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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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No, but now that you reminded me...

Do you keep a to-do-list?
Yes, I have lists on top of lists - heaven forbid I should lose a list! then I'd have nothing to do ! Hahaha

Do you make homemade soup?
Lol, rather the opposite.

the next person could eat a bear right now.
Actually I'm not hungry at all.

Have you weighed yourself after Christmas?
lol *choking* yes, I did just now. put on 2 kg.

Are you going out today?
Nothing compares like christmas goodies!

Already been out this morning.

Have you watched Home Alone recently?
no, but I watched the bridget jones trilogy the other day

did you slip on ice this winter?
No,wehaven't had any ice but I most probably will do when we do get some.

Did you take part in a quiz today?
not yet, but if I stumble upon one, I will

did you check your email today? not procrastinate anymore. Guess I should get started.....but I think I'll wait until next week. :p

Have you ever seen a moose?

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