What sex means for a man.

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EveWasFramed said:
SocratesX said:
The signature is to motivate some of the dudes here to shred up and get a makeover before it's too late.

Oh, you've followed your own advice?

Pics, or gtfo. :D

I'm doing a makeover, and it's working pretty good. Getting a lot of numbers. I just need to get over my LS and fear of kino.
SocratesX said:
The signature is to motivate some of the dudes here to shred up and get a makeover before it's too late.

Honestly, I hope it's motivated people to ignore you even more.
Obviously hes a spam troll i mean look at his icon not to mention his name. :club:
I actually enjoy Socrates' presence in these forums, I don't know what's your problem with him. I'd like him to feel welcomed here.
Gee, could it be the MANY complaints about him in my in-box, the previous bans for racial comments, sexist comments, etc, along with the fact that most of what he says is offensive to probably 80% of the people here? Not to mention saying that overweight people are "genetic garbage?" Yeah, what's not to like? /sarcasm
Iris said:
I actually enjoy Socrates' presence in these forums, I don't know what's your problem with him. I'd like him to feel welcomed here.

As long as we're being open about this, I think he's a pretentious, confused, hurting little cock of a ****** that gets his kicks from saying the most retarded honeysuckle he can think of on this forum just to get a reaction. Because in real life he probably just sits at home, never doing anything with his life or getting any real acknowledgement from those around him. So he grasps this whole PUA honeysuckle as a lifeline to try to regain his already dwindling manhood and self-authority, and then in a vain attempt to appear wise and above-it-all, he tries to pass on his unbelievably shallow and confused "advice" to those that he deems are "weak" or "inferior" enough to warrant it. It's really sort of sad. I should feel sorry for him, but I don't because he doesn't even have the grace to apologize for offending those that he upsets with his racism, sexism, and general negative attitude to those who don't fit his sick little model of a physically attractive person.

...but that's just my opinion.
Badjedidude said:
Iris said:
I actually enjoy Socrates' presence in these forums, I don't know what's your problem with him. I'd like him to feel welcomed here.

As long as we're being open about this, I think he's a pretentious, confused, hurting little cock of a ****** that gets his kicks from saying the most retarded honeysuckle he can think of on this forum just to get a reaction. Because in real life he probably just sits at home, never doing anything with his life or getting any real acknowledgement from those around him. So he grasps this whole PUA honeysuckle as a lifeline to try to regain his already dwindling manhood and self-authority, and then in a vain attempt to appear wise and above-it-all, he tries to pass on his unbelievably shallow and confused "advice" to those that he deems are "weak" or "inferior" enough to warrant it. It's really sort of sad. I should feel sorry for him, but I don't because he doesn't even have the grace to apologize for offending those that he upsets with his racism, sexism, and general negative attitude to those who don't fit his sick little model of a physically attractive person.

...but that's just my opinion.

Could you imagine being new here and receiving that first PM from him? All the newbies are probably saying to themselves "wow and I thought I was screwed up."

We really do share some of the same opinions oh great Jedi :D
OK I understand why you don't like him, but maybe we can find a middle ground and be tolerant? It's Christmas after all... :D
AncientBard said:
Badjedidude said:
Iris said:
I actually enjoy Socrates' presence in these forums, I don't know what's your problem with him. I'd like him to feel welcomed here.

As long as we're being open about this, I think he's a pretentious, confused, hurting little cock of a ****** that gets his kicks from saying the most retarded honeysuckle he can think of on this forum just to get a reaction. Because in real life he probably just sits at home, never doing anything with his life or getting any real acknowledgement from those around him. So he grasps this whole PUA honeysuckle as a lifeline to try to regain his already dwindling manhood and self-authority, and then in a vain attempt to appear wise and above-it-all, he tries to pass on his unbelievably shallow and confused "advice" to those that he deems are "weak" or "inferior" enough to warrant it. It's really sort of sad. I should feel sorry for him, but I don't because he doesn't even have the grace to apologize for offending those that he upsets with his racism, sexism, and general negative attitude to those who don't fit his sick little model of a physically attractive person.

...but that's just my opinion.

Could you imagine being new here and receiving that first PM from him? All the newbies are probably saying to themselves "wow and I thought I was screwed up."

