When I do have female company

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Well-known member
Apr 22, 2011
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And it's not often but I can always cope with it. I don't act like a nervous wreck or a bumbling fool. I am never tongue tied, I don't try too hard to make an impression, I don't say unfunny jokes. There are never any awkard silences.

I went over 50 times to the cinema with this married woman. Just me and her and I felt cool every single time. Chatted easy enough, a few jokes, just had a great time.

More recently this woman I used to work with. I played golf with her twice. Even though I have strong feelings for her, I never got nervous and enjoyed myself. She enjoyed herself as well and told me on several occasions.

So thats what annoys me a bit because when I do have the chance of female company, I don't make a mess of it. There is nothing I can look back on and think 'I messed up there'

So really I am clueless about why women don't like me and don't want to spend time with me. If I was a rude, ignorant pig with no manners then I could understand it more !

For me it looks like the females takes you for a real good friend rather than a upcoming boyfriend..maybe you show the females to much of that friendship in you.

Have you tryed local date sites ?

works out for me ;)
You probably just need to play the "numbers" game. Increase chances by approaching as many as possible. You don't have to be a player (and you're not that if it is clear to you (and them) that you're approaching for friendships), but maybe take on a "gotta catch em all" attitude about it? I know that sounds exhausting (and I've never been one to operate this way), but it would probably work in your favor if you can stand the amount of rejections you're bound to encounter.

What I've come to realize from my own recent experience is that I really wouldn't give a **** about not spending a lot of time with a single person if I had plenty of people to spend time with. You don't have to play a game (as in play with someone's emotions in making them think you're gunning for as much (or more) as having their company on a regular basis). Sometimes I wonder if that belief (that I'd somehow be betraying women right and left) is what has kept me from trying to befriend plenty of women at once. It is perhaps this way of thinking (and the assumption that this is the RIGHT way to be) that led to my disappointment. I assumed that the endeavor just HAD to be more than a desire for a "once in a while" kind of relationship. No way could someone go through that kind of trouble just for this. But you know, people are different. I used to think I had a good imagination, but it's funny how quickly and easily I can underestimate just how deep the differences in people can go.
Meet as many women as possible...try, try, try until you find the right one.

I've been working on meeting new people for a few years now - and while I still haven't made any friends - I did find a partner just recently.

Honestly, I've been insulted, degraded, and rejected on so many attempts for friendship and dating. @_@

Some people may say "Why bother? Just stop caring about friends and relationships...be happy with what you have."
This statement is true in that we should not obsess over what we do not have; however, if you want things to change - you need to try.
If you are trying - try harder.

I used to try a bit and then stop when I failed. I would think to myself:
"See? I tried. That should be enough. Things still didn't work out."
However - there was so much more that I could have done.

Don't be discouraged...some things just don't come easy.
Its because you're not rude that they dont like you like that. I'm not saying you have to be a complete dick to them, but banter works, tease women and make them laugh. You're playing golf..? When she tees off, regardless of the quality of the shot tell her 'you swing like a girl, let me show you how a pro hits a ball' and take your shot. She's then waiting for you to mess up so she can make a joke back. If you dont mess up, then you can continue the banter by saying something like 'see, thats how you do it'.

There is a fine line between increasing the friendship level and increasing her attraction to you, and the jokes you tell that make women laugh are obviously the wrong kind, and are putting out the wrong impression as if you are happy to be just friends. You have to be cocky, but funny with it... basically Tom Cruise in Top Gun - he was THE MAN!!
Married women = friendzone or triangle. You picked that woman
becuase it was safe or learning
process for you...
Now take it up a level .to other women.
Start askig out avaliable. Single women..

The numbers or expusure
method.. Not all women are the same..

Im not a womanizer. I get into long term
relationship for the most part...but
when Im single...I bascailly have to
adjust to being single and play the dathing game. Take it as part of the
rpocess. Having fun with it...

As far as the tuching" kissing, making out..etc. That tskes time too. All women
are diiferent here too.

I had gfs siince I was 15...puppy love.
learning how to kiss and make out..etc
Learn as I went. Adjust as I went.

