Questions for the Men

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The physical presence of girls didn't seem to making much difference, but men establish pecking orders in adolescence partly to appeal to girls, yeah.
At a sociobiological level what they're securing "sexual access" to women by humiliating other men, which places themselves towards the top of the hierarchy. And sadly, it works. All the nasty bully types I knew from school are married to attractive women with families. And while not every woman (or even most) are attracted to dominant men, enough are as to incentivize it. The victims, you know what happens to them. Forever alone/incel loser types on forums like this.
You know I kinda bake treats for these 2 boys I used to watch and they do this thing, I mean they were about 12 and I was 17 when I watched em, but now they are teenage dorks, they sort of say horrible things about each other to me, and I always just say positive things back, idk, I find it kinda strange though. I felt like it was to humiliate each other in front of the old babysitter?

To be honest in the cases I was bullied I never really paid attention to what gender the people around me were. In the case of the stupid period where I was a bully I again didn't pay attention to whoever else was around, not even sure the reasons as to why I bullied, was a dumb mistake.

I also apologize for literally everything if it was my fault or not so sorry is not hard for me to say
Awh no, I cant stand bullying how crap.
You know I kinda bake treats for these 2 boys I used to watch and they do this thing, I mean they were about 12 and I was 17 when I watched em, but now they are teenage dorks, they sort of say horrible things about each other to me, and I always just say positive things back, idk, I find it kinda strange though. I felt like it was to humiliate each other in front of the old babysitter?
It's not like they're doing it consciously, as in "I'll humiliate other males to sabotage their chances and enhance my own sexual success with females" lol. But these drives are possibly behind a lot competitive and obnoxious behaviours people engage in during youth, whether it's physical bullying with boys or relational aggression with girls. How many 40 something's do you see bullying each other? It happens but it's nothing like what teens routinely do to each other.
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It's not like they're doing it consciously, as in "I'll humiliate other males to sabotage their chances and enhance my own sexual success with females" lol. But these drives are possibly behind a lot competitive and obnoxious behaviours people engage in during youth, whether it's physical bullying with boys or the relational aggression with girls. I mean how many 40 something's do you see bullying each other? It happens but it's nothing like what teens routinely do to each other.
I find this interesting, do you think it is the hormones though? Like I know men have such a hard to manage hormone testosterone in surplus... I watched a lot of transgender journeys F to M .... and they said when induced with the testosterone they felt colder, unable to cry, angry, and like they could just beat everyone up some days lol Where as the opposite way was all they wanted to do was cry and be alone until the hormones kinda regulated in their system. I wonder if that is almost like a flash forward of the teenage hormonal cycle.

I think I also read... now... don't quote me, but men have lower testosterone as they age? So maybe thats why they settle down and mellow out more? I know a guy in his 40's he is not aggressive but very judgemental of any man that I like, in hopes of persuading me to date him, so I've seen that kinda behaviour before, like not him, he's this and that and couldn't love you like I could blah blah.
My next question...

Think back fellas, to schools days, do you think boys in school try to humiliate other boys in front of the girls? Like do you think bullying gets worse if girls are present, and if yes, why do they do that? Was you ever a bully? Do you regret your passed misdeeds?

I think it happens, and I think it definitely can be a factor. It's like the others said, people bully others as a form of social dominance and hierarchical competition, in this case for popularity/status and competition for mates. They try to put someone else down, and in doing so, make themselves look stronger by comparison. On the one hand, it makes me mad almost just as a reflex. But when you think about it, it's pretty lame behavior if you ask me.

But I don't know if it necessarily makes it worse. I think that people bully because they just have the ******* personality, they think they are stronger in some area of life and therefore believe they are superior, and they'll just decide to make up a reason to pick on someone. With my own situation it wasn't about girls, it was more of the bad luck of living on the same block as a bunch of ********, and sometimes their friends as well. Come to think of it there weren't really any girls around. It was mostly about them being rich kids/3rd string jocks, and just having this smug ******* personality, and me being, well, not. It was more of a case of not fitting in.

Was I ever a bully? Not that I remember. For one, I never felt that I was stronger or superior or better than anyone in any way, so I was never really in a position to bully anyone. Also, I was taught that it was morally wrong, and I agreed with that. The idea that bullying was wrong always seemed natural. Plus, I just never had an interest, instinct, or drive to do it. I was more into my interests, and into not creating more problems than I already had just getting through the day. I figured life and schoolwork was hard enough without starting beefs with people. I didn't need that extra stress in my life.

If someone feels like I really did bully them, I would hear them out. But I just can't think of any time that I did. There were probably a few times where I was just moody or mean, or taking my problems out, or just not as friendly as I could/should have been. That I regret, sure.

Also, I regret not sticking up for myself more. I thought I wasn't strong enough to, so I didn't. And I was always worried about the consequences and not wanting to get in trouble. Lastly, I also thought I was supposed to be nice and good all the time, so I didn't know how to deal with conflict and how to deal with bad people. I wish I had lifted, and had a more aggressive attitude. I probably would have gotten into more trouble and fights, but the feeling of pride in sticking up for myself, and in sticking it to the jerks and knocking them down a few pegs, would have been worth it.

