What is your dating age range?

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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
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A colleague today showed me a dating site she is on, never heard of it before. Anyway she was having a look at the profiles. What interested me was the age range that people would be willing to date, noticed it applied to both genders. For instance most 20 something's range looked 18-30, 30 and 40 something's 18-50, and 50 and above mostly started at 30 upwards. Obviously there was more specific age ranges.

So I am curious what is your age range? I honestly don't know the upper limit for me, but I don't think more than ten years younger and and I think that is a stretch.

I am not in anyway judging age gaps in relationships, I know a few couples with various large age gaps it is working for them. Do you know anyone with a large age gap and it works? Good luck to anyone who finds love.
Well for me I prefer older men so 53 - 65 I know its a odd range but I want to be able to joke about the 70's and have the person know what I am talking about. lol..I have had younger than me about 5 years but older men just float my boat. I do not know of any long age gaps save for the entertainment folks like Demi Moore etc and that soured fast..Bright Blessings
Well, I've never been on a date. But when I think about my theoretical age range, I'd say it's 18 through early 30s for me. Like a lot of guys, I tend to be interested in younger women. However, this is not a hard-and-fast rule - it's more like a rule of thumb. Obviously, below 18 is not an option so I don't even consider it. But the early 30s aren't necessarily a cutoff. If I can really enjoy being with someone, that is much more important than an arbitrary cutoff number.
36 and no dates either. A rough range, maybe 27-42.

I don't need to waste time with anyone who's still finding out who they are. And If I did find someone it would be nice if having kids were at least an option.
I guess I go by the golden dating age ratio... your age/2 + 7 = your lower limit...

so 21.5 to 44 for me I guess...

seems like a huge range...

Although I seriously doubt anyone in their early 40's would consider me relationship material...

The numbers in studies say that women tend to prefer older while men tend to prefer younger mates...

Which works out I guess, unless you prefer older women... (which I think I do >.>)
Since apparently I look a bit younger I guess I can also date younger, which suits me, because the older you go the less guys are open to smart independent women, but maybe that is just my experience. Some (SOME) younger guys can be pretty together, and anyway when they reach 30 they aren't that young anymore either ;) so it's all good.

To keep it tasteful, I go (in theory at least) 8 years less and 8 years more

A friend of mine last year married a guy who is fourteen years younger, but that was kind of extreme, they started dating when he was fresh out of high school and she was 32 - she is very hot, though, and he is extremely mature (hot too). Talk about soulmates...
Another one older w/younger m, 10 years difference, then another couple maybe five years? I don't know personally happy couples in which she is much younger than the guy, except maybe for Celine Dion. Wait, gay couple, getting married next month, he 36 and he 26

ps: looking for someone 18-50 must be exhausting, totally different cultures and lifestyles, sounds pretty random to me, but maybe it's worthwhile to keep it open.
I don't have a range.
In practice I tend to be attracted to 20-25 year olds, and wouldn't want to be with women who are too old (there would be no point, and so far there hasn't been an older woman who gave me serious consideration as far as I know; the women who have shown interest have almost always been young, last was 8 years younger than me).
Then again I don't "date", even when I was still looking. I'd like to hope that if a girl likes me and I like her, that both can be forthright enough to say exactly what they want sexually.
As long as two people connect and get on well with each other,and can laugh and have fun in each other's company,then age should not be a problem.
Who am I to be picky? No one younger than me though. or 2 years olders. should atleast be a 3-7 year old gap, not too old.
Wait, isnt that picky enough? Anyway.
roughly 5 years older or younger than myself, but it's not a limit set in stone.

I would prefer to be almost the exact same age as the person I'd be dating though.
Oldyoung said:
I would prefer to be almost the exact same age as the person I'd be dating though.

Good going. Limit yourself. Maybe you can have the other person bring their birth certificates on their first date to be sure.
BeyondShy said:
Good going. Limit yourself. Maybe you can have the other person bring their birth certificates on their first date to be sure.

I do not appreciate your sarcasm. Take it elsewhere.

I'm not limiting myself. I just find value in meeting someone who's more or less my age. You'll be in similar places in life, and more compatible. Dating younger people, they tend to be more restless than you and it creates tension.

Younger = hotter, but that's a tradeoff I can make. :cool:
I don't have an 'age' preference, per se. If I like the person, I'll entertain the idea of dating them regardless of that.

BeyondShy said:
Good going. Limit yourself. Maybe you can have the other person bring their birth certificates on their first date to be sure.
Unless you're heartbroken that you would not meet his dating criteria, why do you care whether or not he is limiting himself? Maybe you just do your thing and let him do his.
Ten years older than me is the limit. I don't want to date younger men though.
Nothing is set in stone, but I'd guess around +/- 5 years (20-30). I want to be in around same life situation as my partner. I don't want her to be still starting to figure out what she wants from life and on the other hand I don't want her to have everything figured out and ready to start a family.

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