least where I am concerned. I've met a lot of frogs disguised as princes..:)
You're so right. They help in the beginning, the middle, and even at the end when you go to court. ;)

Brodie said:
Well of course looks have nothing to do with love, but they sure do help in the beginning :p.

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