Weird English and Fragmented Thoughts

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Apr 5, 2008
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After reading this letter, you will never again be able to trust Eve and you will see with crystal clarity the way that she uses her influence to destroy the lives of good, honest people. Here's how this letter works: I'll offer ideas and a theory to explain things. You bring your own experiences to bear on the matter of its jaundiced, spineless précis, supplementing them where necessary with information from this letter. Together we will call for a return to the values that made this country great. Some of the facts I'm about to present may seem shocking. This they certainly are. However, the problem with Eve is not that shes crime-stained. It's that she wants to demonize my family and friends.

Eve has long been diverting attention from her unprovoked aggression. What worries me more than that, however, is that if Eve ever manages to renege on an incredibly large number of promises, that's when the defecation will really hit the air conditioning. Even though Eve presents a public face that avoids overt insurrectionism, if it were to get her hands on the levers of power it'd immediately toy with our opinions. If you don't believe me then consider that I recently heard her tell a bunch of people that propagandism can quell the hatred and disorder in our society. I can't adequately describe my first reaction to this notion; I simply don't know how to represent uncontrollable laughter in text.

Wouldn't it be wonderful if we lived in a world without rash opportunists? When Eve first announced that she wanted to gain a respectable foothold for her prodigal, infantile hypnopompic insights, I, for one, nearly choked on my own stomach bile. Eve doesn't have any principles, or if she does, she puts them aside whenever they're inconvenient. Eve's encomiasts have been staggering around like punch-drunk fighters hit too many times—stunned, confused, betrayed, and trying desperately to rationalize Eve's beer-guzzling, infernal bait-and-switch tactics. It is not a pretty sight. I decidedly wouldn't want to make Eve's practices a key dynamic in modern obstructionism by viscerally defining "cinematographical" through the experience of hotheaded faddism. I would, on the other hand, love to get the facts out in the hope that somebody else will do something to solve the problem. But, hey, I'm already doing that with this letter. That's our situation today, in very rough outline. Of course, I've left out a thousand details and refinements and qualifications. I've not mentioned that Eve's myrmidons have a tendency to say very similar things about Eve, as if they're quoting from scripture. And I've ignored vandalism altogether. I've simply pointed out one key fact: Eve's success is just a flash in the pan.

That could cause some confusion. I should mention that i am not "The Truth", i'm just duplicating his style.
What do rapacious protestors, neurotic deviants, and BJD have in common? If you answered, "They all topple society," then pat yourself on the back. It isn't important whether you agree with every detail that I intend to present. What matters is that you begin to realize that BJD keeps telling everyone within earshot that his vaporings are our final line of defense against tyrrany.
A subject I've discussed in the past: Minty and his plan to reduce social and cultural awareness to a dictated set of guidelines to follow. The following text regards my complaints of recent days against him and his subtle but drugged-out attempts to condemn children to a life of drugs, gangs, drinking, rape, incest, verbal abuse, physical abuse, and a number of other horrors. I would like to take this opportunity to straighten out EdgeCrusher's thinking. Permit me this forum to rant. I could accept, perhaps, prophecies backed by the forces of logic and powerful reasoning. Ultimata marked with hypocrisy and contradiction, however, merit none of my respect.

I'm guessing that BJD read that on some Web site of dubious validity. More reliable sources generally indicate that his reasoning is circular and therefore invalid. In other words, he always begins an argument with his conclusion (e.g., that gnosticism provides an easy escape from a life of frustration, unhappiness, desperation, depression, and loneliness) and therefore—not surprisingly—he always arrives at that very conclusion. Lastly, as soon BJD takes us beyond the point of no return, the next thing we'll hear him say is, "Oops, made a mistake". Recent troubling developments prompt me to revisit Last summer, I attempted what I knew would be a hopeless task. I tried to convince Minty that the older he gets, the more unprofessional he becomes. As I expected, Minty was unconvinced. Is there a way to counter his addlepated sophistries? Oh yes, there is a way. It's really quite simple and can be done by any individual. It doesn't cost a thing, monetarily. It requires only time, diligence, and a desire to take stock of what we know, identify areas for further research, and provide a useful starting point for debate on Minty's nerdy philippics. In the beginning of this letter, I promised you details, but now I'm running out of space. So here's one detail to end with: Minty's trucklers back away from any negative press about Minty's jeremiads as if it were a rattlesnake encountered unexpectedly on a nature trail. The basal lie that underlies all of EdgeCrusher's homicidal, self-satisfied initiatives is that it's okay for him to indulge his every whim and lust without regard for anyone else or for society as a whole. Translation: It's okay to wage a clandestine guerilla war against many basic human rights. I doubt you need any help from me to identify the supreme idiocy of those views, but you should nevertheless be aware that EdgeCrusher's newsgroup postings are devoid of logic and filled to the brim with hate and misinformation. I will now cite the proof of that statement. The proof begins with the observation that my goal is to protect little children from contemptuous hermits like EdgeCrusher. I will not stint in my labor in this direction. When I have succeeded, the whole world will know that EdgeCrusher periodically puts up a façade of reform. However, underneath the pretty surface, it's always business as usual. In the end, EdgeCrusher's cabal (motto: "Make mountains out of molehills") is as vile as vile can be.
@_@ I never knew minus is capable of making posts longer than a sentence. You pwn Lonesome
Sanal said:
@_@ I never knew minus is capable of making posts longer than a sentence. You pwn Lonesome

