Recent content by lusker

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. lusker

    Are you willing to "settle" for certain things in order to get married?

    We all settle for less than a perfect match because the likelihood of finding your perfect match is statistically remote. You could spend your whole life looking for her and be a sad, lonely, unfulfilled wanker until the end of your days, then find out she settled down thirty years ago and is...
  2. lusker

    How much privacy do we have?

    Absolutely agree with your intelligent response, thank you. The reason I cite the above is because it is the key: if the police had hundreds of billions of dollars, yes they could invade everyone's privacy all day, every day, and proactively monitor our behaviour before they have anything...
  3. lusker


    Crypsis is the term use by ecologists to describe the abilities which some creatures use to avoid detection or observation. For example, concealment or camouflage. What's your strategy for staying under the radar, and is it a blessing or a curse? I relied on a subterranean lifestyle as a...
  4. lusker

    Please cheer me up

    No thanks. It's a conversation point, anyway, not a criticism. Is there any reason why we (all of us) can't discuss this publicly? If it helps to balance things, I can post twenty or thirty **hugs!!!*** and lots of smiley emoticons, and maybe even do a bit of rofling? What I can't promise is...
  5. lusker

    How much privacy do we have?

    All this conspiracy theorist propaganda about the big bad New World Order coming to enslave you and steal away your precious freedoms is just a steaming load. Is anyone seriously concerned that the government is watching you? Why the fresia would they bother? Are you that interesting to them...
  6. lusker


    There is an absolute tonne of material out there contradicting you, I'm afraid. I've spent the last eleven years dealing with drug users of all types, and while the stoners are the most mellow and non-violent of the lot, they definitely develop a physiological addiction.
  7. lusker

    Please cheer me up

    I am against censorship, and to some degree think that Liam (although a dick) was making a valid point, but agree that he needed to tone down the aggression and personal insults. But was he a flamebaiting troll? I don't think so. Liam (although a dick) was as insecure and messed up as the...
  8. lusker

    Me, myself and the rest of us

    I wanted somewhere relatively private to bury my 100th post, and replying to my own first post seemed right. It has brought me full circle. Has coming to this site brought me anything positive? Knowing yourself better is a plus, and any time spent on reflection is valuable, so I guess it...
  9. lusker

    Shyness has ruined my life

    Well done Lonely In Atlanta! Incel (involuntary celibacy) is a phrase I'd never heard or read before: you made me research! So you get a point for increasing my word power, but lose a point for being melodramatic. What Perfanoff says IS necessarily true. The 'incels' are being lazy. There...
  10. lusker

    Please cheer me up

    I'll write you a limerick, because you can't be unhappy if you're reading a limerick: There was an old man from Nantucket Who ate all his food from a bucket When the bucket was empty, the old man went hungry Until in the end he said "fresia it!" ... and made himself a sandwich.
  11. lusker

    What are you doing right now?

    Drinking a James Boag's Premium Lager, relaxing in my t-shirt and boxers on the lounge after an all-day seminar, waiting for my wife to come home from work. Thinking that I might get her liquored up, and then jump her after dinner!
  12. lusker

    So I met this girl at a store...

    You're welcome. I once lusted after a girl so badly that my testicles turned blue. Finally I managed up the courage to ask her out, and after an awesome night on the drink was driving her home for much anticipated sexy-times when she farted in my car. The only princesses are the ones in fairy...
  13. lusker

    So I met this girl at a store...

    Admire her from afar with the bittersweet unrequited love that is only possible for a girl whose soggy tampon you have never fished out of your toilet bowl.
  14. lusker

    an awkward situation , What to do folks?

    fresia. Here's me thinking that stream-of-consciousness was perfected in Ulysses. That was before I read Moe.
  15. lusker

    Where do go when you feel lonely?

    I used to go to daytime oddball movies (Gerry, anyone?) but then I noticed there were always the same two or three lonely losers like me watching the same films, so that freaked me out a bit (Whatthefuck! I'm not a ******* weirdo loser like THAT guy! I'm outta here!), so I began riding the...