Trying to workout from home , 2nd Attempt !!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2019
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I am 36 male from India
I have some free time in the evening ,
Made a pic for myself to get the motivation this time ,
All i need to do is move from my sofa and start working out for at least half an hour , Lol


Do you illustrate stuff for a living? Hobby? That's really good. I don't know if it actually looks like you or not, I'm guessing you just put in everything you want to avoid.
I need to work on the same.

You can do it!
We can be online work out buddies if you want. :)
Hello kaetic ,

I just made some changes to a pic a found online , that is all :)

I am 79 kilograms , that is not like me but that is how i feel about me and my lifestyle , Lol

But this time i did work out at home .

From 8:22 pm to 9 pm i worked out
This is what i did ,

Warmup 10 or 12 minutes
75 Pushups , 25*3
30 crunches , 15*2
40 Squats , 20*2

Good , that was a really good start .

I hope i can continue this at least 5 days a week

Yes kaetic , you can join the workout sessions too .

Just start at a convenient time .
I am sure you too can spent half an hour for the workouts


I am already waiting for today evening to do my next workout
I hope i can start again at the same time , 8:30 PM

Half on hour of semi hard work and i was ok by 9:15 PM

I am expecting some body pain , that will be there for 2 or 3 days in the beginning

You can start too :)
2nd day ,

I had a light pain in the whole body today , but i still did it

Warmup 15 minutes
75 Pushups , 25*3
40 crunches , 20*2
40 Squats , 20*2


Thanks for the reply ,

I am planning to workout at least 5 days a week with 2 days rest

I hope i can achieve that slowly

Like someone said somewhere , slowly slowly make progress

I decided that a few is better than nothing, so I'm in.

3 rounds of:
Dynamic plank 10*4
Pushups 10
Squats on a BB(balance board) 10

It all took about 15-20 minutes

I also plan to work 5 times a week. Want to add liftings and sometimes rope jumping, though I'd better do it outside.

Good job ,

I hope at least the starting trouble is over now

This is my 3rd day and i have some pain near both my ribs .
I hope it will go away this week itself

Anyway continue the daily work outs .

If the pain is too much for me , and it will be at some point of this beginning stage . i will take rest for few days .

Or if the pain is not that of a problem , i will continue

Just finished another evening workout ,

Warmup 15 minutes
75 Pushups , 25*3
40 crunches , 20*2
40 Squats , 20*2

I don't know how i managed to do exercise today ,
But i did it

I am going to continue these same exercises for at least 2 more weeks .

Warmup 15 minutes
75 Pushups , 25*3
40 crunches , 20*2
40 Squats , 20*2

For me it's quite difficult to make myself as this 20-30 minutes sometimes is all the time I have between work/homework and sleeping.
Physically I can more, it's not very difficult in fact, but not very easy as well. I wonder if it gives me any result.
But I try not to stop. Tomorrow is a "rest day" (go climbing).


3 series:
Dynamic plank 10*4
Pushups 10
BB Squats 15
Crunches 10*4

P. S. Felt down from a BB, poor neighbors downstairs :)

I have the same time management issue .
I wake up at 7 in the morning , have an accounting class daily from 8 am to 9 am everyday from monday to friday .

Then i reach work by 9:30 , i come back home at 6:30 evening .... i rest , i eat , i rest again and after that i try to workout depending on my mood .

Maybe i too will rest today .

Maybe i will work out after 9:30 depending on the mood .

If i work out today too, i will post the workout updates .

I am thinking about making only saturday and sunday my rest days .

I hope you are alright now 4No1

5th day ,

Warmup 15 minutes
75 Pushups , 25*3
40 crunches , 20*2
40 Squats , 20*2

Now i rest for 2 days , that means no exercises on Thursday and Friday

****, you guys are doing great
I've pooped out of my workouts this week, I've had no energy for anything.

But I better make a decent effort or you're going to leave me in the dust. :)

Great! I hope my rest days are Wednesday and Saturday, just hope I'll be able to do anything tomorrow ) But when you have pain everywhere, mooving makes it a little bit less. For me it's much easier to go on when I'm not alone. So thanks for the topic. BTW, mentioning with @ is a great thing, I didn't know it works here.

May be if you have no energy you can start with a tiny step? Like 15sec plank or 10 squats. Choose any exercise you like or that are least uncomfortable to do and make a few of them. 5 minutes for the begining, than turn it to 10,15,30. I had the same feeling and when I thought of 30 minutes I just didn't do anything. I do my work in about 20minutes for now.

I really feel like exercising till Friday evening
Maybe i should rest on Saturday and Sunday .

That way i will have a cycle of workouts from Monday to Friday

I have 1 or 2 more hours to decide that ,
I am already feeling some tightness in the body which is a good thing . First i thought it would at least take 3 weeks . But for me i can already feel the little changes after a 5 day workout .


Start slow at a convenient time ,
Everyone have a starting trouble

I have no idea how i managed to workout for the last 5 days .
I somehow did that

3 series:
Dynamic plank 10*6
BB Squats 15
Crunches 10*6

An electric feelings in my wrist returned(tunnel syndrome) so I decided to reduce the pushups. Will do once or twice a week.

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