That is only because i used the rant generator that is linked to my name at the bottom of the first post. Other wise it would have just said "poop".
I am writing to express my concerns about Mr. Sandal and, more specifically, his animadversions regarding antisocial carpetbaggers. Let's get down to business: Sandal is firmly convinced that the cure for evil is more evil. His belief is controverted, however, by the weight of the evidence indicating that Sandal has not increased our safety, security, or happiness by going to great lengths to conceal his true aims and mislead the public. All he's increased by doing that is the girth of his bloated ego. I want to expose false prophets who preach that the Queen of England heads up the international drug cartel. But first, let me pose an abstract question. How far do his lies extend? The answer will not satisfy those who seek simple solutions to complex problems but it boils down essentially to this: It's hard to fathom just how lecherous Sandal is. Furthermore, there is no doubt that Sandal will sully a profession that's already held in low esteem in the blink of an eye. Believe me, I would give everything I own to be wrong on that point, but the truth is that Sandal's idiotic claim that big emotions come from big words is just that, an idiotic claim.

It's not easy for me to say this, but Sandal has no trait of character that is lovely or admirable. There, I said it. Now I can continue with my previous point, which is that I am intellectually honest enough to admit my own previous ignorance in that matter. I wish only that Sandal had the same intellectual honesty. If he could have one wish, he'd wish for the ability to demand that Earth submit to the dominion of acrimonious galoots. Then, people the world over would be too terrified to acknowledge that self-deceiving libertinism has come to occupy a harebrained place in the national dialogue. We can therefore extrapolate that if anything, Sandal's assertions are rife with contradictions and difficulties; they're entirely twisted, meet no objective criteria, and are unsuited for a supposedly educated population. And as if that weren't enough, Sandal's most steadfast claim is that newspapers should report only on items he agrees with. If there were any semblance of truth in this, I would be the last to say anything against it. As it stands, however, you may make the comment, "What does this have to do with the most deceitful worrywarts I've ever seen?" Well, once you begin to see the light you'll realize that Sandal has fundamentally miscalculated how out-of-step he is with the average person's views. I've said that before and I've said it often, but perhaps I haven't been concrete enough or specific enough, so now I'll try to remedy those shortcomings. I'll try to be a lot more specific and concrete when I explain that if you look back over some of my older letters, you'll see that I predicted that Sandal would cause debauched subversion to gather momentum on college campuses. And, as I predicted, he did. But you know, that was not a difficult prediction to make. Anyone who has bothered to learn even a little about Sandal could have made the same prediction.

Leaving aside the behavior of other mephitic numskulls, my goal is to raise issues, as opposed to guns or knives. I might not be successful at achieving that goal, but I indeed do have to try. If you intend to challenge someone's assertions, you need to present a counterargument. Sandal provides none. My eventual goal for this letter is to bring Mr. Sandal to justice. I'm counting on you for your support.

lulz :p
Sanal said:
@_@ I never knew minus is capable of making posts longer than a sentence. You pwn Lonesome

That's the joy reading a post by Minus. :p He can say so much, with so few words. I can only WISH I had that kind of mad verbal skillz. :cool:
ZOMG it works. :p

My duty to you, dear reader, constrains me to the disagreeable and almost painful task of giving you a significant amount of information that you may be unwilling to accept. When writing this letter, I had originally intended to segregate the pure errors of fact in Mr. Minty Mint's comments from the assertions of questionable judgment where there could be room for dispute. I eventually decided against that approach because we must unite rich and poor, young and old. Only then can a society free of his unenlightened remarks blossom forth from the roots of the past. And only then will people come to understand that the main dissensus between me and Minty is that I suspect that Minty's repulsive adages will sound the death knell for our hopes and dreams eventually. He, on the other hand, contends that society is screaming for his litanies.

Even though Minty insists that we should derive moral guidance from his glitzy, multi-culti, hip-hop, consumption-oriented fibs, I sincerely believe that anyone with eyes and a brain can tell that my goal is to get him to realize that he has all the characteristics of a dog except loyalty. Of course, if he insists on remaining an ignorant, uninformed, and ill-informed bum, that's his prerogative. He says that he commands an army of robots that live in the hollow center of the earth and produce earthquakes whenever they feel like shaking things up a bit on the surface. Hey, Minty, how about telling us the truth for once? Now that this letter is over, I pray that my logic and passion have convinced you that Mr. Minty Mint's hallucinations about the benefits of lexiphanicism are so deep and inveterate that they can be broken, if at all, only if we give the needy a helping hand as opposed to an elbow in the face.

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