Relationships are the same. .
Psycrow said:

For me it looks like the females takes you for a real good friend rather than a upcoming boyfriend..maybe you show the females to much of that friendship in you.

Have you tryed local date sites ?

works out for me ;)

don't do online dating

Luna said:
Meet as many women as possible...try, try, try until you find the right one.

I've been working on meeting new people for a few years now - and while I still haven't made any friends - I did find a partner just recently.

Honestly, I've been insulted, degraded, and rejected on so many attempts for friendship and dating. @_@

Some people may say "Why bother? Just stop caring about friends and relationships...be happy with what you have."
This statement is true in that we should not obsess over what we do not have; however, if you want things to change - you need to try.
If you are trying - try harder.

I used to try a bit and then stop when I failed. I would think to myself:
"See? I tried. That should be enough. Things still didn't work out."
However - there was so much more that I could have done.

Don't be discouraged...some things just don't come easy.

I must also add that both women asked me, one to the cinema and the other for a game of golf. Every woman I've asked somewhere has said 'no'

Luna said:
Meet as many women as possible...try, try, try until you find the right one.

I've been working on meeting new people for a few years now - and while I still haven't made any friends - I did find a partner just recently.

Honestly, I've been insulted, degraded, and rejected on so many attempts for friendship and dating. @_@

Some people may say "Why bother? Just stop caring about friends and relationships...be happy with what you have."
This statement is true in that we should not obsess over what we do not have; however, if you want things to change - you need to try.
If you are trying - try harder.

I used to try a bit and then stop when I failed. I would think to myself:
"See? I tried. That should be enough. Things still didn't work out."
However - there was so much more that I could have done.

Don't be discouraged...some things just don't come easy.

I do have alot of things I am gratefull for. A house over my head, a job, plenty of money, hobbies, loads of people I am on 'hello' terms with and my health.

Cerberus said:
Its because you're not rude that they dont like you like that. I'm not saying you have to be a complete dick to them, but banter works, tease women and make them laugh. You're playing golf..? When she tees off, regardless of the quality of the shot tell her 'you swing like a girl, let me show you how a pro hits a ball' and take your shot. She's then waiting for you to mess up so she can make a joke back. If you dont mess up, then you can continue the banter by saying something like 'see, thats how you do it'.

There is a fine line between increasing the friendship level and increasing her attraction to you, and the jokes you tell that make women laugh are obviously the wrong kind, and are putting out the wrong impression as if you are happy to be just friends. You have to be cocky, but funny with it... basically Tom Cruise in Top Gun - he was THE MAN!!

I thought I did well on the golf course with her. Made her laugh and smile all the time.

Lonesome Crow said:
Married women = friendzone or triangle. You picked that woman
becuase it was safe or learning
process for you...
Now take it up a level .to other women.
Start askig out avaliable. Single women..

The numbers or expusure
method.. Not all women are the same..

Im not a womanizer. I get into long term
relationship for the most part...but
when Im single...I bascailly have to
adjust to being single and play the dathing game. Take it as part of the
rpocess. Having fun with it...

As far as the tuching" kissing, making out..etc. That tskes time too. All women
are diiferent here too.

I had gfs siince I was 15...puppy love.
learning how to kiss and make out..etc
Learn as I went. Adjust as I went.

Relationships are the same. .

The married woman picked me. Apart from the golf woman, no other woman has agreed to spend time with me. I do ask but they say 'no'

don't do online dating

Look - no one enjoys online dating. It isn't something that I wanted to do - I hate online dating - but I tried it out (after many previous failed attempts/ bad encounters with people) and it worked out for the first time.
There are single people on that site - looking to meet fellow single people for friends and possibly long-term relationships. You have just shut down an entire opportunity.

I must also add that both women asked me, one to the cinema and the other for a game of golf. Every woman I've asked somewhere has said 'no'

Every woman that you've asked...up today! Who is to say tomorrow or 6 months from now that every woman is going to say 'no'?

I do have alot of things I am gratefull for. A house over my head, a job, plenty of money, hobbies, loads of people I am on 'hello' terms with and my health.

This is good!

