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user 161308

New member
Sep 12, 2019
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Hi everyone,

I just rewatched "Her" yesterday and I thought it would be awesome to have someone for meaningful conversations about everyday life on a regular basis. Since technology hasn’t caught up (yet) to the level of AI presented in this movie, I’d be interested in a pen pal. (If you haven’t seen the movie, I highly recommend it. It’s about a lonely guy who bonds with his new operating system.)

So if anyone is interested to (re-)experience how it would be to have someone to talk about the big and small stuff of our daily ups and downs and to encourage and motivate each other in our endeavors feel free to contact me.

Here are some basic info about me since I don’t want to double post this on the other thread:
  • I’m a single 28 years old male.
  • I come from and live in Germany.
  • I teach children (between 11 and 18 years of age) in physics and ethics/philosophy.
  • I practice ballroom dancing (standard and latin) on a regular basis and hope to start competing again pretty soon.
  • My current goal is self-improvement focusing on calisthenics, cooking (vegan/vegetarian) more often and my social life.

Though I’m not looking for a relationship, in the spirit of the experience I’d like to create, I would prefer to have a female pen pal. Don’t worry, most likely we’re never gonna meet, since there don’t seem be many German fellows on this forum. I’ll be quite open, but I won’t ask about any personal information unless you would like to share them. I’d prefer to limit our communication to texting (at least in the beginning) because I don’t feel as comfortable on the phone plus my English is better when I have more time to think (or at least I hope so :-D).
If I have sparked your interest or you have any questions just write me a PM about your thoughts on this little experiment/adventure and a few general info as well if you’d like.
Love and best wishes to everyone out there from the the DancingUniverse.  ;)
Hey. 🌸
I haven’t seen you around here before. Welcome! 🌸
Teaching ethics and philosophy. That sounds pretty cool. What’s it like?
Hope you have a nice day. 🌸
Yes, I just stumbled across this website yesterday evening. Thanks for the warm welcome.  :)
I think learning ethics and philosophy is both the most important subject of all and at the same time I don’t think there should be a subject called ethics or philosophy in our schools.  :D
I became a teacher because I don’t think we are living up to our potential as a species and that the best way to make the world a better place is through education. Teaching ethics and philosophy seems to me to be an integral part in that and I love the variety of subjects that comes along with it: whether it’s reflecting on what one’s looking for in a friendship with 5th graders, chances and risks of genome editing with 8th graders or how we spend our time and what it means to be mortal with 9th graders up to what we can possibly know and what principals our society is based upon with 11th and 12th graders.
However, I think it would be best to fully include those debates within all the other school subjects instead of teaching about it separately. That’s why I always try to include much of the other sciences into my classes. I guess my other background in physics and my curious nature help me with that.

So far it’s been a good day and I hope you’re having a great one  ;)
It’s an important subject for sure. I don’t think I’d have the patience for it to be honest. I am patient in many ways but not like that. 😁
I’m having a pretty decent one! 🌸 Just been out on a run with my dog. Started to rain like crazy but I don’t mind. I love rain. ☔️ 
Why are you here on ALL?
Patience certainly is essential in my work and I’m glad I probably have enough for the both of us. But there are situations where a little impatience can be valuable as well.
We have a bright blue sky today so I might go for a long walk myself later but unfortunately not with a dog. I’m not sure though if I would choose my job again or work for example at a dog shelter and in dog rehabilitation. My ex-girlfriend had two dogs and one of them had some anxiety issues. I learned a lot about dogs back than I worked a lot with her. By the end of our relationship we had bonded really well, and she was much more confident. I think I miss our dog way more than my ex. I’ll post a comic about why we love dogs in case you don’t already know it.
Although I meet with people on a regular basis it’s difficult for me to form lasting and deeper relationships with them since I’m quite introverted. If I don’t work or dance, I’m always alone and mostly miss just feeling that someone else is there. That’s why I thought how nice it would be to have someone to chat with on a regular basis after watching "Her" just for sharing some thoughts and everyday experiences again.

Here is the comic:
lol That comic is so funny!

I love how you want to cook more vegetarian/vegan! :shy:

Rehabilitation of animals are such an amazingly rewarding job! ❤️ I love learning about animal behavior and rehabilitation, especially regarding cats and dogs. That would be my nr 1 job. ❤️ 
You just got some more creds 😋
Hey DU! That's a very cool and cute comic! I had to stop by and read that comic, cos I had my first encounter with a dog this past week and I fell in love with him. Usually I'm only coming across cats or bunnies for some reason never dogs in person but now I really want a dog for myself.

Oh and welcome to the forum. :) I've also watched Her and find it very interesting, but also sad at the same time.
Diagnosed said:
May I Ask What you like in a Chihuahua?

It's approach?
It's color?

I didn't actually, I never really thought chihuahuas as my favourite breed of dog but with this experience, I learned that looks really don't matter cos his personality was what hooked me. :)

It was just the way he reacts to my rubs and how close he got to me and how he wanted to climb on my lap each time he came to me. It was just too sweet and adorable I was sold, lol.
Oh! Maybe he was a real Mexicana Chihuahua who saw the type of ppl He likes...

I'm glad he knows the robes. 😉
Hello! 'Her' was a really good movie! Felt really bad for Jaoquin at the end though.

It's so cool that you get to teach ethics and philosophy, we don't have these subjects at school level where I am from, but I wish we did. I teach English and I have homeroom as well, but as much as I love my kids, I find they don't like thinking or talking about deeper things. They want to be left alone with their iPads. 🙄 How old are your students, and do they enjoy ethics and philosophy?

I have been a vegan for almost 8 years but I am so horrible at actually cooking decent dishes! What's your favourite vegan dish?

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