The Confession Booth

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Food confession: I can not allow potato chips, tortilla chips or pretzels in this house because I am utterly powerless over salty, carby, crunchy things.

I can have chocolate lying around forever and I will nibble at it over the course of months - years, even. I just pop it back in the freezer and it will last forever. A dozen cookies can sit around and go hard before I will eat them all.

But wave a freshly opened bag of salt and vinegar chips under my nose and I'm done.

**I'm low-carbing it right now so what is foremost on my mind?

Carbs: Bread. Pasta. Rice. Potatoes. I want them all. I just might give a kidney for a slice of pizza at the moment. *sigh* I think these cravings mean I need a small protein-laden snack...
I didn't realize until I started practicing, but driving scares the daylights out of me.
Solivagant said:
I didn't realize until I started practicing, but driving scares the daylights out of me.

Me too, I'd rather walk.
I confess I can NOT load the dishwasher unless the dirty dishes are rinsed and stacked in a neat and orderly fashion. It's madness. :club:
Callie said:
I confess that I use my air conditioner in the winter...

This is a very strange person....

TheRealCallie said:
I confess I can NOT load the dishwasher unless the dirty dishes are rinsed and stacked in a neat and orderly fashion. It's madness. :club:'s this one :p
WildernessWildChild said:
Callie said:
I confess that I use my air conditioner in the winter...

This is a very strange person....

TheRealCallie said:
I confess I can NOT load the dishwasher unless the dirty dishes are rinsed and stacked in a neat and orderly fashion. It's madness. :club:'s this one :p

Aww, you really know how to charm a girl :D
- I once survived a winter in New York, with no heat, because I was too poor to pay for gas.
- When I was 13, I unwrapped every single Xmas present with my name on it and resealed them. Was quite difficult to pretend I was surprised when opening them in front of family.
- I'm good at faking migraines to get out of work early or cancel certain events with friends.
- A roommate mine had a doll collection and I would rearrange them into sexual positions. Was all fun and games till her elderly mother came over and found several of them in various positions. She didn't find it funny at all.
- I used to be like George Costanza and would lie, from time to time..mostly to people I'll never see again...usually about my age, where I went to school, occupation, where I live. Luckily, it never came back to bite me in the ass.
hi! I'm new yeah..

Hmmm I confess that

I play videogames too much and still suck at it
I like to cook but my food never tastes really good
I make friends kind of easily ( lately, I believe my surroundings helped) but I don't feel like they are real real in people I can count on
I sometimes wish to be a mail bride - because it seems easier
It's very difficult to notice if someone is flirting with and I have no idea of how to flirt.
I read way too much romance (of any kind) and I dig werewolves ;)
I'm usually way too happy and good humored and some people want to kill me Monday mornings

Nice to meet you all :)
Sometimes I fantasize about threating or beating up people who act like arrogant ******** in public.

I'm having horrible misanthropic thoughts - sometimes for no reason - and I usually feel guilty about them...but not always.

I never greet anyone I meet on the streets around here - and I don't greet workmates outside of the firm.

Relating to that: I mastered a few techniques to observe other people unseen while avoiding social interaction by ignoring them, taking shortcuts or acting like I have to do something else.

Usually I listen to music wherever I go but I mute the sound at times to secretly listen to people's conversations - just to be pissed off by the irrelevant nature of their vocal emissions.

On few occasions I stole small toys from my friends like LEGO figures or toy cars.

I react allergically to the word "love".

I always cried when I hurt myself in someway till I was 17 or something.
These are the things that come to mind right now:

No matter how much I play any of the Metal Gear Solid games, I never get any better at using stealth.

I can angry/aggressive quite easily at times.

I'm generally clumsy.

I usually get ahead of myself when a woman seems to like me. I think that I have a chance to get with them practically right away.

I'm able to eat more than a pig and I don't get full easily.

I'm unable to say Hello to a complete stranger most of the time.

I can be selfish.

I'm terrified to start learning to drive.

