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Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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  1. Carljones90

    20s, 30s in England, UK?

    Hi, been here for a short while now. 22, m, Stevenage/South england
  2. Carljones90

    Amanda Todd: Young girl kills self due to cyberbullying/bullying

    It's hard to get the full story on this as a lot of people have come up saying she wasn't a nice person, hard for me to believe so I'll take it with a pinch of salt. What really annoys me is all the horrible imagery that has popped up as a result. All it does is reinforce the whole internet and...
  3. Carljones90

    A Bald Spot!? NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

    I'm 22 and my hair is ridiculously thinning at the back, I get super anxious when the hair dresser shows me the back only to see a bit of a baldish patch. Tempted to cut my hair short as I can't be bothered to grow it now.
  4. Carljones90

    How many times have you comteplated suicide.

    When I was feeling really down then pretty much every day but now not so much. It still plays on my mind occasionally but the urge isn't so great anymore or at least isn't as bad as what it used to be.
  5. Carljones90

    What made you smile today?

    Fortune cookie from my take away said "You will make a change for the better"
  6. Carljones90

    Five Million Dollars or True Love For the Rest of Your Life

    The five million please, then I can do everything and anything I want in the world with no worries
  7. Carljones90

    Five Million Dollars or a Broken Heart for The Rest of Your Life?

    The broken heart I think as you can kind of get over it and move on whereas that £5 million debt will be a constant thing which you cannot avoid.
  8. Carljones90

    What are you doing right now?

    Trying to wrap my brain around self-promotion ideas
  9. Carljones90


    Guten tag! :P
  10. Carljones90

    I did, did You?

    No and I kinda wish I did I spent all day inside today, did you?
  11. Carljones90

    Favourite sadass songs

  12. Carljones90

    What made you smile today?

    Last nights hilarious drunken antics! :D
  13. Carljones90

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  14. Carljones90

    I feel like the loneliest guy on the planet sometimes (warning post is long)

    I know exactly how you feel, I'm 22 and never had a relationship either. I'm a pretty average but fairly attractive guy and I've had girls showing interest in me and but not enough to make that commitment to something else which always sucks. I don't want to be like one of those guys like you...
  15. Carljones90

    Stupidest thing you've done in the past 24 hours.

    STILL thinking about the girl that I fell in love with who doesn't talk to me anymore...that's always a stupid thing to do!
  16. Carljones90

    People from England! (What county are you from?)

  17. Carljones90

    In one word. Post your current mood.

  18. Carljones90

    What are you eating/drinking right now?

    Mountain Dew
  19. Carljones90

    What is your weather like right now?

    It keeps going back and forth between not raining and bloody chucking it down!
  20. Carljones90

    What are you thinking right now?

    I can't even post status's on facebook about my general issues without my sister butting in to patronise me and insult me thereby making me feel even worse about myself!