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Well-known member
Sep 3, 2011
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Sweet, sweet, U S of A.
Dear members of ALL,

I feel compelled by to write to you all. Some of you may know me and most of you do not, but never the less, I feel compelled...

The world is in an interesting predicament at the moment, whether you are aware of it or not...

You may be thinking to yourself, "why can I not find love?"
You may be thinking to yourself, "why is this happening to me?"
You may be thinking to yourself, "what am I going to do?"

You may just be tired of thinking...

There is a great change occurring, I believe...

A great change that is so subtle, you may not even have to acknowledge it for it to have an affect on you.

It's your favorite meal with out your favorite seasoning that you didn't even notice was missing.

It's your most open and vulnerable moment, gone unnoticed because you weren't notified some one else heard you and understood...

This is not a warning, although the flavor seems much the same...

This is not advice, for I have none to give, no...

This is a calling to those of you who have managed to find a very special place that is constantly at threat from those who have no idea what the meaning of life is because they are glued to the microscope, staring at it's infinite complexities...

This life is not for you to be a husband or a wife with 2.5 kids...

This life is not for you to have a mortgage and the concern for your retirement...

This life is not for you to get ahead and compete with those who desire the same as you, no...

This life is yours and yours alone...

This life of yours, this itch you can't seem to grasp...

It is a calling...

It is the lotto ticket of life hoping to be won...
It is the story that nobody knows about waiting to be heard...

It is the picture of a place nobody has seen before...

It is the portrait of a face nobody can recognize in the haze of the day to day sleepwalking of a life spent worrying about where the next dollar will come from...

It is the painting of an idea that nobody has thought of yet, or at least never escaped the gravity of it's personalities initial birth...

It is the water for a plant that sprouted in a place it didn't belong...

It is the color amongst the dull silver, black, and white...

I don't have any answers, but I have lots of questions and doubts...

For me, that is enough...

This is the time for art and sharing of ideas...

If you feel alone...

If you feel unloved...

If you are on a sinking ship with no life raft...

That is okay...

For it's never too late...

This is art, but is not, for it is real...

I call on you to find the beauty in your predicament, whatever it may be...

I call on you to sacrifice the desires ingrained in your psyche by a culture that is still trapped into thinking it will not survive, unless...

We are here, we are here to stay, and there is more than enough to replace us when we are gone...

This is not the time to worry about the job, the love life, the insecurities, the failures, the past, and the sortcomings...

This is the time to find yourself...

This is the time to find art, in any of of it's infinite forms.
To find the self, or get lost if that's what it takes...

There are many tools in life, that have their purposes, but with art, that is all transcended... The hammer is not for hammering nails with art. The glass is not half empty or half full with art...

There is no cost and there is nothing to gain, with the right mindset...

So take what you have, and make what you can, and send it out into cyber space or into the garbage...

This is a message to ALL...

This is not an opinion, this is not a happy birthday, this is not a welcome message to a new comer, this is not an argument...

This is just a message to those who have taken the time to read it.

It's a heads up, to get with it, to get lost, and to find yourself. Even if that means losing yourself in the process...

I guess what it comes down to is, what have you got to lose? In the end you may be too tired, this may seem trite, and you may be completely indifferent or even annoyed...

But that is okay too... Such things are the fodder for the seeds of art waiting to sprout.

Life is art, and art is everything, in a world that has no other reason to exist, but to fulfill a purpose, a desire...

If nothing else, if absolutely nothing else at all, this is simply a bidding of good fortune to you, if you are still reading. That you may find what you are seeking, that you may gain what you are striving for. That you may enjoy your successes, and good fortunes. That you may accept, let go of, forget, and or over come your failures...

Good luck to you fellow surfer of the waves of the digital revolution. You've made it this far, perhaps you can go a little further. And if not, that is okay too...

That is all right...

Good luck.
Good fortune.
Good thoughts.
And the wisdom to navigate that which is none of these...
I love your annoucement. I love art and music.
I love the unlimited possibilities. I love creations.

What can I say...I painted the sky green N purple. :)

I love to love....
Lonesome Crow said:
I love your annoucement. I love art and music.
I love the unlimited possibilities. I love creations.

What can I say...I painted the sky green N purple. :)

... "The sky is suddenly green"

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