What are your new years resolutions? Did you keep lasts years resolutions?

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2016
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Mine are to hit the gym and get fit! Start dancing again and goin to raves and meeting people my age haha! I think getting in shape is a big part of that.  I also am going to manage my money better! 

How about yours?
Yukongirl said:
EveWasFramed said:
I don't make them. It's just another expectation I have to live up to, lol. :D


Same here.

Also, why should resolutions only be made on one day?  You want something, make it a priority and do it.  You don't need a new year to accomplish that, just do it whenever...
I don't know if I'll have any this year. The last few years I had a lot of them, they were all big and I just got intimidated by them and wound up doing nothing. I think this year I'm just going to try to take things one day at a time.
- to be successful at my new job
- to give therapy a fair chance and hope that I overcome my anxiety issues
- try to have my friends, give people a break and stop being to judgemental
I really do not get into the whole "make a resolution" thing. I try to be the best person I can be day in and day out and a change of year has nothing to do with that. Sometimes I am successful in this and sometimes I am not.

I did make a major (at least to me) change over the summer and I plan on following it into 2017. I am not going to obsess about the fact that I do not have anyone in my life and that is all there is to it. It's not that I am giving up meeting a nice girl -far from it. I'm just not going to worry about it every day. If it happens I am here and I am ready. If not, I am not going to force the matter.
BeyondShy said:
I did make a major (at least to me) change over the summer and I plan on following it into 2017. I am not going to obsess about the fact that I do not have anyone in my life and that is all there is to it. It's not that I am giving up meeting a nice girl -far from it. I'm just not going to worry about it every day. If it happens I am here and I am ready. If not, I am not going to force the matter.

Very wise.

I am not big on the resolutions... but I am going to do this...for most of my time at my work I have been overwhelmed. But I got a new boss and put things into place so that I can have a life. The problem...I refuse to take it.  So now when I go to work, from 9 AM until 11 AM EVERY DAY, will be for me. I will work on ME.  Go to the gym or pay bills etc. Also, I haven't taken a lunch in years... (eat at my desk) I am promising myself that every day I will go out for 30 minutes.
I set targets rather than resolutions. I hadn't really thought about my targets for next year, but now is as good a time as any. I guess I'd like to hit a 500lb deadlift, 400lb squat, 300lb bench and a bodyweight (~180lb) overhead press. I'm not sure if I will achieve this, but it's always good to have goals.

I just wish I had started this in my 20s rather than my 40s...
TheSkaFish said:
I don't know if I'll have any this year.  The last few years I had a lot of them, they were all big and I just got intimidated by them and wound up doing nothing.  I think this year I'm just going to try to take things one day at a time.

OK here's an easy one:

I resolve to answer my emails and messages in a more timely manner.  I know I've been really bad about this, and I've worried that I come off as rude.  I just want to be in touch with people when I'm feeling good and I don't want it to rub off when I'm down, that's all.  Unfortunately, I'm kinda down a lot.  But I'll try to reply faster.  I appreciate every message and email I get, I want to stay in touch with people and it's always nice when someone asks how I am doing.  I might not always be talkative but I don't want to send the wrong impression that I don't care or something. I do...just have to work up to talking some days.

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