What are some of the worst fan communities?

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Well-known member
Sep 6, 2013
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I just felt like starting a thread and I've been wondering about this question for a while now. It doesn't matter if they're from the internet or real life, just name them. Could be fans of movies, TV series, comics books, video games, sports, etc.

By the way, I didn't started this thread without a reason, it made me wonder because recently, I was invited to play some video games with a couple of cousins, both old school and modern. When we got to play the PS4, we started playing the latest DBZ game (I bet some of you know already know where this is going). I haven't been in touch with the show since forever, because I began to dislike it as I matured and realized how silly it was. So we put in the game and I start seeing these new characters and concepts that are just silly, even for DBZ standards (like a talking purple cat and a Super Saiyan God thing, etc.). I then made a statement that DBZ has officially become a cash-cow franchise, that it doesn't matter what happens in the show, fans are going to blindly support it. My cousin then just flipped out on me! Saying, "it's being done to keep the franchise alive," I then say, "that can still be done, but why not in a different direction? Instead of continuing the canon storyline, why not do a spin-off or a reboot?" He says. "it's not necessary because DBZ is still the best anime, otherwise it would have lost it's popularity a long time ago." I then just stayed quiet and tried to enjoy the game, but you get what I'm saying everyone.

I don't have a problem with adults being childish to something they like, I have a problem with their attitudes and I want to know some fan communities that are just brats.
Nah, I'm not meaning something serious as those organizations. I'm referring to fanboy communities that defend their favorite entertainment to death.
That's why I started this thread on this forum, otherwise I would have posted it in the "Up to Debate" forum.
AnonymousMe, maybe that should be reflected in your original post while you can still edit it, and a slight change to the topic heading too. That would clear up any confusion of this topic, like adding fan/hobby/gaming or something to it. Though I think there might be a thread like this somewhere already.

I'll say this because I'm part of it, fanboy communities are horrid. They can take things way to seriously, just browse some of the MMO forums. Yesterday DCUO went through a massive 8 hour update where when relaunching the servers the USPC crapped out, they had to fix it and didn't know how long it was going to take. A bunch of the "redundant" hard drives failed all at once. The comments and trolling...wow. Mind blowing.

And when it comes to things like comic book/toy related movies, that can really split a community. I've seen people who were friends or got along suddenly hate each other because of their difference of opinion. It is just nuts. One of the worst I've seen is Transformers, what Michael Bay did to that franchise really split those fans.

Some of the stuff can be so fun to read though, I browsed the downtime update thread on DCUO forum just for pure entertainment yesterday when the servers went down and we ended up with an extra 4 hours before the game was relaunched.
The worst communities? Anything where humans are involved, I'd guess? I'd give particular mention to any and all gaming related communities. Call of Duty, Counter Strike: Global Offensive, DOTA2, LoL, World of Warcraft... anything that attracts young males with OCD, ADD and a borderline personality disorder ;)

In all honesty, once something becomes popular, it's going to attract a small percentage of extremely fanatical and vocal 'supporters'. It only takes a couple of those idiots to spoil the fun for everyone else.
Sci-Fi said:
AnonymousMe, maybe that should be reflected in your original post while you can still edit it, and a slight change to the topic heading too. That would clear up any confusion of this topic, like adding fan/hobby/gaming or something to it. Though I think there might be a thread like this somewhere already.
Yeah, sorry for not being specific and it is 100% my fault. I don't know what I was thinking, starting a thread at midnight, I was simply tired. :club:

user 130057 said:
In all honesty, once something becomes popular, it's going to attract a small percentage of extremely fanatical and vocal 'supporters'. It only takes a couple of those idiots to spoil the fun for everyone else.

I have to agree with this. Current fans could be liking something that's popular at the time, but then something even more popular appears in the future, that's when nostalgia can be used as a weapon, thus giving communities some bad reputation. Take the rivalries between "Twilight" and "Fifty Shades of Grey" for example, there are actual discussions to agree which of the two is better! *mindblown*
Worst community in my opinion? Call of Duty kids. Not the people who can play with some sense, both in-game and on mic, because there are a few of us who still can play that without freaking out - not that I play anymore. I haven't played the last few games out of sheer disappointment that the best in the line is Black Ops.

Another horrible community - many of the League of Legends players. More than a handful of people have died because they refuse to stop playing the game. If that's not horrible in gaming, then I can't think of something that is.

But that DBZ game though... I don't play and don't really care for the series, but my guy plays the game currently, and I get a kick out of asking him about the game and characters.
VanillaCreme said:
Worst community in my opinion? Call of Duty kids. Not the people who can play with some sense, both in-game and on mic, because there are a few of us who still can play that without freaking out - not that I play anymore. I haven't played the last few games out of sheer disappointment that the best in the line is Black Ops.

You'd think they would have grown up by now! Not to mention, they are getting kind of dangerous, they've been swatting families and some of those brats get so personal with their loses that they go to their opponent's real life location and beat the heck out of them. What a lovely community!

Punisher said:
Playstation fanboys.

Those are very hypocritical and they've shown that attitude recently. I remember them saying that The Last of Us should have been on every console, so that everyone doesn't miss the experience, but when they heard that the recently released Bloodborne is rumored to also come out on PC, they almost lost their minds.

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