What Was the Last Thing You Said or Asked Someone?

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2011
Reaction score
New Jersey, U.S.A.
Sometimes it is easy to remember the last thing you've said or asked someone, but if you live alone, you may have to think about what it was...then you will remember who it was with no problem!

Last night, I asked my Brother-in-Law if he could show me how to use a function on my cell phone when he has time, and then said Good-Night.
I said good morning to one of my family member this morning.

As far as asking questions or having discussions with anytype of significent.
Kimi and I had a rather long discussions about alot of personal stuff.
I dont really ask too many questions...I just listen.
I just told her I understand her alot more than she thinks I do...
Then she pour out her heart and soul to me.
Just now I was talking to my friend and lamenting that, when I leave uni, I won't see her as often
Last night...I had a conversation with my baby daddy/husband/ex and I ended it by calling him a jackass. :D
I said nothing to nobody lol I'm too much of an outcast :p

Na I had a small chat with my dad on the phone last night, get on so much better with him no we don't live 2gev ;)
Callie said:
Last night...I had a conversation with my baby daddy/husband/ex and I ended it by calling him a jackass. :D


The conversation I just had I can't say except bye when I hung up the phone.
As always, as soon as i get home, I tell my daughter I love her and give her hug - I then proceed to hide in my room until she needs something or start on chores.
Bones said:
As always, as soon as i get home, I tell my daughter I love her and give her hug - I then proceed to hide in my room until she needs something or start on chores.


Wish i got that sometimes.

Everytime i see my mam her first words are usually met by my asking "what i have done now?"
Thank You (to a customer who was very nice even though I couldn't get parts to fix his mower).
I asked the shop keeper "How much money is there on my Oyster Card?" Lol

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