anyone plays cyber games?

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like those online mmorpg things
when i could still play i wasnt so lonely
if my friends were not on, at least my enemies were always there waiting for me xD
i remember leading my guild killing the other clan... -_- but yea that was all long time ago...

mhmm no life, but was fun.=p
I used to be a pretty big fan of MMORPG's before, but now I tend to stay away from them. I played Worlf of Warcraft since the release. It's tons of fun, but it really sucks the life away from you. It becomes your second life, and still it's no life, like you said. When I cancelled my account after two years it was just like waking up, and I asked myself "Okay, what am I going to do now?"

It's true what they say, about MMORPG's being a drug
I used to play World of Warcraft since release till about this past june. I generally regret ever discovering it to be honest. Sure I made lots of online firends there but the year of failed schooling (I played a lot) was not worth it. I got sucked in way too easily and way too quickly.

Now I only play Warcraft 3 and Counterstrike Source whenever my time permits it. School first nowadays.

The weird thing about Wow though for me was how easy it was to quit. It was almost over night, I just suddenly lost all interest in it. Now I can't even stomach playing it at all (which is a good thing i guess).
Yeah, I was into MMORPGs a while ago, but I had trouble fitting in even there (I come across as arrogant very eaily) and I still went out a fair bit so I ended up dropping it in favour of the outside world.

I'm too scared to go back to them, I don't want to end up like that guy from welcome to the NHK.:D
AngryLoner said:
The weird thing about Wow though for me was how easy it was to quit. It was almost over night, I just suddenly lost all interest in it. Now I can't even stomach playing it at all (which is a good thing i guess).

Hehe, I wish I had such an easy time quitting. I quit two times, and then one more time after the expansion ^^

This time I'm gone for good though. I mean it!!! ><

**** you WoW. You shall never posess my soul again!
same here. did - left - wont go back... 2 addictive
didnt even learn the 1st time. went back after i left. now just never again
Perfect World MMO is the best alternative to WoW and its free! In addition to this the graphics are superior to WoW, it simply owns. I used to play it but I messed up my passwords in a locked safe and now I need to make a new account. I will probably get back to it one day. It's simply way better then wow and completely free. Check it out, the pvp part of the game is only available at high levels though.

The game is updated a lot to with small editions throughout the year in terms of clothing, items and other small gameplay features etc..I think they also release a new expansion (free) every year to. There is one coming out this winter and I remember one came out last year.

Perfect World MMO

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