Blue screen of death

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Rigel said:
If you're downloading torrents, you should definitely have some sort of antivirus installed. i ignored av software becouse it slowed down my underpowered pc and got the worst virus ever. oh and checking the HDD for bad clusters is another thing to consider, but i think there are better programs than checkdisk for that (had a similar issue and chkdsk failed me so i used something called Everest i believe. long time ago, but i think that was the name)

Yeah! I have Zone Alarm which also has malaware detection and a firewall!! so much win :p

Rayri said:
Maybe you could try safe-mode and restore everything back to a previous time.

I'm quite sure I'll do that eventually but for now it's working fine so I'm not doing it.

Phaedron said:
Vista got rid of the starfield simulation screensaver, which I hate Micorsoft and Bill Gates forever for doing

Wait a sec man, that's a classic! :rolleyes:
Glad I quit using Microsoft & Windows. Running solely Linux now. No viruses, no Blue Screen of Death. Never have to "clean disk & defrag". Better yet, Linux is free.
PS. Not trying to convert anyone over to Linux. Just saying that it works for me.
Most Windows users should stick with Windows. Same holds true for Mac users.
gnome3 said:
Glad I quit using Microsoft & Windows. Running solely Linux now. No viruses, no Blue Screen of Death. Never have to "clean disk & defrag". Better yet, Linux is free.
PS. Not trying to convert anyone over to Linux. Just saying that it works for me.
Most Windows users should stick with Windows. Same holds true for Mac users.

Ubuntu was pretty good but started trying to auto defrag before logging in after a month or so for me, might have been windows software on the dual boot tho
dannyr22 said:
Ubuntu was pretty good but started trying to auto defrag before logging in after a month or so for me, might have been windows software on the dual boot tho

There is no "auto defrag" in Linux. There is no defrag in Linux. Linux Mint is most popular of the many distributions at the present, followed by Ubuntu. I've been running Ubuntu 10.04 (Lucid) on my lap top for a few years. Recently, I built a custom desktop for which I've been running Oz Unity 2 (Onyx64).
For a semi-complete list of Linux distros, and news on various Linux distros, you can check out
Don't forget to bang out CHKDSK & CHKDSK /F in the Command Prompt. That thing has saved my computer 4 times now x]
Welcome to Windows. We're glad you made the right chose at helping Bill Gates recieve more money and for the Microsoft Foundation.

XP is the best OS Windows ever made, unfortunately, it's aging and pretty much obsolete, but there is still updates for it.

Vista, same mistake as Windows 95. Windows 7, is a better version of Vista, but still sucks, becuase it's confusing and not as simple as Windows XP. I've used it for 4 months, still had trouble finding my way around the menu. I got Ubuntu, learned it quicker then any OS I used before. I love Ubuntu, very simple, all the apps for in one spot, had a menu at the top "Applications | Places | System" You knew where to find everything.

The new interface in Ubunt called Gnome, which is good, just dosen't have the menu. It's completely different but still easy and simply to use. You just gotta get used to having no taskbar at the bottom to switch between Windows. I can press the Super Key (Windows Key) and press W at the same time, and it displays a live view of all my open windows, which is neat.

If I had to use Windows, I would go with XP. Except, if you buy a new computer, and it's almost really hard to huntdown the correct drivers and install them (what a pain that was). Over the past three years, prior installing Ubuntu (2008-January 2011), I've owned 3 laptops (1 per year). The last laptop, couldn't run Windows XP, it would freeze every 20 minutes or so, becuase it didn't like the hardware.

Ubuntu, the drivers are installed immediately, becuase the drivers included in the install/CD. So, unless you bought a laptop that iswas only made a couple months ago. I there is no problem with the drivers. A perfect Operating System, well almost. No system is perfect, but Ubuntu is the best one I ever used.

Felix said:
Now I'm just getting BSOD when I use torrents from certain sites.

I think that removing some gigabytes and a defrag helped... not sure how... I aslo used some honeysuckle program to remove the register errors (registry cleaner).

This is really weird.

I recoomend these applications for Windows.

Ccleaner (cleans up registry and old/obsolete files and packages and cache as well as your browser, email etc)

Avast Anti-Virus. It's the best, it's what I rely on. Others, such as AVG, some other ones I can't remember (I don't work on WIndows computers often) are slow.

And get JK Defrag 3.6

Before running the defrag, go into your start menu and type in compress -u -i It will uncompress any data so it can be defragged. Compressed files can't be defragged.

DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL is usually driver related as hit on by Reflection.

But it may be a bad pagefile, you could try deleting it and restarting or if you have more than 2gb of memory, run without one and see if that makes any difference.

Otherwise it's almost certainly drivers, revert back to the previous driver for your NIC you recently updated, sometimes it can be a bit tricky since Windows will keep wanting to install the updated ones you put in.

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