Would Like to Hear From Those Who are Bi Polar or Support Those Who are

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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
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Ukiah, CA
Hi, everyone. Thanks for taking the time to read this. I couldn't find which sub forum was the most appropriate for this. This is part two of the other thread. Since I haven't heard from my friend. I had left off the part that, just before he went incommunicado, we started having a relationship. I'm thinking that he might be bi polar. I say that because he hasn't told me, but I've known other people who were, including a friend that I was in a relationship with for awhile. I've also talked about the new guy to a friend whose son is bi polar. She thinks that D probably is too.

I'm a stage 4 cancer patient, a multi abuse survivor & I had been in need of housing (until I moved in with one of my friends). For three months one of the local agencies put me up at a local motel. Before I stayed there my caseworker told me of another client who I had things in common with & that we'd probably make good friends. The funding ran out after three months, but D kept paying on his own for another few weeks. He didn't have any definite place to go after.

Over the time I was there D & I found that we were a lot alike. He also had had cancer & was in need of housing. We also shared some of the same trauma experiences, views, beliefs, interests. We mainly communicated by text. But, he was better at talking in person & by phone. A month after we had last seen each other we met up & our friendship developed into more.

He told me when we talked on the phone later that he believed we had the makings of a great relationship. That he was looking for a partner for the rest of his life. He's 66 & I'm 55. We grew closer over the next week. I asked him if he was surprised that our friendship had turned into a relationship. He said he wasn't. Because of our similarities it was inevitable. He believed that we had been brought together for a reason. I agreed. I felt we were to help each other heal & grow more. We've both done inner work.

Over the week I expressed some insecurity. It's one of the things I deal with. It's due to emotional abandonment growing up. It's gotten better. I told him how I felt & what I needed from him. He said that as long as we're honest & have compassion we'll be fine.

I know he was feeling stressed because he didn't know where he was going to be living. Unfortunately, the last few days we had contact his phone was acting up & he could only text. Which, as I mentioned, was not one of his strong suits. I couldn't see him in person because he didn't tell me where he was going to stay. A couple of days after I last saw him I stopped hearing from him.

I'm a life long depressive due to abuse. I also can get anxious at times. Both of those had really increased. Before our last contact I didn't know when I would be seeing him again. Even though he had assured me it would be most days because he'd be around filling out apps for places to live in this area. If he has been doing that, he hasn't reached out to me to meet. He hasn't reached out to me about anything.

My concern is I triggered him, unintentionally, by being insecure & needing reassurance. Of course, I know from past experience with my friend J that it didn't matter what I said or did. When he was at a certain point in his cycle, he'd push me away. My friends (especially the one whose son is bi polar) said that it was probably things going on with D, not me. That he was going from manic to depressive.

The thing is, though he told me he also deals with depression & anxiety, he never said anything about being bi polar. I suppose it's possible he's not aware of it. Or maybe he didn't feel he could tell me about it. It would have helped, though. Reflecting back on things he said & how he behaved, especially the week before he went MIA (since that's when we spent more time together), it would fit with him being bi polar.

Before feelings developed between us, I had been perfectly fine being on my own. Now I want to be in a committed relationship. But, only with him. Loving him the way I do is less about the wonderful things he said & how great he treated me & more to do with his energy. I have several friends I vibe well with, but he's the first person I've ever known that felt like home. Not having any idea if he's found a long term place to live, how is health is, if he's gotten a job or anything else is very upsetting.

Every few days I've left him a vm or sent a text or email. I did this for a month. Now I've stopped & the ball is in his court. I don't know if he's listened to or read any of the messages. I hope he has. I want us to be back together. For now, if nothing else, I just want to know he's ok. In the messages I don't cry, beg, yell, swear, berate, accuse, tell him I miss him, ask when I can hear from/see him. I tell him I'm sorry. I let him know I'm here for him. I remind him of the good things he's said & that we experienced together. What else can I do?
I think you've practically done all you can do, unless something bad has happened to him in which you'd have to confirm that with police or a health facility, and they may not divulge that information. I hope something good comes from it all as you sound like you really need some positive things to occur in your life. I'm sorry to hear of your struggles, which make mine sound pathetic in comparison. I wish you well.
It's been five weeks since I've heard from D. When I was with J he tried to end the relationship, pretty much every month. Because we lived next door to each other & I was persistent, that didn't happen. He's the only other bi polar person I've been romantically involved with. D pulling away for this long, is that typical? I realize it probably varies from person to person. Our relationship just started. To me it seems a long time without contacting me to at least let me know he's ok.
It's hard to know what individuals are dealing with and what they feel is the right course of action for them. Sometimes it's rational, other times it isn't. Do you have any knowledge of him still being around anywhere?
I appreciate your care & concern. You're welcome to share about your struggles, if you'd like. I'm certain they're not pathetic. Anything that can alter things for us & make it difficult to function in some fashion, should not be dismissed. Holding good thoughts, sending positive energy & gentle hugs.

