Am I Just An Ego-boost?

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Well-known member
Dec 18, 2017
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Hey, I haven't really posted much on here much before but I've been having a really hard day and this is really starting to get me down! Do you ever wonder if everyone just keeps you around to feel better about themselves? I have no job, car, really. My friends don't seem like they actually want to be around me, basically my life right now is honeysuckle. I'm basically tired of being insecure, I'd love to feel like someone ACTUALLY WANTS to talk to me. At my 21st I had maybe one or two friends show their face but I felt like they were only there because it would have been rude not too. Ugh... So...yeah, basically do you ever feel like this. Or is it just me and I've gone mad lol..
I used to feel that way all the time.  But later down the road, I realized that it was entirely my own insecurities causing the problems.  I also noticed later that the worse I felt about myself, the less some people didn't want to be around me.  When I felt better about myself, they returned in full force.  
The job can be remedied, the car can be gotten after you get a job and a girlfriend is entirely possible.  I think your problem right now is you are making yourself mad.  Do something productive, something fun, work on getting yourself a job and you'll likely start feeling better about yourself and your friends.
LifePath1 said:
Hey, I haven't really posted much on here much before but I've been having a really hard day and this is really starting to get me down! Do you ever wonder if everyone just keeps you around to feel better about themselves? I have no job, car, really. My friends don't seem like they actually want to be around me, basically my life right now is honeysuckle. I'm basically tired of being insecure, I'd love to feel like someone ACTUALLY WANTS to talk to me. At my 21st I had maybe one or two friends show their face but I felt like they were only there because it would have been rude not too. Ugh... So...yeah, basically do you ever feel like this. Or is it just me and I've gone mad lol..

Same here, but in a dfferent manner. I have a job and a car but basically people doesn't seem to be interested in me. I have been changing my attitude and personality from 2 years and thing get better, but i have a lot to work on :| My hope is that by changing myself i will attract more interesting people in my life and hope is the last thing to die :D

I will be honest : you might be right. People actually like to feel superior, it makes their lives less miserable. That is why programs with fat people have such a big audience, because people can feel good about their lives while making fun on others. Is the same feeling when at school you were the only one who didn't studied for a test, and you are secretly hoping that others haven't studied too. 

The social aspect is very difficult to deal with, but you can get a job and then a car, having a car will make you feel a lot better ( personal experience, get my car only 5 months ago)
I didn't have even have a 21st, since there were only about 2-3 people I could have invited back then.

Apparently the job market in the US is terrible, but that's the first thing that needs remedying. No way to feel better about yourself otherwise.
Why do you feel like your friends only keep you around to make themselves feel better? If you know you're insecure, then you know you might be overthinking some things.

I try to be careful of who I let into my life so that I know the people I invest my time and energy in are good for me, and genuine in their intentions. When I was younger I didn't set many boundaries and tried to be too nice. Sometimes I would have friends who only showed up if they needed favors or a listening ear to make them feel better, or who had ulterior motives.

I'm insecure sometimes about the friendships I have, but our give and take is fair so I try not to judge them.
I can see an angle to this. It's not really a false thing, many people would like you and consider you their friend, but it's a selfish act to keep you around for what you make them feel. I think it happens to me, people like to be with me but they rarely give something in return. They are not doing it on purpose and don't think is bad but I imagine that's why people like being around me but don't bother to know what I'm feeling when I'm not near them and never seem to care to know what I need.
Screw people.
They're the worst part of Humanity.
If you feel you have nothing to reproach yourself and they make you feel that way? Change friends.
There's enough negativity on planet Earth not to willfully suffer it.

I used to feel that way. I found out I had very toxic friends.
Flushed them all. I have a lot fewer now, but good people. I intend to keep it that way.
Yeah, I'm sure those old ones think I'm an *******. Fine by me. If they had looked inthe mirror long enough, they'd have been surprised by what stared back.

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