the end of the world.

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Well-known member
Feb 16, 2009
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State of confusion
My stupid core emotions seem to believe the world is going to end. However, my brain and my mind tell myself to shut up all the time because I know it's ridiculous.

So how does one get one's innermost mind to shut up? How do you stop thinking about something like this?

It's messing up with my life plans and stuff, cause I might be thinking about college and stuff, and then i'll feel reluctant to really count on going to college cause who knows what might happen, we might have a second great depression. After all there was a second great war. (the Great War was what they called ww1 before ww2 happened.)

And yes I am somewhat delusional. lol. I worry that freedom of speech will disipear before I get my somewhat controversial novel finished. Which makes my motivation for writing it dwindle some. After all I'm just writing it cause it's a good story.

Then when I slow down on writing it, i'm like ahhh I need to finish it before I won't be able to publish it with anyone.

So it's really annoying. I need to get focused on the here and now more, and live my life and not worry about the future or a depression and stuff.

Anyone got any advice?
Deal with it, reason it out, don't shut it out, get it over with.

Also, define what you mean by the world ending?
The problem is I wonder if i'm being reasonable enough to reason it out in the first place? Cause there's always that part of me that doubts myself as I reason out of it. Like, what if i'm wrong about being wrong? What if these things do happen and I didn't prepare? But honestly what could I do.

I guess i just mean a ton of change in society and the world as we know it, to the point where our daily lives are negatively effected in every possible way. Maybe it would be through communism taking over, or a collapse and a second great depression, or maybe just a collapse in morels to the point where it's not safe to leave your home or purchace groceries without worrying someone's gonna shoot you for your peanut butter.

Crazy I know lol. I can't deny what I worry about but I can say it's crazy. I hope it's crazy. lol. But seroiusly I need to start living my life and stop worrying about things I just mentioned above cause who can control it? Not me.
1. You have one of two options when the apocalypse comes, die or die with more supplies than the next guy.

2. Our lives are already negatively affected in every way, you just aren't paying attention.

3. A change in human society does not constitute the end of the world, just a change in how people live for a while. Look at the Dark Ages.
haha I like number one lol.

I understand what you're saying though.

I just mean overwhelmingly like you watch movies about or read books. Like a radical change, an overwhelming negative effect.

And like I said just an end of the world as we know it, not like end of the world completely. Actually I worry about that too sometimes which I also think is ridiculous.

And why am I explaining myself? lol I already admitted most of it was irrational. I thought I put that as a disclaimer somewhere in the first post. hehe.

I really just want to figure out how to spend my time thinking about better things not stuff like this that might get me locked up again lol. jk!
Solace said:
haha I like number one lol.

I understand what you're saying though.

I just mean overwhelmingly like you watch movies about or read books. Like a radical change, an overwhelming negative effect.

And like I said just an end of the world as we know it, not like end of the world completely. Actually I worry about that too sometimes which I also think is ridiculous.

And why am I explaining myself? lol I already admitted most of it was irrational. I thought I put that as a disclaimer somewhere in the first post. hehe.

I really just want to figure out how to spend my time thinking about better things not stuff like this that might get me locked up again lol. jk!

What else there to think about that isn't just as irrational or otherwise dumb and pointless?
If you accepted that you have obsessive complusive personality.
You are more than half way there.

So you know...a lot of it is just in your head...

It manifest itself in many forms. Some of which you can
used as you allied such as reading.
Other forms such as dooms day thinking or wasting your time
playing vedio game as the sand of time in your life is wasting
away. to get out of yourself when you are in these
thoughts of obsession or compulsions ?

Talk to others that understand you....It takes one to know
It's okay solace....don't beat up yourself.
If you find that it's getting out of control and your life is becoming can seek profession help if its available to you.
You are asking for help from an outside source...which is good.

Getting out of yourself.....
Take actions....take positive actions.
Help others....
Do service work...such as simple chores around your house.
It dosn't have to be anything major. Maybe throw in an
extra load of lundry or wash the dishes.
Or clean out your junk draws or clean out your closet.

Go open space. This too will help the obession slows
down. Try to find a place of beauty...maybe just take a simple
walk. Maybe stop and smell the roses. Maybe go play with children
or watch children luaghing and playing.

Meditation also helps.
Just sit still...take in deep breath..then FOCUS on an object in front of you,
such as a flower. Do not fight your mind...simply stay focus
on the object and observe your thoughts go by as a passing parade.
Let them go....just let them flow. will become more aware of your surroundings.
The air around your skin...perhaps the sound of the breeze, animals or birds.
Stay Focus on that object. Just let your thoughts go...
In this way you are learning to be in the moment and not your head.

The piont is not to wrestle with you thought , reasons or latch on to it.
The more you try to fight, intertain, logic your thoughts..the more it will fuel the compulsion.
Think of you mind as a bull in a ring...when it's complusion.
Simply...get out of the bull ring or get run

Or another analogy...
Think of your mind as a marry go round..when it's in complusion.
If you jump off of the merry go are no longer in the cycle.
With no one on the marry go round....the marry go round will simply come to a stop or burn itself out.