I moved in with a friend two months ago. We're helping each other. I'm very grateful. My health is holding steady. I'm hoping to, slowly start getting back to work. I was support staff for developmentally challenged adults. I volunteer at the shelter with the kitties. I've been doing that going on eight years. I have some very genuine, understanding, accepting, caring, giving, supportive, consistent, dependable friends who are a true blessing. I'm doing well.
It's hard to know what individuals are dealing with and what they feel is the right course of action for them. Sometimes it's rational, other times it isn't. Do you have any knowledge of him still being around anywhere?
You mean, is he amongst the living? I believe so. No obit comes up when I search his name just in general. I don't know if he's still in this county (we're in NorCal a couple of hours north of San Francisco) or the one to the south. Maybe TX, where his one bro lives.

He supposedly had went to Paris before our friendship developed into a relationship. He had planned to stay with his daughter & fam (they've had an estranged relationship, I learned that from D & my mutual caseworker) who are 20 mins or so north of here. Instead he quit his job & sold his car & bought another. My friend N (the one with the bi polar son) thinks D might have been having a delusion & didn't actually go to Paris. Maybe he traveled in the US, including to his bros. Though that's open for speculation as well. He said he had been to Paris before & liked it. He wanted to go & find out if he could find a cheaper place to live. After being there he realized he'd have to start over building a support network. Did he actually go? I'm not sure. If he did, he was making impulsive decisions & might still be.

The caseworker hasn't been able to get a hold of him either. He said he was going to contact the daughter. I guess he hasn't been able to reach her. I don't know why she wouldn't respond. Even if she hasn't heard from her dad, at least say that. I figured if he was going to stay in touch with anyone it would be her. If they've had a difficult relationship, maybe not.
people come and go from our lives all the time. each interaction has some value. take from it any positives you can and move on i guess. :)
It's far too soon to move on. As I mentioned, it's less what he said & did & more about his energy. That I have several friends I vibe well with, but he's the only person who has ever felt like home. I hope that I never have to give that up.

From what he shared, there was a period of time that his depression & anxiety were extremely severe. It sounded like he was functioning at a bare minimum. I've had some bad times, but nothing like that. If he's going through something similar, it could be awhile. I told him I'm ride or die. I'm very loyal.
It's far too soon to move on. As I mentioned, it's less what he said & did & more about his energy. That I have several friends I vibe well with, but he's the only person who has ever felt like home. I hope that I never have to give that up.

From what he shared, there was a period of time that his depression & anxiety were extremely severe. It sounded like he was functioning at a bare minimum. I've had some bad times, but nothing like that. If he's going through something similar, it could be awhile. I told him I'm ride or die. I'm very loyal.
fair enough, as long as you don't let it negatively affect your life I guess go ahead and keep doing what you're doing :)
I do hope he is okay but unless he's dead or in a jail with no phone there is absolutely no reason why he can't return your calls or texts. My guess is he doesn't want to see or talk you anymore for some reason and is too afraid to tell you.

*Nobody is too mentally ill to keep in contact with someone they care about. I know from experience.

Also, I'm sorry to hear about your cancer. My father died from that horrible disease.
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I'm a lifelong depressive. There are situations, including this, that make it hit extra hard. If he doesn't return, maybe one day the memories of our friendship & time together won't hurt so much.

I'm a lifelong depressive. There are situations, including this, that make it hit extra hard. If he doesn't return, maybe one day the memories of our friendship & time together won't hurt so much.
Listen DragonflytotheMoon

I hope I didn't come across as insensitive to your situation. Sometimes I come across that way but I don't mean to.

No worries. I've gone through various abuse throughout my life. I've dealt with a lot of harsh. This wasn't. I do appreciate you caring how I took it. I also have worked with developmentally challenged adults. So I know there's a variety of ways to communicate. I like getting different perspectives.

He had been estranged from his daughter for a few years before we met. Not sure why. He had also been homeless for a time. He might be now. Since he didn't have any definite housing options when I last heard from him. Mental/emotional struggles combined with housing instability (especially living in a car or on the street) can really make things difficult, including communication. Those two things together are sometimes why missing persons reports are filed.

No worries. I've gone through various abuse throughout my life. I've dealt with a lot of harsh. This wasn't. I do appreciate you caring how I took it. I also have worked with developmentally challenged adults. So I know there's a variety of ways to communicate. I like getting different perspectives.

He had been estranged from his daughter for a few years before we met. Not sure why. He had also been homeless for a time. He might be now. Since he didn't have any definite housing options when I last heard from him. Mental/emotional struggles combined with housing instability (especially living in a car or on the street) can really make things difficult, including communication. Those two things together are sometimes why missing persons reports are filed.
I hope everything works out for you. You seem like a strong lady.

I appreciate that. I'm tired of having to be strong. I've needed to be that way my whole life. One of the things I've learned through my inner work is to be able to ask for & accept support. Even though it can get overwhelming, I still try to do everything on my own. But, I need to let others be there for me sometimes.

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