What's the purpose of life ?

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Sep 17, 2016
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What's the purpose of life if we are meant to be alone, we study, we get a job, we pay bills but we are alone. What the purpose of life if we are here, craving love, craving that someone who would mean everything to us , with who you can share your life, you sorrows , your happiness , someone that relief your pain just with a small hug, a loving glimpse, a kiss. Someone you can watch the stars with, someone you wake up on , someone that makes your place alive and warm when you get home from your job, someone to share your craziness with and who is crazy about you the way you are. Maybe it doesn't exist, maybe it's all fantasies of authors who were like us, craving that feeling, wrote about it and never lived it. Maybe when we see a happy couple, it's not really THAT , they are just good friend not lovers,- bc lovers real lovers that love unconditionally without lies infidelity critics wounds don't exist, -who were OK to live their life together calling that a romantic relationship. What's the purpose of life ? Is that it ? Studying working getting depressed maybe some brief moment of happiness then it's the same boring sad battle again ?
As general as it may sound; the purpose of life is the purpose you give to it. It's self-defined. Some people want to lead productive lives. Some want to get rich. Some want to better themselves, to learn all there is to learn.
Others just want to make it to the end in one piece.
A lot of people don't need love to do that. They'd much rather be by themselves than have any significant others. It's a choice. Does love exist, is love a fallacy, is it a self-engineered feeling caused by social pressure and the biological urge to reproduce, when a human being is in fact a creature that has proven, time and again, that he cannot live in society?
Could be.
Could be horseshit, too ;-)
Maybe it's just the same boring battle you mention.
Then again...a battle is a battle.
The adrenaline rush of the battlefield, the horns, the shock of weapons clashing, the pride of the victory...
that gets me through another day.
You take your pleasure where you can, but for some people, pleasures aren't in meeting someone, but in everything else.
In the end, it's a question as old as life. Might never have an answer to it. So for now, point of life is...to live ;-)

Just something to think about ;-)
Find Hobbies that you enjoy, and then pursue those hobbies the best you can, that's my stab at it.
The purpose of life as humans is to procreate. That is all we're here to do.
Outside of that, it is totally on us. We are free to do with our life as we choose.

So, for that reason, I say the purpose of life is to do whatever makes you happy and to enjoy YOUR life as best you can.
Your life is not your parents, your friends or anyone elses.
That's how I live my life now, and ever since I started living it that way I've never been happier.
Happiness, but I couldn't have put what you said any better. It's hard to be happy when all you want is someone to cuddle up with at the end of the day. So maybe Happiness and Love is a better answer.
I totally get where you're coming from Dinaa. Every now and then, I feel the same existential loneliness and feelings of purposelessness, but I try to remind myself to live somewhere between the big picture (where everything seems insignificant in the grand scheme of things) and the small picture (where every tiny thing seems to have great meaning).

I try to do this by taking it one day at a time. I follow a routine that helps me feel productive and disciplined, and I try to set aside a small amount of time everyday to do something completely useless but extremely enjoyable and before I go to sleep, I make a mental list of all the things I am grateful for, that enrich my life. So far, it seems to be working.

I understand how meaningless life can feel when you don't have someone to share experiences, ups and downs with, but like the other members have suggested, discovering a passion can help loads. For me, I've sort of given up on the whole finding a partner thing, so I've replaced the fulfillment I think I would've had in a relationship, with other activities that give me a sense of purpose. After a lot of tries, I've found a job that I love; teaching kids and I volunteer a lot for animal welfare. So I guess as long as I don't think too much about the future and focus on the present, I feel ok.

I don't know if it's of any use but I hope this helps in some way.
the purpose of life depends on how life came to be.

you believe God created life? look to God for the answer.

you're an atheist? it's whatever you think it is.

i know religion isn't really supposed to be discussed in these forums. so excuse me.

i know what the purpose of life is. some people just won't like the answer. 'cause a lot of people hate religion./
The purpose of life is pizza.

But seriously, the purpose of life, IMO, has already been states in this thread. It's whatever you decide it is.
"The meaning of life is just to be alive.
It is so plain
and so obvious
and so simple.
And yet,
everybody rushes around in a great panic as if it were necessary to achieve something beyond themselves.”

☆Alan Watts☆
TheRealCallie said:
The purpose of life is pizza.

But seriously, the purpose of life, IMO, has already been states in this thread.  It's whatever you decide it is.

That's incredibly selfish.
The purpose of life is OBVIOUSLY strawberry pie. We're not all Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, you know.

Cowabunga! Pizza for life!

Purpose? There's none really, it's a hardcore roguelike sandbox with permadeath. You roll a random character and you're thrown into the wilds. Do whatever you want. Then you die. No restarts.
But just like the roguelikes, it's not about the destination, it's about the journey leading towards that destination.
Or you could go the Conan route.



Ignis said:
The purpose of life as humans is to procreate. That is all we're here to do.
Outside of that, it is totally on us. We are free to do with our life as we choose.

Sounds like a fine short summary.

I have some more thoughts on the matter though.

The purpose of life is...

- to live as well as you can within your own limitations. Everyone has limitations, strengths/weaknesses, just each individual has them differently.

- to reach the state of fulfillment/content. I don't use 'happiness', because that's temporary, but 'fulfillment' is kind of more meaningful and deeper and with more effect.

- to keep moving. It is easy to get 'stuck' in something, and whenever it happens, it starts dragging you down. And every time you need to find a way, how to keep going.

- to deal with challenges. Challenges are thrown at us, often unexpectedly, and they can be really tough. Then we need to adapt, learn, and improve ourselves to deal with them. It would be easy to sit in a 'comfort zone', but life often has other ideas, and keeps testing you.
The purpose of life is to take a ball of honeysuckle, work it diligently with your hands, throw it in the kiln, and turn out an amazing and original thing of beauty!

Essentially, honeysuckle pottery.
bleed_the_freak said:
The purpose of life is to take a ball of honeysuckle, work it diligently with your hands, throw it in the kiln, and turn out an amazing and original thing of beauty!

Essentially, honeysuckle pottery.

...that's pretty shitty.
I think it's a load of crap.
Attempt to play with the cards your dealt until such time as you realise that a two of hearts a seven of clubs and Mr bun the baker is most definitely not a winning hand
Play the cards you're dealt, somehow. There's always a way, even if it isn't a winning hand one can always manage to fail better each time one's turn comes around.

Nice to see you back here, sothatwasmylife.

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