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  1. Fulgrim

    Where did you meet past or current partners

    - her friend asked me as she stood in the distance behind a bush (literally, I could see the top of her head lol) she ended up being really messed up (drugs, juvi, the works) - Knew her freshman year, asked her out a few years later once we started talking again, things didn't exactly work out...
  2. Fulgrim

    Nuked: The Last 10 Seconds

    ....hehehehehehehe >:D as Qui mentioned I brought up the issue of proper removal of pants, cause if honeysuckle's going down I'm rippin' em off and cackling like a madman.......ya, my friends never pick up on the first few rings so 10 seconds would be me on hold lol, I don't really feel a nuclear death...
  3. Fulgrim

    What are you thinking right now?

    im thinking I am breaking the first rule of fight club by saying how cool it is for G4 to be showing it :)
  4. Fulgrim

    What are you thinking right now?

    I think that just because I can't get every last meaning of the apostrophe correct on the quiz, doesn't mean I should be forced to take it several dozen times, the teacher has YET to show the few of us who haven't passed what we are doing wrong. And none of my friends will help me, my now ex-gf...
  5. Fulgrim

    What are you thinking right now?

    I'm thinking it has been a while since I was last here.....I'm thinking due to might be making a return trip for a while :/ at least my new computer works well. And so far everything people say about vista is wrong, my dad tinkered with it for like, a few days and I haven't...
  6. Fulgrim

    I'm getting really tired of this...

    I am not the most outgoing person, with my friends I act out but to stangers I am a cold wall. I just forced my gf of 5 months to break up with me (I loved her but she was over with the relationship, she wanted out and her personality forced her to be indecisive) I have known her for almost 6...
  7. Fulgrim

    Warhammer 40k

    hmmm, Warhammer online, age of reckoning comes out tomorrow, funny how I have the disks sitting in front of me....(since I preordered they gave it to me a day early or something like that). I dont really like the fantasy warhammer all, but a warhammer MMO is a warhammer MMO so I...
  8. Fulgrim

    What are you listening to?

    Waking the Fallen (entire album by Avenged Sevenfold, my ipod refuses to tell me the song name so I cant be specific lol)
  9. Fulgrim

    What are you thinking right now?

    Im thinking that it has been a hell of a long time since I have posted on here :/
  10. Fulgrim

    Crushes all the time?

    I had a crush on this one girl back when I was in 8th grade, I didnt see much of her the first year of our high school days but the next one we were part of a group of friends, I tried to talk to her normally but she was really....Ice queen-ish? lol. Then just recently we have been hanging out a...
  11. Fulgrim

    Would you rather..

    live worms, just down em with a cold drink and think its spagetti lol o.0 previous question was ignored >.<
  12. Fulgrim


    Ya! I always mess around with old toys when I find them, they cant hold my attention like they used to lol, but is always fun to find something from your history, it is hard beleiving so much time has passed :/
  13. Fulgrim

    Whats the worst thing someone could tell you?

    dont you fkin say that. You know for a fact I still like you, quite a bit in fact. I am not going to stand by and watch you belittle yourself. the worst thing someone could tell me is they have been lieing to me and doing things behind my back, I might be a dishonest person, but I dont lie.
  14. Fulgrim

    Would you rather..

    depends on the kind of acid, but probably boiled, my nerves would fry before I get as much pain as acid, plus that would seep into my mouth and lungs and eyes, not an enjoyable experience, feeling yourself dissolve :/ would you rather jump out of a plane without a parachute or go down with the...
  15. Fulgrim

    Motivational poster

    lol, I have dozens of em, here are a few more I just uploaded to my photobucket account:
  16. Fulgrim


  17. Fulgrim

    Warhammer 40k

    My personal favorite is the Ultramarines novels by Graham McNiel, he is a fantastic author, he can desribe a monumentous battle in a few pages without missing a detail.
  18. Fulgrim

    what did you do today?

    while projects might pay well there is no garentee you will always have work, my dad used to work for this company and make lots of money, but it was whenever the project was completed, which could range from a few weeks to a few months.....he didnt have the most stable of incomes :/ I went to...
  19. Fulgrim

    The truth game.

    whats that thing with the car...and the pool? OH YA! A Carpool! (I was brainstorming outloud >.<) what is the most expensive thing you have accidentally broken?
  20. Fulgrim

    THIS or THAT

    snow boarding. running or walking?