We really do share some of the same opinions oh great Jedi :D

AFrozenSoul said:
I can agree both men and women face this problem. I believe men face it more. Mainly because women get loft on emotions more than men. I also think this is a problem that no one handles properly. Meaning most people just keep it to themselves. I know I did with my ex. I regret it because I could have done more to save the relationship if I had said something.

So to take off you analogy, You cannot fix something if you do not loom for the problem. I know, should hell freeze over and it becomes the main venue for Smurfs on Ice, And I meet another female who is willing to sleep with me. Once the sex dies off I am going to bring it up. I plan on being blunt as well. If she does not want to have sex She is obviously not attracted to me. I am fine with that. Those people are called FRIENDS. We can be friends however I want to be with someone who wants me and who I want. Love is a wonderful thing. But if you truly love me, then you want to keep me happy. That means you want to have sex with me. I hold myself to the same standard.

:p if I was content with just masterbating I would not need a companion. I know if I am ever lying in bed next to my girlfriend and I am masterbating. I am going to have the talk. Then if it happens again I am breaking up with her.

I don't think you deserve to be in a relationship, if you just see a woman for sex. Thats so incredibly disrespectful.
iris said:
OK I understand why you don't like him, but maybe we can find a middle ground and be tolerant? It's Christmas after all..

To tolerate unchecked, pervasive stupidity simply because it's Christmas would undermine the very idea of Christmas itself.

No, I fight ignorance wherever and whenever I see it.
SocratesX said:
The signature is to motivate some of the dudes here to shred up and get a makeover before it's too late.

Lol, if you added 'unless you look like', with a picture of The Situation, then maybe your sig would serve its intended purpose. As it is now, it serves as a morale breaker(unless THAT was your intended purpose maybe?)

But to get this topic back on track.......

I'll keep this short. As a virgin, sex scares the hell outta me. It's simple really. 'I have to put what, IN WHERE?!?!' fresia that, I'm keeping my virginity.
Code S.O.L. said:
I'll keep this short. As a virgin, sex scares the hell outta me. It's simple really. 'I have to put what, IN WHERE?!?!' fresia that, I'm keeping my virginity.

Yeeeeeeeahhhh... wait until you actually DO put that in there. Then you'll be singin' a different tune.

And it'll sound something like this:


Badjedidude said:
Code S.O.L. said:
I'll keep this short. As a virgin, sex scares the hell outta me. It's simple really. 'I have to put what, IN WHERE?!?!' fresia that, I'm keeping my virginity.

Yeeeeeeeahhhh... wait until you actually DO put that in there. Then you'll be singin' a different tune.

And it'll sound something like this:




iris said:
OK I understand why you don't like him, but maybe we can find a middle ground and be tolerant? It's Christmas after all... :D

He goes past the line, most likely i'm sure he was just hurt by a particular female, or has had bad luck and is lashing out at all of them.. but it can't be condoned.. I know guys who are very similar to that... They usually follow very similar patterns. They get dumped, start going to the gym to get "jacked". Followed by this they try to push the gym and why it's great onto everyone they see from than on,

Hi Jim,
Yo today was Abs...
Great dude..

Usually these guys are nice dudes, but start acting like complete dicks because "Nice guy's finish last" and they refuse to be a nice guy anymore, they have confused being confident with being a loud obnoxious *******. Its alright, theirs hope.

We'll Socrates if you read this, Dicks also finish last.. Your not going to meet the girl your Subconsciously longing for at a bar by Using your mad P.U.A skills and flexing your creatine enhanced biceps. That is what your hoping for... Why else would you spend so much time concentrating on it? Do I have any advice? No, not really, but being a person who tends to watch peoples behavior constantly, I can tell you acting a certain way as a means to an end never ends we'll. Soon you'll find yourself even more alone, and worse surrounded by like minded people who can actually see a person as an object.

Cheers buddy, I think you'll be alright
Badjedidude said:

Oh, dear. I really do need to include that in Part Two of my little story about us... I mean, err, those people in that story I wrote.
^^^Haha... feel free to make any Tentacles character that may or may not exist that represents a facsimile of me be as loud and violently orgasmic as possible! :p

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