I'm in desperate need of attention which can lead to me being an attention seeker.

I'm not a big fan of Action movies.

I can be petty and I sometimes blame others when I'm at fault.

I sometimes become infatuated/obsessed with some women.
  • I am a coward when I play horror games and have been known to cower under porches.
  • Sometimes I walk past the window in the nude after a shower, in the morning, etc. Sometimes I realize there are people outside, but I don't particularly care.
  • My BLTs are pretty much just bacon, mayo, and toast.
- I too have been a sort of goody-two-shoes for my whole life. I think this is a major reason why I have also been single my whole life. I think women find me boring because of it. But at the same time I have a hard time being stereotypically masculine because I find it ridiculous, kind of a caricature. I'd feel like a cartoon character, and not in a good way. I'd feel like a joke, like I was reading from a script. But that's the thing - it's not how good or bad you are, it's how masculine you are. And I'm not very. So I guess I'll keep going on alone.

- Aside from that I went through a period of my life from about 2006 to 2012 where I did smoke marijuana fairly regularly and occasionally various forms of tobacco. Next month though, it will have been two years since I touched those things and I don't plan to do them again. The marijuana I smoked to get creative (which never happened, by the way - I no longer believe it helps with that) and the tobacco was because I thought there would be no future to look forward to, what with the recession and oil prices and stuff, and even those were solved somehow, I didn't really care about my own life because I felt that I was just born without any talent at anything I liked and there was nothing I could do to get better so I was just going to go through my life miserable anyway.

- Though I am done with any and all smokables, I have experienced and would be open to actual psychedelics. This is the only thing that I feel does not take the edge off of life, but enhances it. It's the only substance I don't feel is somewhat corrupt. Sort of like Spider-sense or the Force. That being said, I hate anyone who does anything harder than those aforementioned things.

- There is a certain type of person, a certain demographic that I hate now, and often fantasize about beating such a person severely. It wouldn't bother me, in fact, I'd actually enjoy it. It wouldn't quite make up for why I am angry, but it would certainly give me a small measure of satisfaction and peace. I'd feel satisfied that I took something from them and not only that but shamed them as well. I won't do it of course because I value my life and don't want to throw it away, I have goals and dreams and I want to be as happy and bright of a person as possible. But still, when I say I hate this group I mean it.

- I haven't been applying for jobs as much as I should because it makes me very nervous, I am very intimidated by it. Scenarios of failure keep flying through my head, driving me insane.

- I also find my life goals very intimidating, and I get overwhelmed by it and wind up taking no action, even on the things I think are fun and daydream about doing.

- I'm trying to get over this almost crippling sense of pessimism I have.

- I feel really guilty out of all the fights I've had with my mom over these past several years. They were all my fault and all unnecessary.

- I am almost constantly worrying about my older family members passing away.

- Finally on a lighter note, though I'll be 28 in less than a week I often wish I could go back to the days of playing in parks. If society didn't have a problem with someone my age running around and going on the swings or monkey bars or slides, I probably would. But it wouldn't be the same to do those things alone.

I also would like to go back and really play with my toys again. Like really get into it, with a story and everything and take up a whole room with it. I'd like to have all of the worlds collide, Star Wars meets Transformers meets LEGO meets everything else I have.

And I still enjoy old cartoons with talking animals. They just have such innocence and charm.
I confess that I really really REALLY can't wait for school to start again, so I get a break from my kids. 2 more days....

Rosebolt said:
I confess that i am a hypocrite.

Everyone is, to some extent.
Are these serious confessions? Because there are a few things that would make anyone cringe and a few ugly skeletons.

But I'm guessing, no, this is a fun thread.
•I am a coward when I play horror games and have been known to cower under porches.
hehe, don't feel too bad, because I am too much a coward to even play a horror video game lol.
my confession is, that I don't like anything in the horror genre. not movies, tv, books or games.
infact, I don't like anything scary. don't like rollercoasters or extreme rides or anything that sparks fear.
I never understood why people enjoy feeling of fear??

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