I thought I did well on the golf course with her. Made her laugh and smile all the time.

The married woman picked me. Apart from the golf woman, no other woman has agreed to spend time with me. I do ask but they say 'no'

I get a lot of "no"s as well! It's **** disappointing, but because I enjoy the company of people (when it's good - it's good!) - I'm still checking out fun activities like volunteering, meetups etc where I can meet new people. I don't know what to say to you other than...stay positive. If a relationship is something that you wish to have - then keep going at it. Don't shoot down opportunities if there are any. If you are able to be content without ever having a relationship for the rest of your life - then don't try. It's up to you. Trying doesn't guarantee results but it certainly means that you have a chance as opposed to none at all.

Luna said:
don't do online dating

Look - no one enjoys online dating. It isn't something that I wanted to do - I hate online dating - but I tried it out (after many previous failed attempts/ bad encounters with people) and it worked out for the first time.
There are single people on that site - looking to meet fellow single people for friends and possibly long-term relationships. You have just shut down an entire opportunity.

I must also add that both women asked me, one to the cinema and the other for a game of golf. Every woman I've asked somewhere has said 'no'

Every woman that you've asked...up today! Who is to say tomorrow or 6 months from now that every woman is going to say 'no'?

I do have alot of things I am gratefull for. A house over my head, a job, plenty of money, hobbies, loads of people I am on 'hello' terms with and my health.

This is good!

I thought I did well on the golf course with her. Made her laugh and smile all the time.

The married woman picked me. Apart from the golf woman, no other woman has agreed to spend time with me. I do ask but they say 'no'

I get a lot of "no"s as well! It's **** disappointing, but because I enjoy the company of people (when it's good - it's good!) - I'm still checking out fun activities like volunteering, meetups etc where I can meet new people. I don't know what to say to you other than...stay positive. If a relationship is something that you wish to have - then keep going at it. Don't shoot down opportunities if there are any. If you are able to be content without ever having a relationship for the rest of your life - then don't try. It's up to you. Trying doesn't guarantee results but it certainly means that you have a chance as opposed to none at all.

I do try and stay positive and enjoy my life. I just fancy a grumble now and again and this is place to do it. Can't really winge about my lack of success with women to my dad or my mam. They would get fed up with me.

Alot of good things have happened this year, the golf woman experience was great, It proved that I could ask a woman out and she wouldn't get upset about it. Just wish they were more women like her.

Online dating is a non starter. I did try it years ago without any success. You see once I put my photo on there, it would die a death. I wouldn't get any dates. I just look horrible in photo's. And I don't really want to waste money trying this. I just hate the thought of a blind date. I would get judged and rejected before I open my mouth. If there was a dating site for unattractive people then maybe I would be interested. But of course they wouldn't be anything like that. (And before anybody says 'your not unattractive' - I am.

But life goes on and hey I'm bloody good at golf !

putter65 said:
I do try and stay positive and enjoy my life. I just fancy a grumble now and again and this is place to do it. Can't really winge about my lack of success with women to my dad or my mam. They would get fed up with me.

Why not? They're mom and dad. :D I mean, there are limits, but I do whine to them myself for better or worse, even if they pretty much just scold me.

Sorry, 'rents.

putter65 said:
Online dating is a non starter. I did try it years ago without any success. You see once I put my photo on there, it would die a death. I wouldn't get any dates. I just look horrible in photo's. And I don't really want to waste money trying this. I just hate the thought of a blind date. I would get judged and rejected before I open my mouth. If there was a dating site for unattractive people then maybe I would be interested. But of course they wouldn't be anything like that. (And before anybody says 'your not unattractive' - I am.

I've thought that I'm unattractive for years and often still feel that way, but I've been with quite a few women. I think you should focus on what /is/ attractive about you and in doing so, help call that to attention for others as well.

putter65 said:
But life goes on and hey I'm bloody good at golf !

