Who is the "perfect" woman/man?

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Montreal Skye said:
theraab said:
If you think there is a perfect man or woman, who would you say it is?

I think it's very subjective to be honest. I don't compare people to others really. It's the feeling I get from someone. When a man is open, honest and communicative, makes me feel loved and cared for, wanted and needed...when he makes me feel very feminine, when I know I can count on him...I'd say that's my definition of a perfect man. Overall these qualities can be found in many people, but I think sometimes they lie dormant or hidden from shyness or fear.

I've heard a lot of folks talk about the perfect so and so, referring to perfection based on looks only, saying things like you have a choice between either a beauty or someone with a good personality or I'll never get a chance with another beautiful woman like that because she's "out of my league"...that bothers me because it's a common attitude and it perpetuates the feeling that one is never going to be good enough. I've even heard some people say they'd "settle" for a less attractive person if there was a possibility of love - that blows my mind. My last bf back in the day told me he wished I looked more like Elle MacPherson, but that I was "pretty enough I guess". It hurt me a lot back then, now though I would just brush it off and probably end things because I knew I'd never be good enough for his idea of perfection. I don't have hangups, well, maybe a few, we all do, when I start hearing people compare real people to airbrushed types, it makes me wonder what they're thinking, and how they came upon this thought
Montreal Skye said:
As adults, we are more logical about things and can see what's phony and what's not, I just worry about the young girls out there who don't have that capacity for mature thinking on this subject. And thanks theraab :) I certainly don't compare myself to stick figures, nor any other woman.

In advance: Sorry for my serious answer when most people are keeping it light. But I find this subject to be really serious.

I'm glad to hear that you were able to change your feelings about body image to be more healthy as you got more mature. A very difficult thing considering the industries who profit from body insecurity do EVERYTHING in their power to make sure that doesn't happen.

Young girls are extremely vulnerable and increasingly, young men. There is A LOT of money to be made off of men. The beauty industry has picked apart every bit of the female body and offered products to "fix" things that were never wrong, yielding enormous profit. They are now moving on to deconstruct the male body.

I would say the perfect man or woman treats their body with respect, to their fullest capacity to do so. Exercising, eating healthy, maintaining hygiene and working on developing and maintaining good mental health. But that is assuming that the person has a relatively safe and secure home for themselves and their family (if they have one) and can designate time to the above.

Aside from the physical, the perfect man or woman puts others first, has a strong desire to serve and validate other people and also desires to understand the world around them from their own perspective as well as others.
Okay. For funsies:

The perfect woman for me looks like Catherine Zeta Jones, has the wisdom of the Dalai Lama, is as silly and witty as James Adomian, has the heart and experience of Angelina Jolie, can move her body like Rachel Brice. And she can read my favourite comic books to me as bedtime stories. AND she can makes really nummy vegan meals. That perfect woman does not really exist, but dayum does she sound goooood. I want to be that woman.

The perfect man: doesn't irritate the honeysuckle out of me 75% of the time. This man doesn't exist.
Honestly I want a dude who is a blend of the hotness that is Bradley Cooper, the humour of Judd Apatow and the depth and compassion of Lt. Gen. Romeo Dallaire. Is that so much to ask?
That is the objective of the people behind tv commercials. They make you feel that there is this something which they are selling is what will make you better. And after some time, it will get to people that this is the standard of the society. That is where people start getting hurt by their self esteem. So sad.
I don't believe there is such a thing as perfection in this world. There are people we are more, or less compatible with; I'm fond of what a lot of people call conventional attractive features, certainly, but in the end, its just part of a whole.
vanna white

she was hot and she could spell

oh wait, that describes my current GF

happy b'day baby
My definition of "The Perfect Woman" has nothing to do with ads or how women are portrayed in the media. I honestly look for a girl who could be my best friend. Let's face it, if you're looking at a serious relationship with someone you're going to be spending alot of time with them, so it's probably best that you get along really well.

I'd rather date an average looking girl that I get on with than a beautiful girl who I only desire for her looks. It's just too paper thin and it falls apart quickly.

As far as my self esteem being affected by the media. Not a chance. I know who I am, and I know the value I bring whenever I enter a room. Those guys in the media are just as unrealistic for us as the girls. Why worry about that, I just wouldn't enjoy the lifestyle necessary to pull it off day in and day out.

Be who you are, and love who you are.
~ Bloom
roguewave said:
In advance: Sorry for my serious answer when most people are keeping it light. But I find this subject to be really serious.

I'm glad to hear that you were able to change your feelings about body image to be more healthy as you got more mature. A very difficult thing considering the industries who profit from body insecurity do EVERYTHING in their power to make sure that doesn't happen.

Young girls are extremely vulnerable and increasingly, young men. There is A LOT of money to be made off of men. The beauty industry has picked apart every bit of the female body and offered products to "fix" things that were never wrong, yielding enormous profit. They are now moving on to deconstruct the male body.

I would say the perfect man or woman treats their body with respect, to their fullest capacity to do so. Exercising, eating healthy, maintaining hygiene and working on developing and maintaining good mental health. But that is assuming that the person has a relatively safe and secure home for themselves and their family (if they have one) and can designate time to the above.

Aside from the physical, the perfect man or woman puts others first, has a strong desire to serve and validate other people and also desires to understand the world around them from their own perspective as well as others.

No apologies, I started this thread on a serious note. I agree with the beauty industry picking apart every aspect of the female body. I think we can probably add the weight loss industry to that equation too.
Barbaloot said:
VanillaCreme said:

<3 ...but how can I be when you are?

I have always been a little overweight myself. I know the reason and am trying to work out more. Other then that I am never going to be skinny or be a model. I am built short and stout.

As for the ladies, too many ladies put too much makeup on. Accent what you have not cover it up. Skinny is fine if that is naturally you on a healthy diet, but otherwise if you got curves its ok. I like the curves.

Skin tone I find an odd point. I know this girl she is Asian and slightly darker skinned. She wants to lighten up, and I have seen magazines do that here in North America and brighten up a skin tone of a model or celeb. Funny thing is that most women over here want to get a awesome tan.

For all the "Perfect" one wants to achieve is only partly due to media, the other is what the person thinks the "boys" or "girls" are looking for when their perfect partner finds the current you much more attractive then the "perfect" people. Real "Fake" Housewives of Wherever anyone?