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  1. gypsytrip

    Does long distance really have the potential to work?

    hi lola =) I actually posted a thread on here a little while back dealing with LDRs. but that one had to do more with jealousy and trust issues so I guess it's not what you're going through now! I've only been in one for about 3 months now, so I can't be muchhh help. I know the ache you feel...
  2. gypsytrip


    Oh my. Some intense discussions going on here! For one, I do not appreciate being lumped into the 'ignorant youth' category. We are all here speaking civilly/arguing about the way humans perceive and deal with jealousy. I fail to see where those who watch Disney channel and have sex are. I...
  3. gypsytrip


    hehe it was really just a joke. my camera's not efficient enough to take a good picture of a running man anyway :P I suppose I need to see him in person again to decide whether it's something I can get past. Getting to know him for two weeks, then being apart for three months? A weird situation...
  4. gypsytrip


    Did you go into my brain and pick my thoughts?? This is exactly my problem! I have NEVER legitimately believed a guy wanted/loved me, no matter how much they told me they did. I always think "there are SO many girls out there, why would he pick ME? He's going to realize there is someone better...
  5. gypsytrip

    Body Image (and fitness)

    Oh how right you all are :) I hate how when I put myself down, people say I don't see myself clearly. It used to make me so mad. "How does that make any sense. I have eyes and I own mirrors. I can see my flaws perfectly fine thank you very much!" :P Very rarely can I completely be myself...
  6. gypsytrip


    Mayyybe I should've clarified. He CAN'T stay with me. I'm still in school so living with my parents, they would definitely not be okay with him staying here and he knows that. BUT I still think it's very weird that he is staying with her. Especially since she only has one bedroom =/ Not to...
  7. gypsytrip

    Questions for the Men

    Oh, how wise you are :D I need a little slap in the face, I should try to enjoy this instead of overthinking everything. I haven't interrogated him quite yet but it was definitely getting there, hehe :rolleyes: And Pheenix, I definitely got a "niceguy" vibe but it's so hard to tell in two...
  8. gypsytrip

    Break-Ups... How would you cope with this?

    Well you're making this a little difficult for us, aren't ya =P Just from the little information I know, it seems like we are at an impasse. I have no idea if this happens to you, but I know I can be a bit stubborn sometimes and occasionally enjoy moping around. I will think "OH, gosh darn, my...
  9. gypsytrip


    I'm a jealous person by nature. Usually just when it comes to guys though. I can't seem to make it STOP!!! I'm in a long-distance relationship. It's been two loooooong months and whenever he talks to or mentions a girl, the beast comes out!! Whaaat? Stalk his Facebook page? I don't do that...
  10. gypsytrip

    For those of you with relationships...

    I couldn't give muchhh insight, seeing as I've only been in one relationship in my life, and it is currently a long-distance one. Of course, being me, my first ever relationship experience just HAS to be such a difficult one =P However, I am a complete romantic. And although I do feel like I am...
  11. gypsytrip

    Break-Ups... How would you cope with this?

    Hey there =) I may be completely misunderstanding the work situation you've tried to explain, and if I am please forgive me. But if you do not have a job at the moment, I see no reason why you cannot get a retail job just for now, and go to any baking related interview when you are called. I've...
  12. gypsytrip

    Morality of Cheating

    Look, I am a bit of a romantic. And although I don't know about soulmates, I do believe that certain people are more right for each other. Just because two people are in a relationship and placed in the "not-single" category, does not mean they are the right fit for one another. People date...
  13. gypsytrip

    Questions for the Men

    Hi boys! I'm a little late to this, but I have a question or two! Long distance -- when would you be willing to give it a go? Myyy personal story is that I met an Australian boy on my 2-week trip to Spain, we got close, and are now doing long distance (I live in California, mind you)...