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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2014
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Anyone else started on this joyous ride? If so at first did you think you were going crazy? It's so subtle and then suddenly it all freaking starts adding up, and it all makes sense. The fecking list of symptoms seems endless. The worst thing so far and I know other symptoms will get much worse, but itchy ear canals what's all that about? I know the biology behind it, but still really!

Best bit was I mentioned it to a male friend a bit ago and he told me I was to young to be going through it. Why do people do that? Just dismiss you and what your going through. If he had years of a medical degree and experience in a GP or Gynae setting I might have listened, but he has none of that.

You have my commiserations if you're going through this or menopause.
Perimenopause can start in the 30's. Some people go through it sooner, some people later. Going by an "average" is just stupid. It can happen at any time...that's true with anything. Just because something is the "norm" doesn't mean it happens that way for everyone, so yeah, your guy friend can just shut up. lol

As for me, no, not going through least not that I know of. A lot of people in my family went straight to menopause after having their uterus removed, so not really sure what is in store for me in the "family gene" sense. BUT, my mom had very few symptoms after being thrown into menopause in her 30's.
Personally, I can't wait. I don't want the symptoms, but I want menopause. I've been wanting my uterus to stop working for over a decade now. If I could give it to someone who can't have kids on their own, I totally would. I don't want it anymore.
The later you start your period, the earlier you start menopause. It sucks. The hardest part for me was my hair thinning. I had very thick hair, but now I don't. I started perimenopause in my late thirties. My only comment is you are not going crazy.
At 50 years old, I'm firmly in perimenopause. But happy to say that so far, it's not that bad. Aside from my cycle constantly changing, some gastro issues and a bit of insomnia at times, I haven't felt too bad. No horrid hot flashes, no major mood swings. I'm not finding it any worse than the usual premenstrual symptoms I've had for years.

I'll be happy when I'm finally free of it all! :)
The worst thing so far and I know other symptoms will get much worse, but itchy ear canals what's all that about?
I've had itchy ear canals most of my life. But, they have continually gotten worse. They itch so intensely that I wake up scratching them with anything I can get in there.

The skin grows fast and sheds all the time with ear wax and without it. The only relief I can get is to stick something like a cheap pen cap in there and scoup all the crap out. OMG! It feels so great to do that. But, it also hurts at the same time because I'm digging skin out. Many times my ears canals bleed. So, I also get scabs inside which itches even more. Right now blood has pool in my right ear because I couldn't stop scratching it. I get blood spots on my pillow case on a regular basis. Even my ear drum itches and I scratch that up. My ears ring all the time now too. I would love to completely rip out my ears, hearing and all.

Anti-itch creams quit doing anything years ago. The only thing that the doctors recommend is some super strong stuff they will cause all kinds of other problems. So, I will just have to deal with it until I die. Hopefully your itchy ears will eventually go away.

As for the rest of the female things I'm keeping my eyes closed and getting the hell out of here. Ha! ha!
My hair has thinned and come out in alot of areas. I have bald spots, and now I do comb-overs. (Combination of extreme depression and perimenopause)

I've been perspiring heavily for the last 5 years all year long in every season, with every little thing that I do. I have to change clothes frequently because my clothes get drenched easily and quickly. I could walk down the steps and need a change of clothes.

I just noticed the itching out of seemingly nowhere thing. I'm just realizing that it's not allergies, detergent, or bugs like I thought it was.

Sometimes the itching is due to the perspiration, most of the time it's not.

I sometimes shower and is good for about a half an hour, then I start getting the itchies again.
Unfortunately, I've had to stock up on allergy pills, and pain medicine for my aching joints.

It sucks.
Perimenopause can start in the 30's. Some people go through it sooner, some people later. Going by an "average" is just stupid. It can happen at any time...that's true with anything. Just because something is the "norm" doesn't mean it happens that way for everyone, so yeah, your guy friend can just shut up. lol

As for me, no, not going through least not that I know of. A lot of people in my family went straight to menopause after having their uterus removed, so not really sure what is in store for me in the "family gene" sense. BUT, my mom had very few symptoms after being thrown into menopause in her 30's.
Personally, I can't wait. I don't want the symptoms, but I want menopause. I've been wanting my uterus to stop working for over a decade now. If I could give it to someone who can't have kids on their own, I totally would. I don't want it anymore.
I was too young to understand about my Mums menopause. She had me at 40 so if she suffered any I didn't know and she never ever talked about it she was a different generation. I had learn about periods from school. I thought I was dying the first time and got shoved some sanitary towels in my hand and it was never discussed again. Thanks for reassurance too.
The later you start your period, the earlier you start menopause. It sucks. The hardest part for me was my hair thinning. I had very thick hair, but now I don't. I started perimenopause in my late thirties. My only comment is you are not going crazy.
I started about 11, will have to see what it brings. I have thick hair too, I hope it doesn't impact too much. Thanks for reassuring me lol.
At 50 years old, I'm firmly in perimenopause. But happy to say that so far, it's not that bad. Aside from my cycle constantly changing, some gastro issues and a bit of insomnia at times, I haven't felt too bad. No horrid hot flashes, no major mood swings. I'm not finding it any worse than the usual premenstrual symptoms I've had for years.

I'll be happy when I'm finally free of it all! :)
That's good fingers crossed it stays like that.
I've had itchy ear canals most of my life. But, they have continually gotten worse. They itch so intensely that I wake up scratching them with anything I can get in there.

The skin grows fast and sheds all the time with ear wax and without it. The only relief I can get is to stick something like a cheap pen cap in there and scoup all the crap out. OMG! It feels so great to do that. But, it also hurts at the same time because I'm digging skin out. Many times my ears canals bleed. So, I also get scabs inside which itches even more. Right now blood has pool in my right ear because I couldn't stop scratching it. I get blood spots on my pillow case on a regular basis. Even my ear drum itches and I scratch that up. My ears ring all the time now too. I would love to completely rip out my ears, hearing and all.

Anti-itch creams quit doing anything years ago. The only thing that the doctors recommend is some super strong stuff they will cause all kinds of other problems. So, I will just have to deal with it until I die. Hopefully your itchy ears will eventually go away.

As for the rest of the female things I'm keeping my eyes closed and getting the hell out of here. Ha! ha!
I got told off the Dr for scratching she could see I had been, but it really is a crazy itch and feeling. I'm lucky enough it ebbs and flows so fingers crossed it stays like that and not worse.

I'm sorry you have to put up with that I really do understand.
My hair has thinned and come out in alot of areas. I have bald spots, and now I do comb-overs. (Combination of extreme depression and perimenopause)

I've been perspiring heavily for the last 5 years all year long in every season, with every little thing that I do. I have to change clothes frequently because my clothes get drenched easily and quickly. I could walk down the steps and need a change of clothes.

I just noticed the itching out of seemingly nowhere thing. I'm just realizing that it's not allergies, detergent, or bugs like I thought it was.

Sometimes the itching is due to the perspiration, most of the time it's not.

I sometimes shower and is good for about a half an hour, then I start getting the itchies again.
Unfortunately, I've had to stock up on allergy pills, and pain medicine for my aching joints.

It sucks.
I'm sorry what you're going through. I hope it abates for you. You know I have felt more icky quicker of late, as soon as I get to work I wish I could shower again.

Big hugs.

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