Unskewing my View of Relationships

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And for the record, sometimes all you want is a Big Mac. You don't want the fancy stuff.

If I could meet a girl like that, I would be set.
The key to happiness is to stop being so bloody miserable about nearly everything in life.
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I am not miserable about everything in life, Vanilla.

That wasn't directed towards you.

And no, I don't mean lie to yourself or to anyone else. How anyone would find me confusing, I have not a clue.
VanillaCreme said:
LeaningIntoTheMuse said:
I am not miserable about everything in life, Vanilla.

That wasn't directed towards you.

And no, I don't mean lie to yourself or to anyone else. How anyone would find me confusing, I have not a clue.

Agreed, you're one of my favorite posters here because what you say seems to always have merit in my opinion. I don't see where someone could find confusion in your posts, they're all straight to the point.

I don't understand how you have so much trouble with her Muesli :/
The mechanics of it.
The sum is positive attitude.

Beliefs + emotions = attitudes

Its neutural. You can use it to work against you or for you.

Doing the samething over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity.
We all live in accordance to our beliefs. ( Im not talking about religion )
In other words our beliefs are the cuase.
Our actions are the effects.
It's not a new concept to throw out old ideas and unworkable beliefs.
To get at the ROOT CAUSE.

A simple example of beliefs are some customs past on from generations to generations.
Such as premarrital sex is a sin Or Wearing a hat in your house is rude.
People programmed that honeysuckle into your head as a child and you ran with it.
Everyone wants to teach you something or learn whatever the fresia lessons
they think is best....according to how they believe life should be lived.

Another example is a poster posted about how some dude said he was ugly.
He bought into the idea. Ran with it...slowly itll become his beliefs.

If you tell yourself...you suck most of your life.
You pretty much programmed yourself into believe that way.
Or if your were critisize, abuse...etc. with a lot of negative messages most
of your life...Those messages becomes your beliefs system.

Yes, you had been mind washed.
KInd of like being in a CULT with an invisiable leash on ya.

You simply are just going have to learn how to cast away old ideas
and unworkable beliefs....It's not always easy becuase you'll feel GUILT.
Your mind and body will simply go through a withdraw stage
as kicking an addiction of sorts and resist changes.
FEAR, GUILT, SHAME will creep in as your EGO or little mind
figths to retain controll and keeps you delusional.

Wheather you use the terms perseverance or have faith
to get you through this process its relativlely the same.
Faith has nothing to do with religion.....
You didnt get this way over night...you're not going to make
big lasting changes overnight.
If you are persistents in being positive....as the negative
honeysuckle was persistent in your life, gradual changes will happen.

If you take some time to FOCUS and OBSERVE your thinking
partterns/behaviors and Self talk/enternal dialog, you'll get
to know yourself better...not so much what your favorite ice cream
is. The surface shallow crap.

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