I stood up for myself physically exactly one time, but I feel like I won the fight. I knocked them down, but they didn't knock me down. I just wish I'd thought to do it more.
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I find this interesting, do you think it is the hormones though? Like I know men have such a hard to manage hormone testosterone in surplus... I watched a lot of transgender journeys F to M .... and they said when induced with the testosterone they felt colder, unable to cry, angry, and like they could just beat everyone up some days lol Where as the opposite way was all they wanted to do was cry and be alone until the hormones kinda regulated in their system. I wonder if that is almost like a flash forward of the teenage hormonal cycle.

I think I also read... now... don't quote me, but men have lower testosterone as they age? So maybe thats why they settle down and mellow out more? I know a guy in his 40's he is not aggressive but very judgemental of any man that I like, in hopes of persuading me to date him, so I've seen that kinda behaviour before, like not him, he's this and that and couldn't love you like I could blah blah.
A lot of the "it's 100% socialization!" narrative that gets yelled around in woke spaces goes out with window when F>M transgenders experience the effects of testosterone therapy first hand. Androgen levels in men and women decline with age. The ratio of testosterone to estrogen changes as well. It's why older men become sentimental and almost nurturing in middle age, since they have a higher ratio of estrogen. The opposite is true of middle aged women who can become aggressive and mannish. People become less attractive to each other, although I won't go there...

Did you see The Mummy movies from 15-20 years ago? Remember the lead actor Brendon Fraser, with his typical Hollywood square-jaw looks. Looking at him now in his 50s, he almost looks like a middle-aged lesbian. He could be Ellen Degeneres' partner. That what's happens to a lot of guys, and in all honesty it's terrifying.
I think it happens, and I think it definitely can be a factor. It's like the others said, people bully others as a form of social dominance and hierarchical competition, in this case for popularity/status and competition for mates. They try to put someone else down, and in doing so, make themselves look stronger by comparison. On the one hand, it makes me mad almost just as a reflex. But when you think about it, it's pretty lame behavior if you ask me.

But I don't know if it necessarily makes it worse. I think that people bully because they just have the ******* personality, they think they are stronger in some area of life and therefore believe they are superior, and they'll just decide to make up a reason to pick on someone. With my own situation it wasn't about girls, it was more of the bad luck of living on the same block as a bunch of ********, and sometimes their friends as well. Come to think of it there weren't really any girls around. It was mostly about them being rich kids/3rd string jocks, and just having this smug ******* personality, and me being, well, not. It was more of a case of not fitting in.

Was I ever a bully? Not that I remember. For one, I never felt that I was stronger or superior or better than anyone in any way, so I was never really in a position to bully anyone. Also, I was taught that it was morally wrong, and I agreed with that. The idea that bullying was wrong always seemed pretty basic. Plus, I just never had an interest, instinct, or drive to do it.

If someone feels like I really did bully them, I would hear them out. But I just can't think of any time that I did. There were probably a few times where I was just moody or mean, or taking my problems out, or just not as friendly as I could/should have been. That I regret, sure.

Also, I regret not sticking up for myself more. I thought I wasn't strong enough to, so I didn't. I wish I had lifted, and had a more aggressive attitude. I probably would have gotten into more trouble and fights, but the feeling of pride in sticking up for myself, and in sticking it to the jerks and knocking them down a few pegs, would have been worth it.
You know SkaFish I bullied someone by accident! Imagine that, like I was in a friendship group and they called a girl fat, she asked me and I was just like yeah.. you're deffo fat. I genuinely didn't know calling someone fat was bullying, I grew up being called fat by my dad on a daily basis, it never upset me because it was just him, he thought everyone but my mum was fat lol.

Anyway, the girl group ended up making her eat mud while I was receiving punishment in the bad student room lol I came out and saw everything, and was like omg... no... do not eat bloody mud, I just... couldn't believe they'd make someone do that, and the girl was like screaming at me, saying I was the worst one in the group, because of the fat comment. I felt awful.
You know SkaFish I bullied someone by accident! Imagine that, like I was in a friendship group and they called a girl fat, she asked me and I was just like yeah.. you're deffo fat. I genuinely didn't know calling someone fat was bullying, I grew up being called fat by my dad on a daily basis, it never upset me because it was just him, he thought everyone but my mum was fat lol.

Anyway, the girl group ended up making her eat mud while I was receiving punishment in the bad student room lol I came out and saw everything, and was like omg... no... do not eat bloody mud, I just... couldn't believe they'd make someone do that, and the girl was like screaming at me, saying I was the worst one in the group, because of the fat comment. I felt awful.

Well, at least you learned from it, and that it was an accident. I hope you were able to make up later.
A lot of the "it's 100% socialization!" narrative that gets yelled around in woke spaces goes out with window when F>M transgenders experience the effects of testosterone therapy first hand. Androgen levels in men and women decline with age. The ratio of testosterone to estrogen changes as well. It's why older men become sentimental and almost nurturing in middle age, since they have a higher ratio of estrogen. The opposite is true of middle aged women who can become aggressive and mannish. People become less attractive to each other, although I won't go there...