Don't let your mind burn you out....let it burn itself out.

If you practice doing this 5-10 mins will help alot.

Or if you say to yourself...I AM responsible ...I have a chioce.
Just practice telling your mind to stop....Just say "STOP"..
Or wear a rubber band around your wrist...
Snap the rubber band when you catch yourself going on auto pilot of obsessive thinking.
Yes....control and discipline your mind...or it'll control you.
You are the master...Just make a simple and direct command to your mind.
The more you practice doing'll catch yourself faster and faster.
You'll stop your mind before it gose into obsessions and complusions. (mind strom)

The principle is still the same...if I think of my ex-gf...its becuase I can't resolve it..So I'll obsess.
Mmmm...if i start thinking about's pretty much that samething..I don't know what's going to happen...
there's no answer..but my fucken brain will try to fucken resolve it (obsess).

It's like trying to argue about the chicken or the fucken egg..what comes's piontless and a waste of your time and life.
Whatever it is you will always get through it, its a ***** I know...

But no matter how bad it is youll be fine even if it does feel like the end of the world.
thank you lonesome for the reply, the doing something is a good idea. Change of scenery, focusing on something else. The first thing I will do is open up my spanish textbook which I should have done earlier in the week since class is later lol.

And Hijacc, you do have a point. A lot of times something I have a lot of trouble with will just stop one day without explanation. Then of course it's been replaced with something else i've most likely dealt with before.
People for centuries have panicked and been convinced that the world was going to end, from the times of the plagues to the Napoleonic Wars, to the First World War, then Second and then the Cold War. You're not crazy for thinking such things. Each one proved to be a false alarm. But what can you do? Nothing. So just appreciate each day and keep your yourself occupied best you can.

Why are you so afraid of the world ending and ultimately dying? One good thing about being as depressed as i am is that i just don't care whether it ends or not. Sometimes i look forward to the idea of it. lol.
lol I don't know mostly cause I think that like dying takes your whole life to acomplish, so also will the end of the world be slow and painful when it gets near the end.

I don't know I just obsess a lot.

Being dead doesn't bother me so much except there's stuff i want to do first. Dying doesn't sound real great either. *shrugs*
Have you ever thought of having hypnotherapy? It may work for you. If things get really bad, then i guess you could look in to it or try it :)
here's a simple excercise...

Make a fist...
Then firmly squeeze your fist.
Then squeeze your fist as hard as you the piont of your finger nails are digging in your palm.
Notice the tensions in your body...
Notice your might even stopped. You might even notice that you're holding your breath.

Now....simply turned your palm down. Then open up your fist.
Take in a deep breathe and release all the air out of your lungs... repeat.
Notice the tension in your body and mind had been release.

It's just a simple excersice you can practice to train your brain and body to LET GO or DROP IT.

You'll be in a calmer state of being...then you can shift your focus to other task or thinking that's more productive
or positive in your life.

or maybe try reading this...
" Why would you wate a day of your life waiting for happiness to find you?..."

"... make your own happiness. Be happy with who you are and what you have in your life right now!

Everywhere you go, you take yourself. Never forget: your attitude is everything. And with all that there is to life, don't leave your happiness to destiny; for your lack of effort and ignorance will only result in a hollow, joyless life.

The primary reason why I'm hammering away at you to be content with who you are and what you have in your life right now is there are no guarantees when you go to sleep at night that you are going to wake up tomorrow morning. None!" (Pelzer 156-157)

So be happy and do things because for all you know, tomorrow, you, or I might not be here. So enjoy life.

That's what I have to say n_n. I love Dave Pelzer btw, in case you didnt notice >_>
No, no, you don't understand, we're all messed. I think about this all the time.

The amount of CO2 pumped into the atmosphere means that we have already probably reached the point of meltdown, when the earth goes into a cycle of making more CO2 and the earth begins to release that instead of oxygen, heating up in an irrevocable process.

Even if you disagree, the heating up already means that places around the equator will turn to desert, pushing up people into belts around the north, where there will be flooding. I read an article that said most humans will live in these highrise flats across belts in places like the UK and northern Russia.

And if you accept that as an inevitability, which it is, then how do you think society will cope with an influx of immigrants? Africa alone will probably be several billion by that time, so how do you think we're going to respond to the equivalent of the entire population of Nigeria coming to Britain?

People will get more extremist in their beliefs, which you can already see happening, and even before the natural disasters and impossible climates do for us our lives will be ravaged by race wars. If hundreds of millions of people try to get into Britain, and depend on it for their lives, you can bet that we'll be forced to kill them just to save the little food we have.

We're all unutterably messed. What's the point me doing something like film when there'll be no oil? What's the point of me becoming a writer when there'll be no paper? You think that just because we've had cushy lives so far, we won't live to see the decline of humanity?

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