Platonic Joy and Bliss

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August Campbell

My ultimate dream came true.
Jan 27, 2020
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My newly-found platonic-companion is much better than the ladies from the 2 previous relationships, simply because Sheila is platonic. Platonic so I do not consider her a girlfriend at all. Whereas in my 2 previous relationships, they were actual girlfriends. Those 2 began as platonic which I liked, but it changed too abruptly for me. In my previous relationship, she suddenly began wearing make-up and began saying some things which were too graphic for me, so it shook me up, as I did not expect that behavior from her at all. The change was so abrupt because previously she did not use any make-up and used to dress in just a tanktop and denim trousers--then all of a sudden she wears a dress and uses make-up. So it spoiled our relationship, which ended a few weeks later.
But Sheila is not that way, so I'm grateful. In a sense, you could call it a Spockian relationship, meaning a relationship that prevents any "messy" emotions. Platonic bliss.
That's great that you found a platonic relationship, we're all looking for different things. But, if you don't mind me asking, because it's really none of my business but I am curious, how did you end the previous relationship? I'm trying to imagine what the women experienced in the scenarios above. Do you enter into these relationships by telling them what you want, which is a purely platonic relationship? Did they at first agree and then change their behavior? I'm just curious how this works and how you arrange these relationships. From what I can tell, you want female companionship, but nothing beyond that. Is that accurate?
That's great that you found a platonic relationship, we're all looking for different things. But, if you don't mind me asking, because it's really none of my business but I am curious, how did you end the previous relationship? I'm trying to imagine what the women experienced in the scenarios above. Do you enter into these relationships by telling them what you want, which is a purely platonic relationship? Did they at first agree and then change their behavior? I'm just curious how this works and how you arrange these relationships. From what I can tell, you want female companionship, but nothing beyond that. Is that accurate?
At first,I felt hesitant at answering your questions. But since you asked so politely, I guess I can oblige. First of all, I did not initiate those relationships. They happened inadvertently. Here's exactly what happened. About twenty years ago, I became homeless, so I was residing at a homeless shelter. The biggest room at that shelter was the Rec-Room where the residents go to have their meals, or watch TV, or play games. None of those games interested me at all, as I have myopia for basically the Cribbage game. So one day I asked the Staff if they knew of any other resident who plays Cribbage. They said they would keep an eye open for that kind of person.

After two or three days, I was sitting in the Rec-Room when a staff-person approached me along with a lady-resident. The staff said to me that Teresa likes to play cards, so Cribbage might appeal to her. So Teresa joined me. She did not know Cribbage, so I taught me. Pretty soon we were playing the game every day.

As we were both residents at that same shelter, we saw each other every single day. Residing at the same shelter, we could not avoid each other even if we tried. lol So that meant we played Cribbage seven days a week! For me, it was euphoria because I really love Cribbage, so having a Cribbage partner seven days a week went even beyond what I could imagine.

Obviously when a man interacts with one particular Woman every single day, then emotions are bound to develop. Well, it did, but from Teresa--not me.

As you can see, how the relationship began was caused by the Staff. Because the Staff introduced Teresa to me. So it was platonic from the get-go. I was not looking for any girlfriend at all, so platonic in this case simply mean the cribbage game.

But then Teresa suddenly began wearing make-up and began making "overtures," if you know what I mean. This was not my cup of tea at all. Since I could not give her what she wanted, we began drifting apart.

So the eventual break-up was expected, therefore not heartbreaking.
Honestly, it sounds like you use women and then discard them without a care when you don't get what you want. Sounds like you are scared of having anything more than a platonic relationship. I mean, you can say whatever you want to deny that, but in the end, it's YOU that gets "distracted."
Honestly, it sounds like you use women and then discard them without a care when you don't get what you want. Sounds like you are scared of having anything more than a platonic relationship. I mean, you can say whatever you want to deny that, but in the end, it's YOU that gets "distracted."
To tell you the truth, Teresa discarded me as much as I did her. In other words, it was mutual. She realized I had no emotions, so she resigned herself to the fact that it was over. Incompatibility--simple as that. It happens to thousands of people.
But Teresa and I parted amicably--No heartbreak at all. It was a clean break.

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