Did you see The Mummy movies from 15-20 years ago? Remember the lead actor Brendon Fraser, with his typical Hollywood square-jaw looks. Looking at him now in his 50s, he almost looks like a middle-aged lesbian. He could be Ellen Degeneres' partner. That what's happens to a lot of guys, and it's terrifying to me.
Omg, I didn't even know this was a current observation, was something I just noticed when watching the transition. Yeah I'm not sure that im looking forward to evolving into a man one day lol but... strangely I cant wait to wax my bloody face twice a week... gonna miss my boobs though, deffo I always go on and on about how I won't have my boobs one day, just pecks like a man lmao.

Awh you dont need hot looks when you're old and wise lol imagine if we all stayed sexy at 80?
That is a lot of words. Let's concentrate it. Not sure how gender assignments mean you take the extreme. I'm manly man, I can cry and not be uber violent. It's never so black and white. But I do chuckle, it's the whole ' I know (insert race) and I understand the struggle. That is so classism..Bullying also. Relentless torment through my early years, then, oh I grew. I bullied all those rich fucks. But, it didn't feel right. So, I settled on antagonizing the bullies. That felt right. None of this ever garnered female attention. But, I did learn one thing...never claim falsehoods that can't be checked for female attention. That...well, that is a delicious formula of insecurities that only the internet can procure.
Omg, I didn't even know this was a current observation, was something I just noticed when watching the transition. Yeah I'm not sure that im looking forward to evolving into a man one day lol but... strangely I cant wait to wax my bloody face twice a week... gonna miss my boobs though, deffo I always go on and on about how I won't have my boobs one day, just pecks like a man lmao.

Awh you dont need hot looks when you're old and wise lol imagine if we all stayed sexy at 80?
Still I'd still rather not 'transition' to this when I'm in my 50s.

The thing is, why did the girls laugh and find the guy desirable? That is the screwy part. I don't even know why guys or girls even enjoy watching other people get humiliated or bullied.

Because the guy created a comparison where he looked stronger. Also, I think some people like these comparisons because it makes them feel better about themselves and their own insecurities - "at least I'm not that person/kind of person, etc". It makes them feel like "insiders", whether they really are, or not.

It was horrible when I was a kid, there was no such thing as anti bullying clubs, and little to nothing was done at schools to stop it. The only thing that was introduced in my last few years of high school was a zero tolerance policy against fighting.

Yep. I was in elementary at the time but I remember this as well. I hated it. Even as a kid, I knew it was wrong, and just stupid because it treats all fighting as the same thing, when it isn't. There's a big difference between picking on someone, and fighting back against someone bullying you. The thing was, in addition to being bullies, these people also had a knack for twisting things and presenting themselves as the victim instead of the aggressor they really were. And if you stood up for yourself, nobody was interested in hearing your side of the story, it was just that you were fighting, and that was it. So all the zero-tolerance policy accomplished, was preventing the people getting picked on from sticking up for themselves, and in doing so, essentially protecting and condoning bullies, and allowing the bullying to continue unopposed, because you couldn't take matters into your own hands, and the teachers rarely if ever did anything about it themselves. I don't know how anyone thought that forcing people to just take it, was somehow the answer. I think it was because they didn't really care. "Zero tolerance" just means less work.

I just think it's totally wrong to force people into passively accepting being bullied, because in my experience if you don't stand up to a bully, if you don't assert yourself, if you don't talk back or fight back physically, it basically sends them the message to continue walking all over you, because it gets them to think you aren't going to do anything about it, so it's a risk-free ego boost for them. But nobody should be forced to allow a bully to pick on them until the bully gets bored, just to preserve a facade of politeness for politeness' sake. That just sweeps problems under the rug, it doesn't solve anything or help anyone. Turning the other cheek, or sticking your head in the sand and hoping it goes away, doesn't work. And forcing people to just take it, erodes their self-esteem by making them feel like weak and ineffectual is what they really are. Finally, it can give you lasting humiliation and anger from not sticking up for yourself when you should have, long after the initial incident.

The way I try to look at it is that those guys have to live with what they did...I often wonder when they see all these anti bullying movements in the news if it reminds them of their horrific behaviour back in the days. I hope they do and it makes them feel terrible.

I guarantee they don't. It's their personality, or mindset. They're pro-"survival of the fittest", pro-meritocracy of what you're born with, because they see themselves on the side of the "fittest", even if they're really not. They've believed, probably from an early age, that they're stronger/richer/better at something/whatever else than most people, and therefore it means they're superior and inherently deserving, and have the right to treat anyone who they think isn't as strong/high-status/worthy as them, any way they see fit. And they think that if anyone doesn't like it, it's just their fault for being weak/inferior, and that's it, they should accept their place in the social order, which they see as natural and right (conveniently, because it places them on top). It's likely that the way their whole lives have gone, and the people around them, have only confirmed their beliefs. They don't think about this stuff because they don't care to. That's why I have such strong feelings about it. They know right from wrong, choose wrong anyway, and don't care because in their mind they're never wrong, because they believe they're superior. They're egotists and sociopaths, so reconsidering, apologizing, or admitting fault or guilt is just not something that kind of person does.
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