This is a random thought, but have you thought about focusing on something with a larger number of women involved? This /is/ silly but I credit quite a bit of my success with girls because for awhile, I was part of a company that specifically marketed a product to women(I still can recite from heart, from our marketing director Stacy's essay on what she felt that women desired most absolutely - in retrospect, I think it may speak more for Stacy than the entire XX gene!). It was an... interesting experience.
IgnoredOne said:
putter65 said:
I do try and stay positive and enjoy my life. I just fancy a grumble now and again and this is place to do it. Can't really winge about my lack of success with women to my dad or my mam. They would get fed up with me.

Why not? They're mom and dad. :D I mean, there are limits, but I do whine to them myself for better or worse, even if they pretty much just scold me.

Sorry, 'rents.

putter65 said:
Online dating is a non starter. I did try it years ago without any success. You see once I put my photo on there, it would die a death. I wouldn't get any dates. I just look horrible in photo's. And I don't really want to waste money trying this. I just hate the thought of a blind date. I would get judged and rejected before I open my mouth. If there was a dating site for unattractive people then maybe I would be interested. But of course they wouldn't be anything like that. (And before anybody says 'your not unattractive' - I am.

I've thought that I'm unattractive for years and often still feel that way, but I've been with quite a few women. I think you should focus on what /is/ attractive about you and in doing so, help call that to attention for others as well.

I am a nice, caring, thoughtfull person. I think most people would agree.

putter65 said:
But life goes on and hey I'm bloody good at golf !

This is a random thought, but have you thought about focusing on something with a larger number of women involved? This /is/ silly but I credit quite a bit of my success with girls because for awhile, I was part of a company that specifically marketed a product to women(I still can recite from heart, from our marketing director Stacy's essay on what she felt that women desired most absolutely - in retrospect, I think it may speak more for Stacy than the entire XX gene!). It was an... interesting experience.

putter65 said:
Luna said:
don't do online dating

Look - no one enjoys online dating. It isn't something that I wanted to do - I hate online dating - but I tried it out (after many previous failed attempts/ bad encounters with people) and it worked out for the first time.
There are single people on that site - looking to meet fellow single people for friends and possibly long-term relationships. You have just shut down an entire opportunity.

I must also add that both women asked me, one to the cinema and the other for a game of golf. Every woman I've asked somewhere has said 'no'

Every woman that you've asked...up today! Who is to say tomorrow or 6 months from now that every woman is going to say 'no'?

I do have alot of things I am gratefull for. A house over my head, a job, plenty of money, hobbies, loads of people I am on 'hello' terms with and my health.

This is good!

I thought I did well on the golf course with her. Made her laugh and smile all the time.

The married woman picked me. Apart from the golf woman, no other woman has agreed to spend time with me. I do ask but they say 'no'

I get a lot of "no"s as well! It's **** disappointing, but because I enjoy the company of people (when it's good - it's good!) - I'm still checking out fun activities like volunteering, meetups etc where I can meet new people. I don't know what to say to you other than...stay positive. If a relationship is something that you wish to have - then keep going at it. Don't shoot down opportunities if there are any. If you are able to be content without ever having a relationship for the rest of your life - then don't try. It's up to you. Trying doesn't guarantee results but it certainly means that you have a chance as opposed to none at all.

I do try and stay positive and enjoy my life. I just fancy a grumble now and again and this is place to do it. Can't really winge about my lack of success with women to my dad or my mam. They would get fed up with me.

Alot of good things have happened this year, the golf woman experience was great, It proved that I could ask a woman out and she wouldn't get upset about it. Just wish they were more women like her.

Online dating is a non starter. I did try it years ago without any success. You see once I put my photo on there, it would die a death. I wouldn't get any dates. I just look horrible in photo's. And I don't really want to waste money trying this. I just hate the thought of a blind date. I would get judged and rejected before I open my mouth. If there was a dating site for unattractive people then maybe I would be interested. But of course they wouldn't be anything like that. (And before anybody says 'your not unattractive' - I am.

But life goes on and hey I'm bloody good at golf !

There is actually a dating site for ugly and unattractive folks. Just google it. I stumbled across it once but never signed up.
I don't trust any of them. I started filling in one last night and then got fed up. Didn't bother with the rest of it. This morning I had 2 replies from so called people reading my profile. They just want you to pay the fee.

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